Kato Command Reference

Stackato administration utility


kato command [-h] [--help] [arguments] [command-options]


  • admin DEPRECATED: Use "kato config" instead
  • config Manipulate configuration values of Stackato components.
  • data Import or export Stackato system data to or from clusters/nodes.
  • debug Commands for debugging for Stackato internals.
  • history Show the kato commands that have been run
  • info Show information about this node or cluster including assigned and
  • inspect Detect common problems with your Stackato install using 'kato inspect'
  • log Logging utilities for Stackato
  • node Node management
  • op Various operational commands
  • patch Update a Stackato cluster with post-release fixes.
  • process Start, stop, or restart individual processes. Generally not required;
  • relocate Move containers, application droplets, or services to a new mount point
  • report Generate a report that can be sent to Stackato support.
  • restart Restart Stackato or individual roles.
  • role Management of node roles
  • shell Interactive shell for kato
  • start Start Stackato or individual roles.
  • status List configured roles and their current status across the cluster.
  • stop Stop Stackato or individual roles.
  • version Display the version of Stackato being run.

admin [options] grant <email>...

admin [options] revoke <email>...

DEPRECATED: Use "kato config" instead

kato config (push|pop) cloud_controller admins <email>

-h --help Show help information

config get [options] [<component>] [<key-path>]

config set [options] <component> <key-path> [<value>]

config del [options] <component> <key-path>

config push [options] <component> <key-path> <list-value>

config pop [options] <component> <key-path> <list-value>

Manipulate configuration values of Stackato components.

<value> If value is not given for "set", then it read from STDIN.

<component> Can be "cluster", "local" or the name of a process.

-h --help Show help information

-j --json For "set", use JSON format when setting config key values.

For "get", use JSON format for displaying output.

-y --yaml Use YAML format when retrieving or setting config key values.

YAML is the default output format.

-f --flat Use a flat output format "<full-config-path> <value>"

-n --node <node-IP> Take action on a specific cluster node

--force Force updating value to different type.

data export --only-this-node [options] [<filename>]

data export --cluster [options] [<filename>]

Export Stackato system data to or from clusters/nodes. With no options specified, includes all data except 'resources' and 'aok-config'.

<filename> The filename the export will be written to

-h --help Show help information

--cluster Operate on the entire cluster

--only-this-node Only affect this node

--manual Only import/export roles specified on the command line

--force Force import/export of specified roles even if they are not enabled

Requires --manual

Implies --only-this-node

--dry-run Do not actually import/export anything

--remote Remote import/export (internal use only)

--base-dir <base-dir> Base directory for extracting temporary files

--droplets Include droplets (uploaded apps)

--exclude-droplets Do not include droplets (uploaded apps)

--resources Include the upload cache

--exclude-resources Do not include the upload cache (default)

--license Include the Stackato license

--exclude-license Do not include the Stackato license

--admins-list Include the list of users that are admins

--exclude-admins-list Do not include the list of users that are admins

--main-db Include the cloud controller's main database

--exclude-main-db Do not include the cloud controller's main database

--aok-db Include AOK's database

--exclude-aok-db Do not include AOK's database

--aok-config Include AOK's configuration

--exclude-aok-config Do not include AOK's configuration (default)

--filesystem Include the filesystem service

--exclude-filesystem Do not include the filesystem service

--exclude-filesystem-data Do not include the filesystem service's user data

--exclude-filesystem-user-creation Do not include the filesystem service's user creation/quota

