MAnimGeneralFunctions Class Reference

class MAnimGeneralFunctions

General animation utility functions interface.

The interface provides functions to set the animation timing, event functions, and other general functions.

You do not have to create an object of this type. The class is implemented by the window server and provides utility functions to all CAnim-derived classes via the CAnim::iFunctions pointer.

It is not intended for user derivation.

Member Functions Documentation

Animate(TDateTime *)

voidAnimate(TDateTime *aDateTime)[pure virtual]

Calls the DLL's Animate() function then deactivates the graphics context.

This allows users to do drawing from their own active object.


If the user calls the CAnim-derived classes' Animate() function directly, or otherwise does drawing from their own active object, then this will not deactivate the graphics context. This causes the window server to panic the client.

Alternatively, use CFreeTimerWindowAnim, which allows you to deactivate the graphics context yourself.


TDateTime * aDateTimeThe parameter passed into the animation DLL's Animate() function.


const RThread &Client()[pure virtual]

Gets a reference to the calling client's thread.

A reference to the calling client's thread.

CloseFont(CFbsFont *)

voidCloseFont(CFbsFont *)[pure virtual]

Closes a duplicate font.



CFbsFont *


CFbsBitmap *DuplicateBitmapL(TIntaHandle)[pure virtual]

Creates and duplicates a bitmap from a handle.

This function might be used to duplicate client side bitmaps on the server side.

A pointer to the duplicate bitmap.


TInt aHandleA handle to the bitmap to be duplicated.


CFbsFont *DuplicateFontL(TIntaHandle)[pure virtual]

Creates and duplicates a font from a handle.

This function might be used to duplicate client side fonts on the server side.

A pointer to the duplicate font.


TInt aHandleA handle to the font to be duplicated.


MAnimGeneralFunctionsEventExtension *EventExtension()[inline]

Gets access to EventExtension utility functions. A pointer to a class containing functions for working with Event.


TAny *ExtendedInterface(TIntaInterface)[pure virtual]

Returns an extension interface, maybe extended further in the future. A pointer to the extension interface. When aInterface=0 (ENumberOfExtendedInterfaces), the number of interfaces is returned (currently 2). When aInterface=1 (EWindowExtensionInterface), a pointer to the Window Extension interface is returned. When aInterface=2 (EEventExtentionInterface), a pointer to the Event Extension interface is returned.


TInt aInterface


TBool FlashStateOn()const [pure virtual]

Tests the flash cycle state.

The flash cycle has 2 states: on (7/12 second) or off (5/12 second).

ETrue if in the on part of the flash cycle, otherwise EFalse.


voidGetRawEvents(TBoolaGetEvents)const [pure virtual]

Switches animation raw event handling on and off.

If raw event handling is switched on, then raw events, e.g. pointer, key, or power events are all offered to the animation event handling code's MEventHandler::OfferRawEvent().

If Animation works in a window for which advanced pointers have been enabled, then after switching on raw event handling it will receive pointer events from all detected pointers. Otherwise it will receive events only from one emulated pointer.



TBool aGetEventsIf ETrue, raw events are passed to the animation event handling code. If EFalse, events are not passed to the animation.


const RMessagePtr2 *Message()[pure virtual]

Get the address of an object which can retrieve information from and send information to the client-side.

A pointer to RMessagePtr2. Complete must be called on the returned object (or a copy of it) if and only if Message is called from an override of CAnim's CommandReplyL which has been caused by a client-side RAnim::AsyncCommandReply call. If Message is called outside an override of CAnim's CommandReplyL or outside an override of CWindowAnim's ConstructL or CSpriteAnim's ConstructL, the it returns NULL.



TInt NumberOfExtendedInterfaces()[inline]


voidPanic()const [pure virtual]

Panics the client.

This will result in the client thread being destroyed.

PostKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent &)

voidPostKeyEvent(const TKeyEvent &aRawEvent)const [pure virtual]

Posts a key event.

The function is similar to PostRawEvent() but should be used for posting key events.


const TKeyEvent & aRawEventThe key event.

PostRawEvent(const TRawEvent &)

voidPostRawEvent(const TRawEvent &aRawEvent)const [pure virtual]

Posts a raw event, just as if it had come from the kernel.

