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QTestEventList Class Reference
[QtTest module]

The QTestEventList class provides a list of GUI events. More...

 #include <QTestEventList>

Inherits QList<QTestEvent *>.

Public Functions

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QTestEventList class provides a list of GUI events.

QTestEventList inherits from QList<QTestEvent *>, and provides convenience functions for populating the list.

A QTestEventList can be populated with GUI events that can be stored as test data for later usage, or be replayed on any QWidget.


 QTestEventList events;

 QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit(myParent);

The example above simulates the user entering the character a followed by a backspace, waiting for 200 milliseconds and repeating it.

Member Function Documentation

QTestEventList::QTestEventList ()

Constructs an empty QTestEventList.

QTestEventList::QTestEventList ( const QTestEventList & other )

Constructs a new QTestEventList as a copy of other.

QTestEventList::~QTestEventList ()

Empties the list and destroys all stored events.

void QTestEventList::addDelay ( int msecs )

Adds a msecs milliseconds delay.

See also QTest::qWait().

void QTestEventList::addKeyClick ( Qt::Key qtKey, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )

Adds a new key click to the list. The event will simulate the key qtKey with the modifier modifiers and then wait for msecs milliseconds.

See also QTest::keyClick().

void QTestEventList::addKeyClick ( char ascii, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Adds a new key click to the list. The event will simulate the key ascii with the modifier modifiers and then wait for msecs milliseconds.

See also QTest::keyClick().

void QTestEventList::addKeyClicks ( const QString & keys, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )

Adds new keyboard entries to the list. The event will press the keys with the modifiers and wait msecs milliseconds between each key.

See also QTest::keyClicks().

void QTestEventList::addKeyPress ( Qt::Key qtKey, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )

Adds a new key press to the list. The event will press the key qtKey with the modifier modifiers and then wait for msecs milliseconds.

See also QTest::keyPress().

void QTestEventList::addKeyPress ( char ascii, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Adds a new key press to the list. The event will press the key ascii with the modifier modifiers and then wait for msecs milliseconds.

See also QTest::keyPress().

void QTestEventList::addKeyRelease ( Qt::Key qtKey, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )

Adds a new key release to the list. The event will release the key qtKey with the modifier modifiers and then wait for msecs milliseconds.

See also QTest::keyRelease().

void QTestEventList::addKeyRelease ( char ascii, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = Qt::NoModifier, int msecs = -1 )

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.

Adds a new key release to the list. The event will release the key ascii with the modifier modifiers and then wait for msecs milliseconds.

See also QTest::keyRelease().

void QTestEventList::addMouseClick ( Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint(), int delay = -1 )

Add a mouse click to the list. The event will click the button with optional modifiers at the position pos with an optional delay. The default position is the center of the widget.

See also QTest::mouseClick().

void QTestEventList::addMouseDClick ( Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint(), int delay = -1 )

Add a double mouse click to the list. The event will double click the button with optional modifiers at the position pos with an optional delay. The default position is the center of the widget.

See also QTest::mousePress().

void QTestEventList::addMouseMove ( QPoint pos = QPoint(), int delay = -1 )

Adds a mouse move to the list. The event will move the mouse to the position pos. If a delay (in milliseconds) is set, the test will wait after moving the mouse. The default position is the center of the widget.

See also QTest::mousePress().

void QTestEventList::addMousePress ( Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint(), int delay = -1 )

Add a mouse press to the list. The event will press the button with optional modifiers at the position pos with an optional delay. The default position is the center of the widget.

See also QTest::mousePress().

void QTestEventList::addMouseRelease ( Qt::MouseButton button, Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers = 0, QPoint pos = QPoint(), int delay = -1 )

Add a mouse release to the list. The event will release the button with optional modifiers at the position pos with an optional delay. The default position is the center of the widget.

See also QTest::mouseRelease().

void QTestEventList::clear ()

Removes all events from the list.

void QTestEventList::simulate ( QWidget * w )

Simulates the events from the list one by one on the widget w. For an example, please read the QTestEventList class documentation.

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Qt 4.2.3