Symbian OS Library


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Original name for the base components of Symbian OS.


A triangular button that can be pressed to set another control to the next or previous in sequence. Ears are displayed to either side of the control they affect.

editable text

Text and other text object components (including pictures and other attachments) that may be edited under program control. An interface is provided to the layout engine so that editable text can be displayed on screen, and commands and selections made from the screen. The two most important forms of editable text are rich text and global text.

See also: rich text  global text  plain text  layout engine  


Electronic Font Foundry.

See also: Electronic Font Foundry format  Fontcomp  

effective format

The set of format attributes that apply to a character or paragraph. Consists of the attributes specified by the applicable format layers.

See also: format attribute  format layer  

EIKON framework

The programming framework provided by EIKON. EIKON consists of this framework together with a set of concrete controls and standard dialogs. EIKON was replaced in v5.1 by UIKON and device-specific UI libraries.

EIKON resource file

EIKON's own internal resource file, eikon.rss, part of the EIKON framework.

See also: resource file  


Batch tool for simplifying resource compiler interface.

See also: Rcomp  resource compiler  

Electronic Font Foundry format

Font format licensed by Symbian for use in Symbian OS. Also referred to as EFF.

See also: EFF  

embeddable capability

Embeddable documents can be embedded within another application.

See also: application capabilities  application information file  


A rectangle is empty when the area contained within it is zero or negative. This situation occurs when the rectangle is not normalised, or when it has a height or width of zero. A region is empty if it contains no rectangles.

See also: normalise  rectangle  region  


An implementation of Symbian OS hosted on PCs running Microsoft Windows. The Emulator is the primary development environment for Symbian OS.

End entity certificate

A certificate which has been signed by a certification authority. An EE certificate may be used to sign a SIS file or a MIDlet, but may not be used to sign certificates.


The UI and view independent portion of an application, concerned with data manipulation and other fundamental operations independently of how these are eventually represented to the user.

See also: model  MVC  

Engine Utilities

Also known as BAFL, this component defines the application framework at a level higher than the base, but below UIKON.

See also: BAFL  


An object to be parsed by the versit parser. The entity types supported by versit are: vCalendar, vCard, vEvent, vTodo.

Entities may either be top level entities, or sub-entities.

See also: versit  top level entity  sub-entity  versit  


A directory entry. This may be either a file or directory.


An item recorded in the Index by the Message Server, such as a message, service, folder, or attachment. Each Index entry (and so each item) is uniquely identified by an ID field.

See also: attribute  

entry ID

Uniquely identifies an agenda entry in an agenda file. Unlike the unique ID, the entry ID can change if the entry is updated, or if another entry is deleted from or added to the file. It therefore cannot be used to identify the entry during synchronisation.

See also: unique ID  

entry observer

A class implemented by a messaging client that is notified when the data representing an individual entry changes, or when requested access to a message store has been successfully gained.

entry point

A function which is called when the DLL is loaded, or attached by a thread or process. In Symbian OS, the function E32Dll() is usually coded as the entry point.

See also: DLL  export  

entry symbol

The character which is used to represent an entry in Agenda application views.


End Of Procedure. Indicates the end of a complete page of fax information, and that no further documents are expected. Proceed to phase E upon receipt of a confirmation.


The original name for Symbian OS.


The Symbian OS sockets framework. It provides an abstract sockets interface, for which extensions to support particular sockets protocols, such as TCP/IP, can be written.

See also: socket  


The Symbian OS telephony framework. It provides an abstract telephony interface, for which extensions to support particular telephony protocols or devices can be written.

ETel core API

The ETel API that implements the subset of near-universally supported telephony functionality.

See also: ETel  


The Symbian OS component that relates to text content and formatting.

See also: FORM  


A loose term used to describe the cause of the completion of a request to an event source.

See also: event source  asynchronous request  

event queue

A queue of keyboard, pointer and redraw events maintained by the window server, for each of its current client applications.

See also: window server  

event source

An asynchronous service provider that causes requests to complete when some event (usually not directly solicited) occurs.

Event sources must buffer the events they detect, until they are able to "give" them to a user program by virtual of a request completion. Buffer overrun is a real possibility.

See also: event  asynchronous service provider  


In an agenda entry's repeat details, a date for which the repeat algorithm does not apply. Abnormal condition that causes the CPU to stop what it is doing and jump to a specific piece of code.


A program condition which causes a it to leave.

See also: leave  trap harnessrepeat details  repeating entry 

excess width

The width over which excess space is to be distributed when drawing justified text.

See also: justification  


An Executable file that contains the code for a program.

exec call

A call to the Kernel via a software interrupt.


Within the context of a DLL, to make a function or data available for use by application programs or other DLLs.

See also: DLL  import  

export by ordinal

Within the context of a DLL, an exported function referred to by its ordinal number instead of by name.

See also: Export  


A window is completely or partly exposed when a window that used to be on top of it is moved or destroyed.

See also: window  


Identifies the type of a file. It comprises everything after the final dot. If there is no final dot, the extension is empty.

See also: path  


A control or window's position and size.


The process of writing an object's data to a stream.

See also: stream