Product SiteDocumentation Site  GNU C++ Standard Library Documentation

To use the man pages for library components, install the libstdc++-docs package. This will provide man page information for nearly all resources provided by the library; for example, to view information about the vector container, use its fully-qualified component name:
man std::vector
This will display the following information (abbreviated):
std::vector(3)                                                  std::vector(3)

       std::vector -

       A standard container which offers fixed time access to individual
       elements in any order.

       Inherits std::_Vector_base< _Tp, _Alloc >.

   Public Types
       typedef _Alloc allocator_type
       typedef __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator< const_pointer, vector >
       typedef _Tp_alloc_type::const_pointer const_pointer
       typedef _Tp_alloc_type::const_reference const_reference
       typedef std::reverse_iterator< const_iterator >
The libstdc++-docs package also provides manuals and reference information in HTML form at the following directory:
The main site for the development of libstdc++ is hosted on