Symbian OS Library


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abld.bat batch file

Controls all aspects of building a project. It is created in the current directory by the bldmake tool from a component description file.

See also: bldmake tool 


Used to describe a class which describes behaviour, but which does not implement it. Many implementations of the behaviour might be available. Each is referred to as a concrete class.

See also: concrete  

access count

A record of the number of objects referencing a contact item. A contact item cannot be fully deleted until its access count is zero.

See also: contact item  

access mode

The locking specified when opening a file: exclusive, readers only, or shared with any.

active object

A class derived from CActive, which is responsible for issuing requests to asynchronous service providers and handling those requests on completion.

See also: active scheduler  asynchronous service provider  

active scheduler

A class derived from CActiveScheduler, responsible for scheduling events to the active objects in an event-handling program.

See also: asynchronous service provider  active object  


For Bluetooth, each Bluetooth device has built into its hardware a 48-bit device unique address.


In the context of the Network Interface Manager (NifMan), the component which NifMan uses to set up a dial-up connection.

Or, in the context of a vCard, a property within a vCard whose value is a string representing another entity.

See also: property  vCard  entity  

alarm due time

The time that the alarm was/is due.

Before an alarm activates this is the same as the alarm time. If the alarm is snoozed then the due time remains the same, but the alarm time becomes the new activation time.

See also: alarm time  

alarm message

The message which is displayed to the user when the alarm time is reached.

See also: alarm time  

alarm sound

An algorithmic sound or a sampled sound file stored in the system alarms directory (\System\Alarms).

See also: algorithmic sound  sampled sound file  

alarm time

The time the alarm is next expected to activate.

See also: alarm due time  


A standard for encoding 12-bit sound as 8-bit data.

See also: sampled sound file  


help authoring tool

See also: help authoring  

algorithmic sound

A sound generated by the sound driver by synthesising sounds according to an algorithm.

See also: sampled sound file  

Alpha blending

The term used where a value (called 'Alpha') is used to indicate a transparency value for a pixel. If the Alpha=maximum then the pixel is opaque, that is the full colour of the pixel is written to the destination. If Alpha=0 then the pixel is fully transparent, and the destination is left unaltered. Values in-between cause 'blending' with the formula Destination = Source*Alpha/max_Alpha + Destination*(max_Alpha-Alpha)/max_Alpha


Marks the start of a selection

See also: cursor  selection  


Application Programming Interface, the visible public behaviour a system object or component exposes to other objects or components

app UI

A control environment class which defines application-wide aspects of the user interface, such as key event handling. Each application that uses the control environment has exactly one app UI, which may be either a simple app UI or a standard app UI.


The interface an application presents to the user, or the subclass of CEikAppUi an app uses.

See also: simple app UI  standard app UI  user interface  


A run-time object that acts as a factory for documents and provides some document-independent utility functions.

See also: document  


Application Binary Interface. The term used for different forms of binary executable code that run on ARM processors. Types of ABIs are ARMI, ARM4 and THUMB.

See also: ARM processors 

application program

A program made up of a number of classes. It usually consists of a user interface and an application engine.

application resource file

The resource file written by an application programmer as part of the application source.

See also: resource file  

application view

The main window in an application, which typically displays user data.


A file attribute indicating whether it has been saved since changes were made to it. The archive attribute is assigned to a file when it is created, replaced or written to.

See also: attribute  

ARM processors

A processor with 16/32 bit embedded RISC from ARM.

array buffer

An area containing the elements, or pointers to the elements of an array.

array capacity

The number of elements which an array can hold or represent within the space currently allocated to its array buffer.

See also: array buffer  

array granularity

The number of elements by which the array capacity of an array is increased.

See also: array capacity  


The ascent of a character cell defines the position of the baseline within every character cell of a font. It is the number of pixels from the top of the cell to the baseline. The baseline is not a pixel row itself, but occurs between two pixel rows.

App UI

The central user interface class. It creates and owns controls to display the application data, and centralises handling of command input from standard controls such as menus and toolbars.

application class

Defines the properties of the application, such as UID and caption, and creates a new document.

See also: document class 

application framework

Handles application start-up and accessing the application data (its document).

application framework API

The frameworks that define the application structure and their basic user interface handling.

application engine API

Access to the application data of the core applications.

associated window

The window associated with a control. If the control is a window-owning control, this is the window is owns. If the control is non-window-owning, it is the window in which the control is displayed, i.e., the window owned by the nearest window-owning-control above it in the run-time control hierarchy.


A value on which a function operates.


Application Specific Integrated Circuit


Application-Specific Standard Product. An integrated off-the-shelf part consisting of CPU, MMU, cache and a number of on-chip peripherals (typically UART's, timers, LCD controller). Designed and marketed by a silicon vendor and intended to be used in a class of devices.

asynchronous request

A request for an asynchronous service from an asynchronous service provider.

See also: asynchronous service provider  

asynchronous service provider

A system, component or class which provides a service asynchronously

Requests are indicated by function calls with a TRequestStatus reference parameter.

See also: Request status  active object  active scheduler  asynchronous request  


Class 2 modem receive command.


A characteristic of a file or directory. Attributes determine the visibility of files and directories and whether or not they can be deleted or modified. Attributes include hidden, read-only and archive.

For Bluetooth, a Bluetooth service is described by a service record, consisting of a list of service attributes. Each attribute has an ID, a type, and a value.

See also: entry  hidden  archive  read-only  

audio streaming

Playing audio data incrementally, as the data fragments are received by the client, rather than waiting until the entire sound clip has downloaded before playing it.

automatic transaction

A transaction which is operated automatically by a database, if no explicit transaction is begun when modifying the database.

See also: transaction  


Repeated key events generated by the window server when a user holds down a key

auxiliary application

An application which accesses the document data of a Symbian OS application