Stackato Sandbox is a hosted trial environment. To obtain access, set up a Sandbox account. No server configuration is required.
Once your account has been created, you can target the Sandbox with the stackato client and login with the credentials shown on your ActiveState Account page under Stackato Sandbox Access. You can also access the Sandbox with a web browser using the Management Console at:
You can push your own apps or one of the example applications to the Sandbox using the client, or deploy applications directly from the App Store.
The client must be set to target the Sandbox URL. This tells the Stackato client where it will be pushing applications:
$ stackato target
Successfully targeted to []
To log in, use the login command and enter your email address and password when prompted:
$ stackato login
Applications are deployed to the Sandbox in the same way they would be deployed to a local setup. Please read the Deployment section for instructions, sample applications, and specific details on deploying various types of projects.
Keep in mind that application names are unique across the sandbox. Choose names that are specific, or add a unique name in front of them (Example: Use "jsmith-helloworld" instead of "helloworld"). The Stackato Client will prompt you should there be a conflict, but this will help prevent it beforehand.
The objective of the Stackato Sandbox Service is to give Stackato users an easy way to test drive Stackato deployment of applications in a privately hosted environment on EC2.
The 45-day access period begins as soon as the automated notification email is sent. Users will receive notice when their trial ends via email as well.
The following limits are per-user:
The Sandbox includes the full range of our supported languages subject to change without notice:
From time to time, the Sandbox may need to be restarted. In such cases, any local files, file-based databases, etc, created by the application will be lost when the app is reloaded. Data services and persistent file system services are provided in order to maintain an application's information and should be used for any data storage needs on the Sandbox.
When using the Stackato Sandbox Service, you must comply with the ActiveState Acceptable Use Policy (the "Acceptable Use Policy") which is incorporated herein by this reference and which may be updated from time to time.
The ActiveState Stackato Sandbox Services shall be subject to the privacy policy for ActiveState Services. You agree to the use of your data in accordance with ActiveState's privacy policies.
You must protect the privacy and legal rights of the End Users of your application. You must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for End Users. If End Users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application and to ActiveState.
You understand that all information (such as data files, written text, computer software, music, audio files or other sounds, photographs, videos or other images) to which you may have access as part of, or through your use of, the Stackato Sandbox Service are the sole responsibility of the person from which such content originated. All such information is referred to below as the "Content." The term Content shall specifically exclude the web application that you create using the Stackato Sandbox Service and any source code written by you to be used with the Stackato Sandbox Service (collectively, "Applications").
ActiveState reserves the right (but shall have no obligation) to remove any or all Content from the Stackato Sandbox Service. You agree to immediately take down any Content that violates the Acceptable Use Policy, including pursuant to a take down request from ActiveState. In the event that you elect not to comply with a request from ActiveState to take down certain Content, ActiveState reserves the right to directly take down such Content or to disable Applications. In the event that you become aware of any violation of the Acceptable Use Policy by an End User of Applications, you shall immediately terminate such end user's account on your Application. ActiveState reserves the right to disable Applications in response to a violation or suspected violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.
You agree that you are solely responsible for (and that ActiveState has no responsibility to you or to any third party for) the Application or any Content that you create, transmit or display while using the Stackato Sandbox Service and for the consequences of your actions (including any loss or damage which ActiveState may suffer) by doing so.
You agree that ActiveState has no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure to store any Content and other communications maintained or transmitted through use of the Service. You further acknowledge that you are solely responsible for securing and backing up your Applications and any Content.