Qt Reference Documentation

QML VisualDataModel Element

The VisualDataModel encapsulates a model and delegate More...

  • List of all members, including inherited members
  • Properties


    Detailed Description

    A VisualDataModel encapsulates a model and the delegate that will be instantiated for items in the model.

    It is usually not necessary to create VisualDataModel elements. However, it can be useful for manipulating and accessing the modelIndex when a QAbstractItemModel subclass is used as the model. Also, VisualDataModel is used together with Package to provide delegates to multiple views.

    The example below illustrates using a VisualDataModel with a ListView.

     import Qt 4.7
     Rectangle {
         width: 200; height: 100
         VisualDataModel {
             id: visualModel
             model: ListModel {
                 ListElement { name: "Apple" }
                 ListElement { name: "Orange" }
             delegate: Rectangle {
                 height: 25
                 width: 100
                 Text { text: "Name: " + name}
         ListView {
             anchors.fill: parent
             model: visualModel

    Property Documentation

    delegate : Component

    The delegate provides a template defining each item instantiated by a view. The index is exposed as an accessible index property. Properties of the model are also available depending upon the type of Data Model.

    model : model

    This property holds the model providing data for the VisualDataModel.

    The model provides a set of data that is used to create the items for a view. For large or dynamic datasets the model is usually provided by a C++ model object. The C++ model object must be a QAbstractItemModel subclass or a simple list.

    Models can also be created directly in QML, using a ListModel or XmlListModel.

    See also Data Models.

    read-onlyparts : object

    The parts property selects a VisualDataModel which creates delegates from the part named. This is used in conjunction with the Package element.

    For example, the code below selects a model which creates delegates named list from a Package:

     VisualDataModel {
         id: visualModel
         delegate: Package {
             Item { Package.name: "list" }
         model: myModel
     ListView {
         width: 200; height:200
         model: visualModel.parts.list

    See also Package.

    rootIndex : QModelIndex

    QAbstractItemModel provides a hierarchical tree of data, whereas QML only operates on list data. rootIndex allows the children of any node in a QAbstractItemModel to be provided by this model.

    This property only affects models of type QAbstractItemModel.

    For example, here is a simple interactive file system browser. When a directory name is clicked, the view's rootIndex is set to the QModelIndex node of the clicked directory, thus updating the view to show the new directory's contents.


     int main(int argc, char ** argv)
         QApplication app(argc, argv);
         QDeclarativeView view;
         QDirModel model;
         view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("dirModel", &model);
         return app.exec();


     import Qt 4.7
     ListView {
         id: view
         width: 300
         height: 400
         model: VisualDataModel {
             model: dirModel
             delegate: Rectangle {
                 width: 200; height: 25
                 Text { text: filePath }
                 MouseArea {
                     anchors.fill: parent
                     onClicked: {
                         if (model.hasModelChildren)
                             view.model.rootIndex = view.model.modelIndex(index)

    If the model is a QAbstractItemModel subclass, the delegate can also reference a hasModelChildren property (optionally qualified by a model. prefix) that indicates whether the delegate's model item has any child nodes.

    See also modelIndex() and parentModelIndex().

    Method Documentation

    QModelIndex VisualDataModel::modelIndex ( int index )

    QAbstractItemModel provides a hierarchical tree of data, whereas QML only operates on list data. This function assists in using tree models in QML.

    Returns a QModelIndex for the specified index. This value can be assigned to rootIndex.

    See also rootIndex.

    QModelIndex VisualDataModel::parentModelIndex ()

    QAbstractItemModel provides a hierarchical tree of data, whereas QML only operates on list data. This function assists in using tree models in QML.

    Returns a QModelIndex for the parent of the current rootIndex. This value can be assigned to rootIndex.

    See also rootIndex.


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