Stackato's Cloud Controller has a built-in system for authenticating users which it uses by default. It also has an authentication server called "AOK" which supports using external systems such as LDAP.
In order to adapt to the login UI of various authentication systems, users are redirected away from the Management Console to a page served by AOK during Management Console login. Users should be notified of this change in behavior if they have previously used the default interface.
Users connecting with the stackato client should be aware that:
These caveats also apply when using other Cloud-Foundry-compatible clients.
The term strategy refers to the method used to authenticate users. There are currently two supported strategies:
builtin: The builtin strategy uses a local database of email addresses and passwords to authenticate users. This strategy and database is distinct from the Cloud Controller's internal email/password database that is used when AOK is disabled. If you wish to start using this strategy with the existing user login credentials, run the following in the /s/aok/ directory
bundle exec rake import_users_from_cloud_controller
ldap: The ldap strategy authenticates users using the LDAP server specified in config/aok.yml. Any user that can successfully authenticate with the LDAP server will be allowed to use Stackato and will have a (non-admin) user account created for them automatically. The LDAP server must return an email address for the user to allow them to log in to Stackato. AOK will look for the email address under the mail, email, and userPrincipalName attributes.
LDAP groups are not currently supported as a visible construct in Stackato.
google_apps: Authenticates users on a Google Apps for Business domain. stackato clients will need to authenticate using the stackato token command.
The use key in the configuration file controls the strategy that AOK will use. This value must correspond exactly to one of the supported strategy names.
To configure AOK, set the following keys in the AOK config using kato config set:
use: set to either 'builtin', 'ldap', or 'google_apps'. The builtin strategy requires no further modification. The ldap and google_apps strategies requires setting options in the corresponding blocks below.
host: hostname or IP of the LDAP server
port: LDAP server port, typically 389
method: plain, ssl, or tls
base: list of domain components (e.g. 'dc=example, dc=com')
uid: LDAP attribute name for the user name that will used in the login form. Active Directory (AD) is typically 'sAMAccountName' or 'UserPrincipalName', while OpenLDAP is 'uid'.
email: the LDAP attribute containing the user's fully qualified email address. An email address attribute is necessary for AOK to work properly with the cloud controller. This may be a scalar attribute or an array of attributes to search. The default is shown. The first non-null attribute will be used (AOK will not validate that this is an email address). The default attributes are:
- userPrincipalName
bind_dn: (optional) default credentials for user lookup
password: (optional) default credentials for user lookup
try_sasl: (optional) when set to true attempts a SASL connection to the LDAP server
sasl_mechanims: (optional) 'DIGEST-MD5' or 'GSS-SPNEGO'
An aditional 'name_proc' option in the 'ldap' block allows users to enter email addresses instead of LDAP user names, matching the user name entered with the format of the uid attributes. For example, value of 'sAMAccountName' in AD contains only the Windows user name. If your users prefer using email to login, the following 'name_proc' value will trim the email string down to just the Windows login name: {|name| name.gsub(/@.*$/,'')}
Value must be valid ruby code. Since the provided code will be accepting arbitrary user input. Administrators are urged to use this setting only when absolutely necessary, and to check the code thoroughly for possible security implications.
To see the the default AOK configuration (sample settings) run the command:
$ kato config get aok
Settings are nested as per the option list above. To set an option, specify the full config path to that option. For example:
$ kato config set aok strategy/ldap/base 'dc=yourdomain, dc=com'
To add an attribute to the 'email' array:
kato config push aok strategy/ldap/email "ADMailAcct"
To set the entire array in one step, use the --json option:
kato config set --json aok strategy/ldap/email '["mail","ADMailAcct", "email"]'
AOK is disabled by default. While disabled, the Cloud Controller uses its internal email/password database to authenticate. Execute the following commands to enable AOK:
kato config set cloud_controller aok/enabled true
kato restart controller
If AOK is enabled before the initial admin account has been set up via the Management Console welcome page, the stackato system user will still have the default password. Change this as soon as possible using the passwd command.
When using AOK with any strategy other than 'builtin', users in Stackato will be created automatically for any user who successfully authenticates.
Administrators can still use the functions as before, but should be aware of the following caveats:
AOK by default uses the same self-signed certificate as the Cloud Controller. To prevent log warnings about the certificate, the Cloud Controller is configured to use a CA file on the VM to validate AOK's certificate. This is set in Doozer under the aok/ca_file key in the Cloud Controller's configuration.
In clusters with multiple Routers (specifically if the Load Balancer is used), the following steps will correctly configure SSL certificates.
$ scp stackato@<Load Balancer node>:/etc/ssl/certs/stackato.crt /tmp/aok.crt
$ sudo mv /tmp/aok.crt /etc/ssl/certs/
These first two steps need to be repeated for all Controller nodes in the cluster.
$ kato config set cloud_controller aok/ca_file /etc/ssl/certs/aok.crt