--harbor Include the harbor service

--exclude-harbor Do not include the harbor service

--exclude-harbor-data Do not include the harbor service's user data

--exclude-harbor-metadata Do not include the harbor service's metadata

--mysql Include the MySQL service

--exclude-mysql Do not include the MySQL service

--exclude-mysql-data Do not include the MySQL service's data

--exclude-mysql-metadata Do not include the MySQL service's metadata

--postgresql Include the PostgreSQL service

--exclude-postgresql Do not include the PostgreSQL service

--exclude-postgresql-data Do not include the PostgreSQL service's data

--exclude-postgresql-metadata Do not include the PostgreSQL service's metadata

--mongodb Include the MongoDB service

--exclude-mongodb Do not include the MongoDB service

--exclude-mongodb-data Do not include the MongoDB service's data

--exclude-mongodb-metadata Do not include the MongoDB service's metadata

--memcached Include the memcached service

--exclude-memcached Do not include the memcached service

--exclude-memcached-data Do not include the memcached service's data

--exclude-memcached-metadata Do not include the memcached service's metadata

--redis Include the Redis service

--exclude-redis Do not include the Redis service

--exclude-redis-data Do not include the Redis service's data

--exclude-redis-metadata Do not include the Redis service's metadata

--rabbit Include the RabbitMQ service

--exclude-rabbit Do not include the RabbitMQ service

--exclude-rabbit-data Do not include the RabbitMQ service's data

--exclude-rabbit-metadata Do not include the RabbitMQ service's metadata

data import --only-this-node [options] <source>

data import --cluster [options] <source>

Import Stackato system data to or from clusters/nodes. With no options specified, includes all data except 'resources' and 'aok-config'.

<source> This can a hostname or a filename to import from

-h --help Show help information

--cluster Operate on the entire cluster

--only-this-node Only affect this node

--manual Only import/export roles specified on the command line

--force Force import/export of specified roles even if they are not enabled

Requires --manual

Implies --only-this-node

--dry-run Do not actually import/export anything

--remote Remote import/export (internal use only)

--base-dir <base-dir> Base directory for extracting temporary files

--droplets Include droplets (uploaded apps)

--exclude-droplets Do not include droplets (uploaded apps)

--resources Include the upload cache

--exclude-resources Do not include the upload cache (default)

--license Include the Stackato license

--exclude-license Do not include the Stackato license

--admins-list Include the list of users that are admins

--exclude-admins-list Do not include the list of users that are admins

--main-db Include the cloud controller's main database

--exclude-main-db Do not include the cloud controller's main database

--aok-db Include AOK's database

--exclude-aok-db Do not include AOK's database

--aok-config Include AOK's configuration

--exclude-aok-config Do not include AOK's configuration (default)

--filesystem Include the filesystem service

--exclude-filesystem Do not include the filesystem service

--exclude-filesystem-data Do not include the filesystem service's user data

--exclude-filesystem-user-creation Do not include the filesystem service's user creation/quota

--harbor Include the harbor service

--exclude-harbor Do not include the harbor service

--exclude-harbor-data Do not include the harbor service's user data

--exclude-harbor-metadata Do not include the harbor service's metadata

--mysql Include the MySQL service

--exclude-mysql Do not include the MySQL service

--exclude-mysql-data Do not include the MySQL service's data

--exclude-mysql-metadata Do not include the MySQL service's metadata

--postgresql Include the PostgreSQL service

--exclude-postgresql Do not include the PostgreSQL service

--exclude-postgresql-data Do not include the PostgreSQL service's data

--exclude-postgresql-metadata Do not include the PostgreSQL service's metadata

--mongodb Include the MongoDB service

--exclude-mongodb Do not include the MongoDB service

--exclude-mongodb-data Do not include the MongoDB service's data

--exclude-mongodb-metadata Do not include the MongoDB service's metadata

--memcached Include the memcached service

--exclude-memcached Do not include the memcached service

--exclude-memcached-data Do not include the memcached service's data

--exclude-memcached-metadata Do not include the memcached service's metadata

--redis Include the Redis service

--exclude-redis Do not include the Redis service

--exclude-redis-data Do not include the Redis service's data

--exclude-redis-metadata Do not include the Redis service's metadata

--rabbit Include the RabbitMQ service

--exclude-rabbit Do not include the RabbitMQ service

--exclude-rabbit-data Do not include the RabbitMQ service's data

--exclude-rabbit-metadata Do not include the RabbitMQ service's metadata

data users import [options] <filename>

data users export [options] [--exclude-password-hashes] [<filename>]

Import or export a list of Stackato users (CSV format).

