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3.3.2. The GNU C++ Standard Library

The libstdc++ package contains the GNU C++ Standard Library, which is an ongoing project to implement the ISO 14882 Standard C++ library.
Installing the libstdc++ package will provide just enough to satisfy link dependencies (i.e. only shared library files). To make full use of all available libraries and header files for C++ development, you must install libstdc++-devel as well. The libstdc++-devel package also contains a GNU-specific implementation of the Standard Template Library (STL).
As the C++ language and runtime implementation has remained stable throughout Red Hat Enterprise Linuxes 4, 5, and 6, no compatibility libraries are needed for libstdc++. However, combatability libraries compat-libstdc++-296 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 and compat-libstdc++-33 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 are provided for support.  GNU C++ Standard Library Updates

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 version of the GNU C++ Standard Library features the following improvements over its Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 version:
  • Added support for elements of ISO C++ TR1, namely:
    • <tr1/array>
    • <tr1/complex>
    • <tr1/memory>
    • <tr1/functional>
    • <tr1/random>
    • <tr1/regex>
    • <tr1/tuple>
    • <tr1/type_traits>
    • <tr1/unordered_map>
    • <tr1/unordered_set>
    • <tr1/utility>
    • <tr1/cmath>
  • Added support for elements of the upcoming ISO C++ standard, C++0x. These elements include:
    • <array>
    • <chrono>
    • <condition_variable>
    • <forward_list>
    • <functional>
    • <initalizer_list>
    • <mutex>
    • <random,
    • <ratio>
    • <regex>
    • <system_error>
    • <thread>
    • <tuple>
    • <type_traits
    • <unordered_map>
    • <unordered_set>
  • Added support for the -fvisibility command.
  • Added the following extensions:
    • __gnu_cxx::typelist
    • __gnu_cxx::throw_allocator
For more information about updates to libstdc++ in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, refer to the C++ Runtime Library section of the following documents: