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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Developer Guide

An introduction to application development tools in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

Edition 0


Edited by

Don Domingo

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

Edited by

Jacquelynn East

Red Hat Engineering Content Services

Red Hat Subject Matter Experts

Dave Brolley

Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

William Cohen

Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Roland Grunberg

Eclipse and Eclipse plug-ins 
Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Aldy Hernandez

Compiling and Building 
Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Karsten Hopp

Base Operating System Core Services - BRNO

Jakub Jelinek

Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Jeff Johnston

Eclipse and Eclipse plug-ins 
Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Benjamin Kosnik

Libraries and Runtime Support 
Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Aleksander Kurtakov

Eclipse and Eclipse plug-ins 
Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Chris Moller

Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Phil Muldoon

Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Andrew Overholt

Eclipse and Eclipse plug-ins 
Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Charley Wang

Eclipse and Eclipse plug-ins 
Red Hat Engineering Tools Development

Development Community

Kent Sebastian


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This document describes the different features and utilities that make Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 an ideal enterprise platform for application development. It focuses on Eclipse as an end-to-end integrated development environment (IDE), but also includes command-line tools and other utilities outside Eclipse.

1. Document Conventions
1.1. Typographic Conventions
1.2. Pull-quote Conventions
1.3. Notes and Warnings
2. Getting Help and Giving Feedback
2.1. Do You Need Help?
2.2. We Need Feedback!
1. Introduction to Eclipse
1.1. Understanding Eclipse Projects
1.2. Help In Eclipse
1.3. Development Toolkits
2. The Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
2.1. User Interface
2.2. Useful Hints
2.2.1. The quick access menu
2.2.2. libhover Plug-in
3. Libraries and Runtime Support
3.1. Version Information
3.2. Compatibility
3.2.1. API Compatibility
3.2.2. ABI Compatibility
3.2.3. Policy
3.2.4. Static Linking
3.3. Library and Runtime Details
3.3.1. The GNU C Library
3.3.2. The GNU C++ Standard Library
3.3.3. Boost
3.3.4. Qt
3.3.5. KDE Development Framework
3.3.6. Python
3.3.7. Java
3.3.8. Ruby
3.3.9. Perl
4. Compiling and Building
4.1. GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
4.1.1. GCC Status and Features
4.1.2. Language Compatibility
4.1.3. Object Compatibility and Interoperability
4.1.4. Backwards Compatibility Packages
4.1.5. Previewing RHEL6 compiler features on RHEL5
4.1.6. Running GCC
4.1.7. GCC Documentation
4.2. Distributed Compiling
4.3. Autotools
4.3.1. Autotools Plug-in for Eclipse
4.3.2. Configuration Script
4.3.3. Autotools Documentation
4.4. Eclipse Built-in Specfile Editor
5. Debugging
5.1. Installing Debuginfo Packages
5.2. GDB
5.2.1. Simple GDB
5.2.2. Running GDB
5.2.3. Conditional Breakpoints
5.2.4. Forked Execution
5.2.5. Threads
5.2.6. GDB Variations and Environments
5.2.7. GDB Documentation
5.3. Variable Tracking at Assignments
5.4. Python Pretty-Printers
6. Profiling
6.1. Profiling In Eclipse
6.2. Valgrind
6.2.1. Valgrind Tools
6.2.2. Using Valgrind
6.2.3. Valgrind Plug-in for Eclipse
6.2.4. Valgrind Documentation
6.3. OProfile
6.3.1. OProfile Tools
6.3.2. Using OProfile
6.3.3. OProfile Plug-in For Eclipse
6.3.4. OProfile Documentation
6.4. SystemTap
6.4.1. SystemTap Compile Server
6.4.2. SystemTap Support for Unprivileged Users
6.4.3. SSL and Certificate Management
6.4.4. SystemTap Documentation
6.5. Eclipse-Callgraph
6.5.1. Launching a Profile With Eclipse-Callgraph
6.5.2. The Callgraph View
6.6. Performance Counters for Linux (PCL) Tools and perf
6.6.1. Perf Tool Commands
6.6.2. Using Perf
6.7. ftrace
6.7.1. Using ftrace
6.7.2. ftrace Documentation
A. Revision History