QwtPlotZoomer Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for QwtPlotZoomer:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for QwtPlotZoomer:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

QwtPlotZoomer provides stacked zooming for a plot widget.

QwtPlotZoomer offers rubberband selections on the plot canvas, translating the selected rectangles into plot coordinates and adjusting the axes to them. Zooming can repeated as often as possible, limited only by maxStackDepth() or minZoomSize(). Each rectangle is pushed on a stack.

Zoom rectangles can be selected depending on selectionFlags() using the mouse or keyboard (QwtEventPattern, QwtPickerMachine). QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect3/QwtEventPatternKeyUndo, or QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect6/QwtEventPatternKeyRedo walk up and down the zoom stack. QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect2 or QwtEventPattern::KeyHome unzoom to the initial size.

QwtPlotZoomer is tailored for plots with one x and y axis, but it is allowed to attach a second QwtPlotZoomer for the other axes.

The realtime example includes an derived zoomer class that adds scrollbars to the plot canvas.

Definition at line 49 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.h.

Public Slots

void moveBy (double x, double y)
virtual void move (double x, double y)
virtual void zoom (const QwtDoubleRect &)
virtual void zoom (int up)


void zoomed (const QwtDoubleRect &rect)

Public Member Functions

 QwtPlotZoomer (QwtPlotCanvas *, bool doReplot=true)
 QwtPlotZoomer (int xAxis, int yAxis, QwtPlotCanvas *, bool doReplot=true)
 QwtPlotZoomer (int xAxis, int yAxis, int selectionFlags, DisplayMode trackerMode, QwtPlotCanvas *, bool doReplot=true)
virtual ~QwtPlotZoomer ()
virtual void setZoomBase ()
virtual void setZoomBase (const QwtDoubleRect &)
QwtDoubleRect zoomBase () const
QwtDoubleRect zoomRect () const
virtual void setAxis (int xAxis, int yAxis)
void setMaxStackDepth (int)
int maxStackDepth () const
const QStack< QwtDoubleRect > & zoomStack () const
uint zoomRectIndex () const
virtual void setSelectionFlags (int)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void rescale ()
virtual QwtDoubleSize minZoomSize () const
virtual void widgetMouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *)
virtual void widgetKeyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *)
virtual void begin ()
virtual bool end (bool ok=true)
virtual bool accept (QwtPolygon &) const

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QwtPlotZoomer::QwtPlotZoomer QwtPlotCanvas canvas,
bool  doReplot = true

Create a zoomer for a plot canvas.

The zoomer is set to those x- and y-axis of the parent plot of the canvas that are enabled. If both or no x-axis are enabled, the picker is set to QwtPlot::xBottom. If both or no y-axis are enabled, it is set to QwtPlot::yLeft.

The selectionFlags() are set to QwtPicker::RectSelection & QwtPicker::ClickSelection, the tracker mode to QwtPicker::ActiveOnly.

canvas Plot canvas to observe, also the parent object
doReplot Call replot for the attached plot before initializing the zoomer with its scales. This might be necessary, when the plot is in a state with pending scale changes.
See also:
QwtPlot::autoReplot(), QwtPlot::replot(), QwtPlotPicker::setZoomBase()

Definition at line 51 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPlotPicker::canvas().

QwtPlotZoomer::QwtPlotZoomer int  xAxis,
int  yAxis,
QwtPlotCanvas canvas,
bool  doReplot = true

Create a zoomer for a plot canvas.

The selectionFlags() are set to QwtPicker::RectSelection & QwtPicker::ClickSelection, the tracker mode to QwtPicker::ActiveOnly.

xAxis X axis of the zoomer
yAxis Y axis of the zoomer
canvas Plot canvas to observe, also the parent object
doReplot Call replot for the attached plot before initializing the zoomer with its scales. This might be necessary, when the plot is in a state with pending scale changes.
See also:
QwtPlot::autoReplot(), QwtPlot::replot(), QwtPlotPicker::setZoomBase()

Definition at line 75 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPlotPicker::canvas().

