Docs: PE 2.7 » Console » Live Management

Live Management

What is Live Management?

NOTE: To use live management, you must be logged in as a read-write or admin level user. Read-only users cannot access the live management page and will not see the associated UI elements.

Live management is a part of the console that provides tools for inspecting and editing your nodes in real time. It is powered by MCollective.

Since the live management page queries information directly from your nodes rather than using the console’s cached reports, it responds more slowly than other parts of the console.

windows-only NOTE: Live management and MCollective are not yet supported on Windows nodes.

Show Me!

Puppet Labs’ own Randall Hansen demonstrates the power of live management:


The live management page is split into three tabs, one for each of its tools.

The live management tabs

  • The manage resources tab lets you browse the resources on your nodes and clone any of them across your infrastructure.
  • The control Puppet tab lets you tell any node to immediately pull and apply its configuration. You can also temporarily disable puppet agent on some of your nodes to control the rollout speed of new configurations.
  • The advanced tasks tab is a direct interface to the MCollective agents on your systems, and will auto-generate a GUI for any new agents you install.

Subsequent chapters of this section cover the use of each tab.

The Node List

Every task in live management inspects or modifies a selection of nodes. Use the node list in the live management sidebar to choose the nodes for your next action. (This list will only contain nodes that have completed at least one Puppet run, which may take up to 30 minutes after you’ve signed its certificate.)

The node list

Nodes are listed by their hostnames in the live management pages. A node’s hostname may match the name Puppet knows it by, but this isn’t always the case, especially in cloud environments like EC2.

As long as you stay within the live management page, your selection and filtering in the node list will persist across all three tabs. The node list gets reset once you navigate to a different area of the console.

Selecting Nodes

Clicking a node selects it or deselects it. Use the “select all” and “select none” controls to select and deselect all nodes that match the current filter.

Only nodes that match the current filter can be selected. You don’t have to worry about acidentally modifying “invisibly” selected nodes.

Filtering by Name

Use the “node filter” field to filter your nodes by hostname. This type of filtering is most useful for small numbers of nodes, or for situations where your hostnames have been assigned according to some logical plan.

Nodes being filtered by name

You can use the following wildcards in the node filter field:

  • ? matches one character
  • * matches many (or zero) characters

Use the “filter” button or the enter key to confirm your search, then wait for the node list to be updated.

You can also filter by Puppet class or by the value of any fact on your nodes. Click the “advanced search” link to reveal these fields.

The advanced search fields, filtering by the operatingsystem fact

You can select from some of the more useful fact names with the “common fact names” popover:

The common fact names popover

The inventory data in the console’s node views is another good source of facts to search with.

Filtering by Puppet class can be the most powerful filtering tool on this page, but it requires you to have already sorted your nodes by assigning distinctive classes to them. See the chapter on grouping and classifying nodes for more details.

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