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Audio Playing

CMdaAudioPlayerUtility provides a simple interface to open, play, and obtain information from sampled audio data. The audio data can be supplied either in a file, a descriptor or a URL. One significant difference between this class and CMdaAudioRecorderUtility (that also provides play methods) is that multiple audio files can be played within a single instance with this class.

For the purposes of this description, the playing process has been broken down into the following sections.

Construction and opening

When using CMdaAudioPlayerUtility you can specify the name of the file, descriptor or URL to play in a variety of ways. As with CMdaAudioRecorderUtulity and CMdaAudioConverterUtulity this class can automatically detect the file format and codec of most audio clips with the exception of raw audio. To play raw audio, it is necessary to first create the player object using NewL() and then use OpenUrlL() or OpenAndPlayUrlL().

The following construction and open statements are provided:



Following the constructing and opening of the audio clip, configuration adjustments can be made using the methods described below.

The configuration related methods are:


Plug-in control

You can govern the relationship with a video plug-n in various ways:


Meta data control

Some audio formats enable the use of meta data, enabling the player of an audio clip to retrieve information that is held within the clip itself. This meta data is usually used to store information such as copyright information, creator, creation date and so on.

CMdaAudioPlayerUtility provides two meta data methods that enable you to:

Note: it is not possible to set meta data using this class. If you need to set meta data, use CMdaAudioConvertUtility instead.



This class is intended for playing audio data only. Whereas CMdaAudioRecorderUtility does contain some player methods, this class is far better suited to playing audio clips. This is because CMdaAudioPlayerUtility does not contain the overheads required to support recording and because it is capable of playing more than one clip within the same instance.

The play related methods are:


See also