QwtPlotZoomer::QwtPlotZoomer int  xAxis,
int  yAxis,
int  selectionFlags,
DisplayMode  trackerMode,
QwtPlotCanvas canvas,
bool  doReplot = true

Create a zoomer for a plot canvas.

xAxis X axis of the zoomer
yAxis Y axis of the zoomer
selectionFlags Or'd value of QwtPicker::RectSelectionType and QwtPicker::SelectionMode. QwtPicker::RectSelection will be auto added.
trackerMode Tracker mode
canvas Plot canvas to observe, also the parent object
doReplot Call replot for the attached plot before initializing the zoomer with its scales. This might be necessary, when the plot is in a state with pending scale changes.
See also:
QwtPicker, QwtPicker::setSelectionFlags(), QwtPicker::setRubberBand(), QwtPicker::setTrackerMode

QwtPlot::autoReplot(), QwtPlot::replot(), setZoomBase()

Definition at line 103 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPlotPicker::canvas().

Member Function Documentation

bool QwtPlotZoomer::accept QwtPolygon &  pa  )  const [protected, virtual]

Check and correct a selected rectangle.

Reject rectangles with a hight or width < 2, otherwise expand the selected rectangle to a minimum size of 11x11 and accept it.

true If rect is accepted, or has been changed to a accepted rectangle.

Reimplemented from QwtPicker.

Definition at line 497 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References minZoomSize().

void QwtPlotZoomer::begin  )  [protected, virtual]

Rejects selections, when the stack depth is too deep, or the zoomed rectangle is minZoomSize().

See also:
minZoomSize(), maxStackDepth()

Reimplemented from QwtPicker.

Definition at line 545 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References minZoomSize().

bool QwtPlotZoomer::end bool  ok = true  )  [protected, virtual]

Expand the selected rectangle to minZoomSize() and zoom in if accepted.

See also:
QwtPlotZoomer::accept()a, QwtPlotZoomer::minZoomSize()

Reimplemented from QwtPlotPicker.

Definition at line 575 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPlotPicker::end(), QwtPlotPicker::invTransform(), minZoomSize(), QwtPlotPicker::plot(), QwtPicker::selection(), zoom(), and zoomRect().

int QwtPlotZoomer::maxStackDepth  )  const

Maximal depth of the zoom stack.
See also:

Definition at line 172 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

QwtDoubleSize QwtPlotZoomer::minZoomSize  )  const [protected, virtual]

Limit zooming by a minimum rectangle.

zoomBase().width() / 10e4, zoomBase().height() / 10e4

Definition at line 531 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

Referenced by accept(), begin(), and end().

void QwtPlotZoomer::move double  x,
double  y
[virtual, slot]

Move the the current zoom rectangle.

x X value
y Y value
See also:
The changed rectangle is limited by the zoom base

Definition at line 467 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References rescale(), zoomBase(), and zoomRect().

Referenced by moveBy().

void QwtPlotZoomer::moveBy double  dx,
double  dy

Move the current zoom rectangle.

dx X offset
dy Y offset
The changed rectangle is limited by the zoom base

Definition at line 452 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References move().

void QwtPlotZoomer::rescale  )  [protected, virtual]

Adjust the observed plot to zoomRect()

Initiates QwtPlot::replot

Definition at line 343 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPlot::autoReplot(), QwtPlot::axisScaleDiv(), QwtScaleDiv::hBound(), QwtScaleDiv::lBound(), QwtPlotPicker::plot(), QwtPlotPicker::scaleRect(), QwtPlot::setAutoReplot(), QwtPlot::setAxisScale(), QwtPlotPicker::xAxis(), and QwtPlotPicker::yAxis().

Referenced by move(), setZoomBase(), and zoom().

void QwtPlotZoomer::setAxis int  xAxis,
int  yAxis

Reinitialize the axes, and set the zoom base to their scales.

xAxis X axis
yAxis Y axis

Reimplemented from QwtPlotPicker.

Definition at line 387 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPlotPicker::scaleRect(), QwtPlotPicker::setAxis(), setZoomBase(), QwtPlotPicker::xAxis(), and QwtPlotPicker::yAxis().

void QwtPlotZoomer::setMaxStackDepth int  depth  ) 

Limit the number of recursive zoom operations to depth.

A value of -1 set the depth to unlimited, 0 disables zooming. If the current zoom rectangle is below depth, the plot is unzoomed.

depth Maximum for the stack depth
See also:
depth doesn't include the zoom base, so zoomStack().count() might be maxStackDepth() + 1.

Definition at line 145 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References zoom().

void QwtPlotZoomer::setSelectionFlags int  flags  )  [virtual]

Set the selection flags

flags Or'd value of QwtPicker::RectSelectionType and QwtPicker::SelectionMode. The default value is QwtPicker::RectSelection & QwtPicker::ClickSelection.
See also:
selectionFlags(), SelectionType, RectSelectionType, SelectionMode
QwtPicker::RectSelection will be auto added.

