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Справка Scilab >> Графики > xget


get current values of the graphics context. This function is obsolete.


[x1] = xget(str,[flag])





optional. Set to 1 gives a verbose mode.


This function is obsolete.
Use the Scilab graphic objects representation instead (see the set and get functions as well as the graphics entities help page).

This function is used to get values from the graphics context on the topic specified by the string str. When called with no argument, a choice menu is created showing the current values and changes can be performed through toggle buttons.

str = xget("auto clear")

Get the auto clear status ("on" or "off").

color = xget("background")

Get the background color of the current Axes object. The result is a colormap index corresponding to the color.

rect = xget("clipping")

Get the clipping zone as a rectangle rect = [x,y,w,h] (Upper-Left point, Width, Height).

c = xget("color")

Get the default color for filling, line or text drawing functions. c is an integer projected in the interval [0,whiteid]. 0 stands for black filling and whiteid for white. The value of whiteid can be obtained with xget("white").

cmap = xget("colormap")

Get the colormap used for the current graphics window as a m x 3 RGB matrix.

dash = xget("dashes")

Get the dash style dash = [dash_number] where dash_number is the id of the dash.

This keyword is obsolete, please use xget("color") or xget("line style") instead.

font = xget("font")

Get font = [fontid, fontsize], the default font and the default value of font size.

fontsize = xget("font size")

Get the default value of font size.

color = xget("foreground")

Get the foreground color of the current Axes object. The result is a colormap index corresponding to the color.

str = xget("fpf")

Get the floating point format for number display in contour functions. Note that str is "" when default format is used.

color = xget("hidden3d")

Get the color number for hidden faces in plot3d.

pat = xget("lastpattern")

Get the id of the last available pattern or color, with the current colormap of the current window. In fact pat+1 and pat+2 are also available and stand respectively for black and white pattern.

type = xget("line mode")

Get the line drawing mode. type = 1 is absolute mode and type = 0 is relative mode.

The mode type = 0 has bugs.

xget("line style")

Get the default line style (1 for solid line, >1 for dashed lines).

mark = xget("mark")

Get the default mark id and the default mark size. mark=[markid, marksize].

marksize = xget("mark size")

Get the default mark size.

pat = xget("pattern")

Get the current pattern or the current color. pat is an integer in the range [1, last]. When one uses black and white, 0 is used for black filling and last for white. The value of last can be obtained with xget("lastpattern").

value = xget("thickness")

Get the thickness of lines in pixel (0 and 1 have the same meaning: 1 pixel thick).

flag = xget("use color")

Get the flag 0 (use black and white) or 1 (use colors). See xset.

[x, y] = xget("viewport")

Get the current position of the visible part of graphics in the panner.

dim = xget("wdim")

Get the width and the height of the current graphics window dim = [width, height].

win = xget("window")

Get the current window number win.

pos = xget("wpos")

Get the position of the upper left point of the graphics window pos = [x, y].

See Also

  • xset — set values of the graphics context. This function is obsolete.
  • getcolor — opens a dialog to show colors in the current colormap
  • ged — Scilab Graphic Editor
  • set — set a property value of a graphic entity object or of a User Interface object.
  • graphics entities — описание структур данных графических объектов


5.4.0 The "alufunction" property is no more supported, this property was no more used for rendering since Scilab 5.0.1.
Scilab Enterprises
Copyright (c) 2011-2015 (Scilab Enterprises)
Copyright (c) 1989-2012 (INRIA)
Copyright (c) 1989-2007 (ENPC)
with contributors
Last updated:
Wed Jun 15 08:48:32 CEST 2016