-h --help Show help information

-p --exclude-password-hashes Do not include hashed passwords in export

-d --dry-run Do not import/export anything, just show

what will be done

debug configwatch [options]

Watch changes to doozer config

-n --node <node-IP> Watch config changes for a specific cluster node

-p --process <process-name> The name of process to watch config for

-g --global Config is global and not specific to any node

-d --dump-tree Dump the config tree seen since starting

-i --ignore-ctl Ignore doozer tree under /ctl

-a --show-applied Exit once we see this value is seen

-w --with-revs Show the revisions of config entries

-s --no-value Do not print the value of path

-u --until-path <path> Exit once we see this path

-v --until-value <value> Exit once we see this value

history [--help] [-n <node-IP>] [--json]

Show the kato commands that have been run

-h --help Show help information

-n --node <node-IP> Get command history from a specific cluster node

-j --json Output as JSON

info [--help] [-n <node-IP>] [--json] [--yaml]

Show information about this node or cluster including assigned and available roles.

-h --help Show help information

-n --node <node-IP> Show info on a specific cluster node

-j --json Output as JSON

-y --yaml Output as YAML

inspect [options]

inspect [options] [all]

inspect [options] group <group-name>

inspect [options] tests <test-name>...

Detect common problems with your Stackato install using 'kato inspect'

To run all tests, run:
kato inspect
To use a specific group of tests, run:
kato inspect group <name of group>
To run specific tests, run:
kato inspect tests <test1> <test2> <test3>

-h --help Show help information

-v --verbose Verbose output

log drain add [options] <name> <uri> [<param>...]

Add a new log drain.


# Add a drain to receive system logs

kato log drain add system_splunk udp://logs.splunk.com:1234/

# Add a drain to forward all application logs as json

kato log drain add -f json -p apptail app_splunk udp://logs.splunk.com:1235/

# Add a drain with custom format,

kato log drain add -f "{{.Name}}: {{.Text}}" system_splunk_2 udp://logs.splunk.com:1236/

-h --help Show help information

-f --format <format> Message format

-p --prefix <prefix> Message key prefix; possible values: systail, event, apptail

log drain delete [options] <name>

Delete a drain

-h --help Show help information

log drain list [options]

List all log drains

-h --help Show help information

log tail [options] [<component>...]

<component> Can be a process name, role name or role group name

-h --help Show help information

--no-color Turn off color

--raw Show unformatted logs, including logyard INFO records (skipped by default)

--time Show timestamp

--legacy Legacy "kato tail" behaviour (without logyard)

-n --node <node-IP> Only show logs from a specific cluster node

-l --local Only show logs from the current node

node attach [options] <core-ip>

Attach this node to a stackato core node

-h --help Show help information

-e --enable <roles> Enable the specified roles (comma-separated, no spaces)

-s --no-start Do not auto start processes

-v --verbose Show process information when starting/stopping roles

node list

List all nodes known to this cluster

-h --help Show help information

node migrate <old-node-IP> <new-node-IP>

Migrate the node configuration from old node to a new node

-h --help Show help information

node remove <node-IP>

Remove the node from the cluster

-h --help Show help information

node rename [options] <hostname>

-h --help Show help information.

-s --skip-remap-hosts Skip the remapping of existing app URLS to the

new domain.

-r --no-restart Do not restart roles.

-v --verbose Show process information when restarting roles.

node reset soft

node reset factory

node reset --help

Reset the Stackato VM to its default configuration.

  • soft: clears all data and resets the VM to its state immediately after first boot.
  • factory: returns the VM to its state prior to first boot.

-h --help Show help information

node setup core [<endpoint>]

node setup core --help

Configure the core node of your Stackato cluster

-h --help Show help information

-v --verbose Show process information

node setup firstuser [options] <email>

setup --help

First user setup.

<email> First user's email.

-h --help Show help information

-p --password <password> First user's password.

If your unix password has not been updated, then

your unix password will be updated to this.

Will be prompted for if not given.

node setup load_balancer

node setup load_balancer <IP> [<IP>...]

node setup load_balancer --help

Configure this node as a HTTP/S load balancer

-h --help Show help information

node setup micro [options] [<role>...]