Reimplemented from QwtPicker.

Definition at line 619 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPicker::setSelectionFlags().

void QwtPlotZoomer::setZoomBase const QwtDoubleRect &  base  )  [virtual]

Set the initial size of the zoomer.

base is united with the current scaleRect() and the zoom stack is reinitalized with it as zoom base. plot is zoomed to scaleRect().

base Zoom base
See also:
zoomBase(), scaleRect()

Definition at line 231 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPlotPicker::plot(), rescale(), and QwtPlotPicker::scaleRect().

void QwtPlotZoomer::setZoomBase  )  [virtual]

Reinitialized the zoom stack with scaleRect() as base.

See also:
zoomBase(), scaleRect()
Calling QwtPlot::setAxisScale() while QwtPlot::autoReplot() is false leaves the axis in an 'intermediate' state. In this case, to prevent buggy behaviour, you must call QwtPlot::replot() before calling QwtPlotZoomer::setZoomBase(). This quirk will be removed in a future release.
See also:
QwtPlot::autoReplot(), QwtPlot::replot().

Definition at line 208 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPlotPicker::plot(), rescale(), and QwtPlotPicker::scaleRect().

Referenced by setAxis().

void QwtPlotZoomer::widgetKeyPressEvent QKeyEvent *  ke  )  [protected, virtual]

Qt::Key_Plus zooms out, Qt::Key_Minus zooms in one position on the zoom stack, Qt::Key_Escape zooms out to the zoom base.

Changes the current position on the stack, but doesn't pop any rectangle.

The keys codes can be changed, using QwtEventPattern::setKeyPattern: 3, 4, 5

Reimplemented from QwtPicker.

Definition at line 429 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtPicker::isActive(), QwtEventPattern::keyMatch(), QwtPicker::widgetKeyPressEvent(), and zoom().

void QwtPlotZoomer::widgetMouseReleaseEvent QMouseEvent *  me  )  [protected, virtual]

Qt::MidButton zooms out one position on the zoom stack, Qt::RightButton to the zoom base.

Changes the current position on the stack, but doesn't pop any rectangle.

The mouse events can be changed, using QwtEventPattern::setMousePattern: 2, 1

Reimplemented from QwtPicker.

Definition at line 406 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References QwtEventPattern::mouseMatch(), QwtPicker::widgetMouseReleaseEvent(), and zoom().

void QwtPlotZoomer::zoom int  offset  )  [virtual, slot]

Zoom in or out.

Activate a rectangle on the zoom stack with an offset relative to the current position. Negative values of offest will zoom out, positive zoom in. A value of 0 zooms out to the zoom base.

offset Offset relative to the current position of the zoom stack.
The zoomed signal is emitted.
See also:

Definition at line 319 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References rescale(), zoomed(), and zoomRect().

void QwtPlotZoomer::zoom const QwtDoubleRect &  rect  )  [virtual, slot]

Zoom in.

Clears all rectangles above the current position of the zoom stack and pushs the intersection of zoomRect() and the normalized rect on it.

If the maximal stack depth is reached, zoom is ignored.

The zoomed signal is emitted.

Definition at line 282 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

References rescale(), zoomed(), and zoomRect().

Referenced by end(), setMaxStackDepth(), widgetKeyPressEvent(), and widgetMouseReleaseEvent().

QwtDoubleRect QwtPlotZoomer::zoomBase  )  const

Initial rectangle of the zoomer
See also:
setZoomBase(), zoomRect()

Definition at line 190 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

Referenced by move().

void QwtPlotZoomer::zoomed const QwtDoubleRect &  rect  )  [signal]

A signal emitting the zoomRect(), when the plot has been zoomed in or out.

rect Current zoom rectangle.

Referenced by zoom().

QwtDoubleRect QwtPlotZoomer::zoomRect  )  const

Rectangle at the current position on the zoom stack.

See also:
QwtPlotZoomer::zoomRectIndex(), QwtPlotZoomer::scaleRect().

Definition at line 258 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

Referenced by end(), move(), and zoom().

uint QwtPlotZoomer::zoomRectIndex  )  const

Index of current position of zoom stack.

Definition at line 266 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

const QwtZoomStack & QwtPlotZoomer::zoomStack  )  const

Return the zoom stack. zoomStack()[0] is the zoom base, zoomStack()[1] the first zoomed rectangle.

Definition at line 181 of file qwt_plot_zoomer.cpp.

Generated on Mon Feb 26 21:25:34 2007 for Qwt User's Guide by  doxygen 1.4.6