Common Server Operations

Server Status

To check the status of Stackato services:

$ kato status

This will list all the services configured to run on the VM, and whether they are running or stopped.

Starting and Stopping Services

To control the Stackato services, use kato start, stop and restart commands:

$ kato stop

Without any further options the operation applies to all Stackato services. To start, stop or restart individual services, specify them after the desired command:

$ kato stop mysql

System Shutdown

To shutdown the VM, run the shutdown command as root:

$ sudo shutdown -h now

Resetting the VM

If you would like to return a Stackato VM to its original "out-of-the-box" configuration, use the kato node reset command. This command has two options:

  • kato node reset factory: Resets everything. The host will behave as it did on first boot (creating a new randomized hostname and starting as a micro cloud with no configured users). Shutdown the VM after running this command. The primary use for this command is to prepare a running VM to be cloned by removing stale data/configuration.

  • kato node reset soft: Resets only configuration and data, but leaves first boot (naming) or other state info. You would normally run this together with the kato node setup command. For example:

    kato node reset soft
    kato node setup micro

Monitoring The Stackato Server

Management Console

The Management Console has a Settings page that allows an administrator to monitor the server component and services, and restart or stop services as necessary.

New Relic

Please see New Relic Server Monitoring. New Relic can also be used to monitor apps.

Creating an Admin User

The easiest way to add admin users to Stackato is via the Management Console under Users. The Management Console will prompt to create the initial admin user the first time you use it.

If you do not have access to the Management Console, create a user by logging in to the micro cloud or Core node controller via ssh or through the VM tty console (as the stackato user) and run stackato register:

$ stackato target api.stackato-xxxx.local
$ stackato register [email protected]

Grant administrative privileges using kato config:

$ kato config push cloud_controller admins [email protected]

Subsequent new users can be added remotely with the stackato client by an admin user.

System Monitoring with Nagios

If Nagios is installed on your server nodes, you can use it to monitor and report resource utilization. See the Best Practices Guide for details.

Server Backup, Import, and Export

The import and export functionality can be used to do regular backups, or to move the Stackato configuration from one server to another. It is also a means of upgrading the Stackato VM without having to install everything from the ground up.

Please see our Best Practices for details on how to export and import your data.