Stackato Client

The stackato client is the command-line interface to Stackato. You can use it to push application code up to the server, start and stop applications, create data services and link them to applications, and a number of other application management operations.

The Command Reference has full descriptions of all client commands and options. These details are also available at the command line via the stackato help command.

Stackato Client Setup

  1. Download the client for your platform (Windows, OS X, Linux x86, Linux x64)
  2. Unzip the archive in a convenient directory.
  3. Add the the executable to your system/shell $PATH by:
  • moving it to a directory in your $PATH,
  • creating a symlink from a directory in your $PATH, or
  • creating a shell alias for the executable.
  1. Confirm that the client is installed correctly by running stackato -v or stackato help.

Getting Help

To get a list of available commands or help on a particular command:

$ stackato help [COMMAND]

See also the Command Reference for a full list of commands.

Accessing the Micro Cloud

If you are using the Sandbox, skip ahead to Introduction.

Before you can use the client, you must set the target URL. This tells the stackato client where it will be pushing applications. The default target URL for the Stackato Server micro cloud VM is api.stackato-xxxx.local:

$ stackato target api.stackato-xxxx.local


This hostname is generated dynamically, made up of a set of alphanumeric characters where the xxxx is shown, and can be found in the Server VM window when it starts up, or by using the kato info command.

If you have configured the hostname and DNS of the Stackato Server manually, or are connecting to a server administered by someone else, connect to the assigned hostname (e.g.

HTTP Proxies

If there is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy on your network between the host running the stackato client and the Stackato API endpoint, set the following environment variables in your shell as appropriate for your proxy:

Once these are set, the stackato client will recognize these settings and route appropriately. On Windows the client queries the Internet Settings values so these settings should not be necessary.

Updating the Windows Hosts File


Using for hostname resolution is an easier way to access a Stackato Micro Cloud from Windows than modifying the hosts file.

If you are running Windows, the multicast DNS discovery of a locally running Stackato micro cloud may not work. The solution is to manually set the mapping for the API endpoint and for each application. Another option is to use or set up a real DNS entry.

To modify the hosts file use the stackato host command or open the file located at:


The hosts file typically has some comments and one or two entries. Add your new entries to the bottom of the file on their own lines.

You'll need to add an entry for the API endpoint and for each application, along with their corresponding IP addresses. To determine the IP address of the Stackato server, open the server window and enter the command:

$ ifconfig

Then, if for example your IP address is, the API endpoint is api.stackato-xxxx.local and you have an app called myapp.stackato-xxxx.local, you would enter the following two lines: api.stackato-xxxx.local myapp.stackato-xxxx.local

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