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QtDBus module

The QtDBus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to make Inter-Process Communication using the D-BUS protocol. More...


QDBusMiscellaneous identifiers used throughout the QtDBus library


QDBusAbstractAdaptorThe base class of D-Bus adaptor classes
QDBusAbstractInterfaceThe base class for all D-Bus interfaces in the QtDBus binding, allowing access to remote interfaces
QDBusArgumentUsed to marshall and demarshall D-BUS arguments
QDBusConnectionRepresents a connection to the D-Bus bus daemon
QDBusConnectionInterfaceAccess to the D-Bus bus daemon service
QDBusErrorRepresents an error received from the D-Bus bus or from remote applications found in the bus
QDBusInterfaceProxy for interfaces on remote objects
QDBusMessageRepresents one message sent or received over the D-Bus bus
QDBusObjectPathEnables the programmer to identify the
QDBusReplyStores the reply for a method call to a remote object
QDBusServerPeer-to-peer communication between processes on the same computer
QDBusSignatureEnables the programmer to identify the
QDBusVariantEnables the programmer to identify the variant type provided by the D-BUS typesystem

Detailed Description

The QtDBus module is a Unix-only library that you can use to make Inter-Process Communication using the D-BUS protocol.

Applications using the QtDBus module can provide services to other, remote applications by exporting objects, as well as use services exported by those applications by placing calls and accessing properties.

The QtDBus module provides an interface that extends the Qt Signals and Slots mechanism, allowing one to connect to a signal emitted remotely as well as to connect a local signal to remote slot.

To use this module, use the following code in your application:

 #include <QtDBus>

If you're using qmake to build your application, you can add this line to your .pro file to make it link against the QtDBus libraries:

 CONFIG += qdbus

See the Introduction to D-BUS page for detailed information on how to use this module.

This module is part of all Qt editions.

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Qt 4.2.3