node setup micro --help

Configure this instance as a micro cloud

-h --help Show help information

-d --delete Delete old configuration and re-initialize everything

-s --no-start Do not auto start processes

-v --verbose Show process information

op --help

op remap_hosts <old-hostname> <new-hostname>

op max_client_upload <max-size>

op upstream_proxy set <proxy-address> [-u <user>] [-p <pass>]

op upstream_proxy delete

op regenerate nginx

op regenerate mysql

op regenerate postgresql [--no-restart]

op update_hostsfile

op static_ip

op dhcp

op defer <command> [--run-as-root] [--reset]

op run_deferred

Various operational commands

remap_hosts Change the hostname to look for when remapping

max_client_upload Set the maximum upload size in MB

upstream_proxy Configure Stackato to use an external or upstream proxy


regenerate Regenerate the configuration for a process

update_hostsfile Updates the /etc/hosts file with the endpoint URI mapped

to the CC's internal IP

static_ip Configures this node to use a static IP

dhcp Configures this node's networking to use DHCP

defer Defers a kato command to be run by 'op run_deferred'

run_deferred Runs any previously deferred kato commands

-h --help Show help information

-u --user <user> Proxy username

-p --pass <pass> Proxy password

-r --no-restart Do not restart processes.

patch status

patch status --all

patch install [--all]

patch install <patchname>

patch reset

Update a Stackato cluster with post-release fixes.

-h --help Show help information

-a --all Show status for all patches

-n --only-this-node Only patch this node (otherwise entire cluster will be patched)

-r --no-restart Don't restart any roles during patching

process list [--help] [-a] [--node <node-IP>] [<process>...]

Lists configured processes and their current running status.

-h --help Show help information

-n --node <node-IP> Get status for a specific cluster node (defaults to local node)

-a --all Include status of all cluster nodes

process ready [options] <process>

-h --help Show help information

-b --block <seconds> Block until ready, for max <seconds> seconds.

If <seconds> is 0, then block forever

-n --node <node-IP> Check process on a specific cluster node

process restart [options] [<process>...]

-h --help Show help information

-n --node <node-IP> Restart process on a specific cluster node

process start [options] [<process>...]

-h --help Show help information

-n --node <node-IP> Start process on a specific cluster node

process stop [options] [<process>...]

-h --help Show help information

-n --node <node-IP> Stop process on a specific cluster node

relocate [-h] containers <new_location>

relocate [-h] droplets <new_location>

relocate [-h] services <new_location>

Move containers, application droplets, or services to a new mount point or filesystem location.

-h --help Show help information


report --node <node-IP>

report --all

report --help

Generate a report that can be sent to Stackato support.

-h --help Show help information

-a --all Gather reports from entire cluster into one tarball

-n --node <node-IP> Gather report from a specific cluster node

restart [options] [<role>...]

restart --help

Restart Stackato or individual roles.

-a --all Also restart doozerd

-n --node <node-IP> Restart a specific cluster node

-v --verbose Show process information

role add --help

role add [-v] [--node <node-IP>] [--no-start] <role>...

role add [-v] [--node <node-IP>] [--no-start] --all

role add [-v] [--node <node-IP>] [--no-start] --all-but <role>...

role add [-v] [--node <node-IP>] --only <role>...

Enable roles on a node

-h --help Show help information

-a --all Enable all available roles

-b --all-but Enable all available roles except these

-o --only Enable only these roles, while disabling others

-n --node <node-IP> Add a role on a specific cluster node

-s --no-start Do not start processes

-v --verbose Show process information

role remove --help

role remove [-v] [--node <node-IP>] [--no-stop] <role>...

role remove [-v] [--node <node-IP>] [--no-stop] --all

role remove [-v] [--node <node-IP>] [--no-stop] --all-but <role>...

Disable roles for a node

-h --help Show help information

-a --all Disable all available roles

-b --all-but Disable all available roles except these

-n --node <node-IP> Remove a role on a specific cluster node

-v --verbose Show process information

-s --no-stop Do not stop processes

shell [--help]

Interactive shell for kato

-h --help Show help information

start [options] [<role>...]

start --help

Start Stackato or individual roles.

-n --node <node-IP> Start a specific cluster node

-e --ephemeral Try not to regenerate/modify any config items

-v --verbose Show process information

status [options]

List configured roles and their current status across the cluster.

-h --help Show help information

-a --all Show all roles, including roles not configured on cluster

-j --json Use JSON format for displaying output.

-y --yaml Use YAML format for displaying output.

stop [options] [<role>...]

stop --help

Stop Stackato or individual roles.

-a --all Also stop doozerd

-n --node <node-IP> Stop a specific cluster node

-v --verbose Show process information

version [--help]

Display the version of Stackato being run.

-h --help Show help information

Table Of Contents

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Stackato Client Command Reference

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Stackato.yml Options