All of these modules are contained within the top-level PyQt5
Enginio |
Classes for accessing Qt Cloud Services. (Deprecated) |
QAxContainer |
Classes for accessing ActiveX controls and COM objects. |
Qt |
A consolidation of other modules. |
Qt3DCore |
The core classes to support near-realtime simulation systems. |
Qt3DExtras |
Pre-built elements for use with Qt3D. |
Qt3DInput |
Classes to handle user input when using Qt3D. |
Qt3DLogic |
Classes that enable frame synchronization. |
Qt3DRender |
Classes that enable 2D and 3D rendering. |
QtBluetooth |
Classes to support connectivity between Bluetooth enabled devices. |
QtChart |
Classes to support the creation of 2D charts. |
QtCore |
The core Qt classes. |
QtDBus |
Classes to support IPC using the D-Bus protocol. |
QtDataVisualization |
Classes to support the visualization of data in 3D. |
QtDesigner |
Classes to allow Qt Designer to be extended using Python. |
QtGui |
The core classes common to widget and OpenGL GUIs. |
QtHelp |
Classes for creating and viewing searchable documentation. |
QtLocation |
Classes for creating mapping applications. |
QtMacExtras |
Additional classes specific to macOS and iOS. |
QtMultimedia |
Classes for multimedia content, cameras and radios. |
QtMultimediaWidgets |
Provides additional multimedia related widgets and controls. |
QtNetwork |
The core network classes. |
QtNfc |
Classes to support connectivity between NFC enabled devices. |
QtOpenGL |
Classes for rendering OpenGL in traditional widgets. (Deprecated) |
QtPositioning |
Classes for obtaining positioning information from satellite, wifi etc. |
QtPrintSupport |
Classes to make printing easier and more portable. |
QtPurchasing |
Classes to support in-app purchasing from app stores. |
QtQml |
Classes for integrating with the QML language. |
QtQuick |
Classes for extending QML applications with Python code. |
QtQuickWidgets |
Classes for rendering a QML scene in traditional widgets. |
QtSensors |
Classes for accessing a system's hardware sensors. |
QtSerialPort |
Classes for accessing a system's serial ports. |
QtSql |
Classes for integrating with SQL databases. |
QtSvg |
Classes providing support for SVG. |
QtTest |
Support for unit testing of GUI applications. |
QtWebChannel |
Classes for peer-to-peer communication between Python and HTML/JavaScript. |
QtWebEngine |
Classes for integrating QML Web Engine objects with Python. |
QtWebEngineCore |
The core Web Engine classes. |
QtWebEngineWidgets |
A Chromium based web browser. |
QtWebKit |
A WebKit2 based web browser. (Deprecated) |
QtWebKitWidgets |
A WebKit1 based web browser. (Deprecated) |
QtWebSockets |
Classes that implement the WebSocket protocol. |
QtWidgets |
Classes for creating classic desktop-style UIs. |
QtWinExtras |
Additional classes specific to Windows. |
QtX11Extras |
Additional classes specific to X11. |
QtXml |
Classes for supporting SAX and DOM interfaces to XML. |
QtXmlPatterns |
Classes that support additional XML technologies. |
uic |
Classes for handling the files created by Qt Designer. |