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Audio Streaming overview


The Audio Streaming API is the interface to streaming sampled audio data to and from the low level audio controller part of the Multimedia framework (MMF).

Streamed audio data is sent and received incrementally. This means:

The client is also notified (for audio play and record) when the stream is opened and available for use (opening takes place asynchronously), and when the stream is closed.

This API can only be used to stream audio data, with the data being stored or sourced from a descriptor. Client applications must ensure that the data is in 16 bit PCM format as this is the only format supported. The API does not support mixing. A priority mechanism is used to control access to the sound device by more than one client.


Architectural relationships

How the audio streaming classes interact with other components of MMF is shown below.

Audio input/output streaming overview

Audio input/output streaming overview

The Audio Streaming API is related to the following APIs:


Usage - CMdaAudioOutputStream

Using the interface involves opening, setting audio properties, writing to and closing the stream. It is implemented by the CMdaAudioOutputStream and MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback classes.

Each stage of using an output stream is described below:

  1. Create the new audio streaming object using NewL() and optionally set the priority of the audio streaming object in relation to other clients that may attempt to use the audio hardware.

  2. Open the stream using Open(). Once the stream has been successfully opened a MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscOpenComplete() is issued to indicate that the stream is ready for use.

  3. Set the audio and mobile equipment properties. Use SetAudioPropertiesL() to set the sampling rate and number of audio channels. Values must be specified as enum values, for example, TMdaAudioDataSettings::ESampleRate8000Hz rather than 8000. It is not possible to reset these values once the stream is playing.

    Use the volume and balance functions to determine current settings or set new ones. Volume and balance can be set while the stream is open with any new settings taking effect immediately.

  4. Use WriteL() specifying the buffer to use, to send audio data to the lower layers of the MMF. Once the buffer has been successfully copied, a pointer to its location is returned in a MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscBufferCopied().

    Upon reception of this callback the buffer can be deleted as it is no longer required. It can also be used as an opportunity to issue addition WriteL() calls, although they can be issued anytime as the MMF maintains its own list of user buffers to play.

  5. Use Stop() to stop audio playback. The MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscPlayComplete() callback is issued indicating successful closure of the stream.

    Note: MMdaAudioOutputStreamCallback::MaoscPlayComplete() may also be called if there is no more audio data to play. In such circumstances the audio stream is automatically closed and aError of the callback is set to KErrUnderFlow.

The user of the API is faced with a trade off between using small and large buffers to store the audio data. The use of smaller buffers increases the chance of an underrun (where the sound device finishes playing before the next buffer of sound data has been sent to it), but reduces the initial delay before sound begins to play.


Usage - CMdaAudioInputStream

Using the interface involves opening, setting audio and mobile equipment properties, reading from and closing the stream. It is implemented by the CMdaAudioInputStream and MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback classes.

Each stage of using an input stream is described below:

  1. Create the new audio streaming object using NewL() and optionally set the priority of the audio streaming object in relation to other clients that may attempt to use the audio hardware.

  2. Open the stream using Open(). Once the stream has been successfully opened a MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback::MaiscOpenComplete() is issued to indicate that the stream is ready for use.

  3. Set the audio and mobile equipment properties. Use SetAudioPropertiesL() to set the sampling rate and number of audio channels. Values must be specified as enum values, for example, TMdaAudioDataSettings::ESampleRate8000Hz rather than 8000. It is not possible to reset these values once the stream is playing.

    Use the gain and balance functions to determine current settings or set new ones. Gain and balance can be set while the stream is open with any new settings taking effect immediately.

  4. Use ReadL() specifying the buffer to use, to request recorded audio data from the lower layer of the MMF. Once the buffer has been successfully written, a pointer to its location is returned in a MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback::MaiscBufferCopied().

    MMF only starts recording audio data after the first ReadL() is issued (not after the Open()).

  5. Use Stop() to stop recording. Two callbacks are issued after a Stop(), the first is a MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback::MaiscBufferCopied() pointing to a buffer that contains the last of the recorded audio data (and an aError value of KErrAbort). The second callback is the MMdaAudioInputStreamCallback::MaiscRecordComplete() indicating successful closure of the audio stream.


See Also