CAnimation Class Reference

class CAnimation : public CBase

Pure virtual base class for animations.

This defines an abstracted interface between a client application and an animation. Most of the implementation details are handled by an animator plugin. The source of the animation data and its interpretation are usually handled by a data provider.




Inherits from

Member Functions Documentation


voidFreeze()[pure virtual]

Causes whatever ticker this animation provides to its animator to be frozen untill a corresponding call to unfreeze.

You should not normally need to call this function. Unfreeze()


voidHold()[pure virtual]

Puts an animation on hold, which is similar to pause, but keeps track of the time steps passing and catches up when resumed. This can be used to temporarily cease processing an animation without it getting out of step with others.


voidPause()[pure virtual]

Causes the animation to stop, but without rewinding.


voidResume()[pure virtual]

Causes a paused animation to continue from where it left off.

SetPosition(const TPoint &)

voidSetPosition(const TPoint &aPoint)[pure virtual]

Sets the coordinates of the animation. This generally refers to the top left corner of the total area the animation covers.


const TPoint & aPointThe new coordinates of the animation (usually the top left corner)

Start(const TAnimationConfig &)

voidStart(const TAnimationConfig &aConfig)[pure virtual]

Causes the animation to start, at the first time step or logical equivalent. If the animation is already running, it rewinds. TAnimationConfig


const TAnimationConfig & aConfigSpecifies run time attributes of the animation.


voidStop()[pure virtual]

Causes the animation to stop, and rewinds to the first frame.


voidUnfreeze()[pure virtual]

Causes whatever ticker this animation provides to its animator to be unfrozen.

You should not normally need to call this function. Freeze()


voidUnhold()[pure virtual]

Resumes a held animation.