Symbian OS Library


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Terminal Adapter. Connecting equipment between the Terminal Equipment (computer) and the phone, e.g. a PCM/CIA card. A TA may contain a phone book.


Belongs to a database; stores any number of rows of data which conform to the structure described by a column set.

See also: database  row  column set  

task bar

Touch sensitive toolbar for launching applications.

In the series 5, this term is used to refer to the lower off-screen area from which applications are launched.

See also: toolbar  side bar  


The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the suite of communications protocols used to make connections on the Internet.

technology type UID

UID that indicates the messaging technology that the MTM group implements.


Telephony is the technology associated with the electronic transmission of voice, fax, or other information between distant parties using systems historically associated with the telephone.

See also: ETel  


A fictitious example development board. The source for the Template board can be used as a starting point for a port to a real system.

See also: contact item  field set  

template label

A string that identifies a template to users. For instance, "work template" could indicate a template used to create contact cards in the style of a work colleague.

See also: template  

terminal emulation

Used when making a computer respond like a particular type of terminal. Terminal emulation programs enable you to access a mainframe computer or bulletin board service using a personal computer.

text area

Area within the view rectangle in which text can appear. The label and line cursor margins are not part of the text area.

See also: view rectangle  label margin  line cursor margin  

text cursor

Used for "cursor" when it needs to be distinguished from "line cursor".

See also: cursor  line cursor  

text definition

Specifies a set of fields and field separators, which is used to create a string to represent a contact item.

See also: field  contact item  

text drawing primitive

A graphics operation that outputs text to a graphics device.

See also: graphics operation  graphics device  

text message

The text message format consists of a number of message types supported by the GSM standards. Types include, submit, deliver, status report, and command.

See also: PDU message  

text mode

When a file is open in text mode, CR and LF combinations are translated between the file system's native format and the Symbian OS format (which uses CR, LF to designate the end of every line).

See also: binary mode  

text object

An object derived from CEditableText, that contains a body of text, pictures etc.

See also: editable text  picture  

text view

View of a document.

See also: text document  layout object  

thick line

A line drawn with a pen of greater width than one pixel.

thick shape

A line or fillable with an outline that is drawn greater than one pixel wide is a thick shape.

See also: thick shape  


A single unit of execution within a process; threads run concurrently.

See also: process  

thread-local storage

A machine word of memory that may be used to anchor information in the context of both a DLL and a thread. Used instead of (non-const) static data, which is not supported for Symbian OS DLLs.

See also: DLL  


A handle is thread-relative if ownership of that handle is vested in the thread.

See also: handle  

time and date editor

A concrete control that supports editing a time and date value.

See also: time editor  date editor  

time editor

A concrete control that supports editing a time value.

See also: time and date editor  

time offset editor

A concrete control that supports editing a time offset value.

See also: time editor  duration editor  

timed alarm

Timed alarms are associated with timed agenda entries. The time of the alarm can be adjusted by changing the time of the agenda entry.

See also: clock alarm  untimed alarm  orphan alarm  snoozed alarm  session alarm  

to-do list ID

Uniquely identifies a to-do list in an agenda file. Unlike the unique ID, the to-do list ID can change if the list is updated, or if another list is deleted from or added to the file. It therefore cannot be used to identify the list during synchronisation.

See also: unique ID  


A horizontal strip of information and buttons along the top of a document's UI also known as the top toolbar.

All embedded document editor UIs have a toolband containing the document's name, its parent document and a Done button.

Tool bands are implemented as horizontal toolbars.

See also: top toolbar  command  toolbar  


A rectangular "bar" of screen area where tools can be launched.

In UIKON this refers specifically to vertical strip of controls down the left- or right-hand-side of an application. Usually contains a clock, the name of the current file or application and a number of command buttons, but can contain any kind of factory-constructable control.

See also: compound control  toolband  control factory identifiertask bar  side bar 

top level entity

A parser entity that is not nested within another entity but into which other entities can be nested. vCalendars and vCards can be top level entities. vEvents and vTodos cannot be top-level entities.

See also: entity  vCalendar  vCard  

top toolbar

A horizontal toolbar at the top of the screen. Also known as a toolband.

See also: toolband  

top-level control

A window-owning control whose associated window is a top-level window.

See also: window-owning control  associated window  top-level window  

top-level window

A window whose parent window is a window group.


One or more changes to a database which have been completed, and can either be committed or rolled back together.

See also: database  commit  rollback  

transport independence

The concept that different protocols can be accessed through the same sockets API.

trap harness

Construction associated with the TRAP and TRAPD macros. Code executed inside a trap harness may leave, returning control to the cleanup part of the harness, and automatically resulting in items being cleaned up from the cleanup stack.

See also: leave  cleanup stack  


Group of three digits in the integer portion of a number. Triads are separated by the thousands separator. For example, using the comma as the thousands separator, there are two triads in the number "123,456.789".

Trust anchor

A certificate on a device that is trusted directly by the device for some purpose, such as verifying EE certificates used to sign SIS files.


An ETel extension module that handles the interaction between the ETel server, and a particular telephony device or family of devices.

See also: ETel  


1/1440th of an inch, or 1/20th of a point. All measurements supported by the GDI are either in pixels for devices, or twips for real-world sizing.

See also: point  

twips editor

A concrete control that supports editing a paper measurement unit value: inches or cms; it presents the program with measurement in twips.


A group of related fonts of various sizes, which share the same typeface name and typeface attributes.

See also: Font