If the Core node of a Stackato cluster is offline for more than 90 seconds, kato status will show processes on other nodes (systail, apptail, and others) in a FATAL state. These processes will not automatically reconnect to the Core node.
To correct this, run kato start on all nodes showing FATAL processes.
The most obvious symptom is that none of your apps will start successfully, will timeout and Stackato will show general network flakiness.
If you are running the Stackato VM in NAT networking mode, the hypervisor may have issued the VM with an IP that conflicts with the internal Stackato network. You can verify if this has happened on your Stackato installation by logging into it and running:
$ ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'
If there are two addresses listed beginning with 192.168.3.x then you will have to take some additional steps to resolve the conflict:
Open up the following file and change the vmnet8 subnet, for example:
$ sudo vim /Library/Preferences/VMware\ Fusion/networking
or another subnet that is not
Then quit and restart Fusion or run:
$ sudo "/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/services.sh" --stop
$ sudo "/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/Library/services.sh" --start
Shutdown the Stackato VM, and run the following command:
$ VBoxManage modifyvm "Stackato-<Version>" --natnet1 "192.168.120/24"
Replace the VM <version> as it is shown on the VirtualBox main GUI. Upon restarting the VM you should now have a 192.168.120.x IP.
For VMware WorkStation or Player specific instructions please consult the relevant manual instructions here:
Cluster configurations make use of private IP addresses for identifying the various cluster nodes. Best practice is to avoid the literal use of these addresses wherever possible, as these addresses are subject to change with cluster configuration.
If the VM instance can locally resolve a hostname rather than an IP address, it's generally best practice to use the hostname.
If not, Stackato provides various environment variables so that applications do not need to hardcode them at install time. Some examples are VCAP_SERVICES, STACKATO_SERVICES, and DATABASE_URL. We strongly encourage their use.
A known issue is that some applications have install procedures that can't be configured to make use of these variables. If the server that's providing the app's database (mysql_gateway/node for example) gets moved to another location, the only way for the app to become aware of the new credentials is by restaging the app as noted below. A restart isn't sufficient.
Choose one of the following according to need, either:
$ stackato delete -n
$ stackato push -n
$ stackato delete -n
$ stackato update -n
Another possible workaround in such cases is to write a script that will pull the credentials from VCAP_SERVICES and update the app's config as needed, then add this script to the pre-running hooks.
The cloud_controller process will often consume too much memory on the system over time, causing it to become unresponsive. To address this, a memory_limit option has been added which will restart the process when the limit has been reached. The default setting is 50% resident memory, but this can be modified with kato config. For example, to raise the threshold to 80%:
$ kato config set cloud_controller memory_limit 80
Setting memory_limit to 0% will turn this behaviour off, preventing restarts.
Errors and warnings from router2g and harbor_proxy_connector are not displayed by Cloud Events. This will be fixed in future releases.
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