If aRawEvent has pointer-related type (move, switch on, down, up or out of range), then its Z coordinate and iPointerNumber fields will be validated and may be overwritten by WSERV in order to guarantee correct behaviour depending on: 1. Pointer Pressure and Proximity support on current platform. 2. Multiple pointers support on current platform. 3. Animation's awareness of these fields. If Animation works in a window for which advanced pointers have been enabled, it is assumed that it has initialized these fields. Otherwise WSERV will assume that these fields have not been provided and may overwrite them with most appropriate values. For more information about event validation, please refer to System Documentation.



const TRawEvent & aRawEventThe raw event


TInt RegisterForNotifications(TUint32aNotifications)[pure virtual]

Register to receive notifications. One of the system wide error codes


TUint32 aNotificationsA bitset of TAnimNotifications values indicating which notifications are required

ReplyBuf(const TDesC8 &)

voidReplyBuf(const TDesC8 &aDes)[pure virtual]

Send a reply to the client process in response to a request from the client.



const TDesC8 & aDesThe data to be sent back to the client

ReplyBuf(const TDesC16 &)

voidReplyBuf(const TDesC16 &aDes)[pure virtual]

Send a reply to the client process in response to a request from the client.



const TDesC16 & aDesThe data to be sent back to the client


voidReserved1()const [private, virtual]


voidReserved2()const [private, virtual]


voidReserved3()const [private, virtual]


const CFbsScreenDevice *ScreenDevice()[pure virtual]

Gets a pointer to the screen device.

For example, this might be used to gain access to twips to pixel conversion functions.

A pointer to the screen device.


voidSetInterval(TIntaInterval)[pure virtual]

Sets the repeat interval.

If the synchronisation mode is TAnimSync::ESyncNone, then the Animate() function is called at intervals defined by some number of flash ticks. There are two flash ticks a second, with a 7/12 second - 5/12 second cycle. If the function is called when the synchronisation mode is not TAnimSync::ESyncNone, then the window server panics the client.

If the new interval is greater than the current countdown, then the call does not affect the current countdown. For example, if the countdown has 10 flash ticks remaining, and the interval is set to 20, the new interval does not apply until the current countdown is complete.

However if the new interval is less the current countdown, then the new interval applies immediately i.e. the countdown is reset to the interval value.

If the interval is set to zero the countdown stops, and the Animate() function is no longer called.


TInt aIntervalThe number of flash ticks between calls to the Animate() function.


voidSetNextInterval(TIntaInterval)[pure virtual]

Sets the next interval.

This function immediately resets the current countdown to the specified number of flash ticks, irrespective of its current value. After the countdown expires, the interval returns to its usual rate. Note that this may be zero (i.e. not at all).

To call this function, the synchronisation mode must be TAnimSync::ESyncNone, otherwise the window server panics the client.

Note: there are two flash ticks a second, with a 7/12 second - 5/12 second cycle.



TInt aIntervalThe interval to the next Animate(). If the value is less than 1, it automatically gets set to 1.


voidSetSync(TAnimSyncaSyncMode)[pure virtual]

Sets the synchronisation mode.

This determines the time intervals between calls to the Animate() function.


TAnimSync aSyncModeThe synchronisation mode.


TAnimSync Sync()const [pure virtual]

Gets the current synchronisation mode.

The current sync mode.


TDateTime SystemTime()const [pure virtual]

Gets the system time as it was when Animate() was last called.

The system time when Animate() was last called.


MAnimGeneralFunctionsWindowExtension *WindowExtension()[inline]

Gets access to Window Extension utility functions. A pointer to a class containing functions for working with Window.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum anonymous


ENumberOfExtendedInterfaces = 0

Enum TAnimSync

Animation synchronisation flags.

The animation can be synchronised to any of these values; the Animate() call will take place at the start of the new unit (day, hour, etc...).



Not synchronised. Animate() is called after some number of flash cycles - set by SetSync().


Animate() every flash tick. This occurs twice a second, on the second and after 7/12ths of a second, e.g. the function is called in a flash-on (7/12 seconds) - flash-off (5/12 seconds) cycle.


Animate() called as soon after every second as system activity allows.


Animate() called as soon after every minute as system activity allows.


Animate() called as soon after midnight every day as system activity allows.