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6.5.2. The Callgraph View

The Callgraph view's toolbar allows you to select a perspective and perform other functions. To play a visual representation of a function trace, click the View Menu button then navigate to Goto. This menu will allow you to pause, step through, or mark each function as it executes.
View > Goto
Figure 6.5. View > Goto

You can also save or load a profile run through the View Menu. To do either, navigate to File under the View Menu; this will display different options relating to saving and loading profile runs.
Radial View
Figure 6.6. Radial View

The Radial View displays all functions branching out from main(), with each function represented as a node. A purple node means that the program terminates at the function. A green node signifies that the function call has nested functions, whereas gray nodes signify no nest functions. Double-clicking on a node will show its parent (colored pink) and children. The lines connecting different nodes also display how many times main() called each function.
The left window of the Radial View lists all of the functions shown in the view. This window also allows you to view nested functions, if any. A green bullet point means the program either starts or terminates at that function.
Tree View
Figure 6.7. Tree View

The Tree View is similar to the Radial View, except that it only displays all descendants of a selected node (Radial View only displays functions one call depth away from a selected node). The top left of Tree View also includes a thumbnail viewer to help you navigate through different call depths of the function tree.
Level View
Figure 6.8. Level View

Level View displays all function calls and any nested function calls branching out from a selected node. However, Level View groups all functions of the same call depth together, giving a clearer visualization of a program's function call execution sequences. Level View also lets you navigate through different call depths using the thumbnail viewer's More nodes above and More nodes below buttons.
Thumbnail Viewer
Figure 6.9. Thumbnail Viewer

Aggregate View
Figure 6.10. Aggregate View

The Aggregate View depicts all functions as boxes; the size of each box represents a function's execution time relative to the total running time of the program. Darker-colored boxes represent functions that are called more times relative to others; for example, in Figure 6.10, “Aggregate View”, the CallThisThirtyTimes function is called the most number of times (150).
Collapse Mode
Figure 6.11. Collapse Mode

The Callgraph view's toolbar also features a Collapse Mode button. This groups all identical functions (i.e. those with identical names and call histories) together into one node. Doing so can be helpful in reducing screen clutter for programs where many functions get called multiple times.
Go to Code
To navigate to a function in the code from any view, press Ctrl while double-clicking on its node. Doing so will open the corresponding source file in the Eclipse editor and highlight the function's declaration in the source.