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Audio Recording

CMdaAudioRecorderUtility provides features to record audio clips to files, descriptors or URLs. It also provides methods for creating and manipulating meta data entries in the newly recorded clips.

Methods are provided in CMdaAudioRecorderUtility for both the recording and playing of audio data. This class is intended primarily for recording audio data, the playback methods have been included for convenience sake. If you just need to play back an audio clip you should use CMdaAudioPlayerUtility instead, as it provides more control over playing and does not include the overheads that are necessary to support recording functionality.

For the purposes of this description, the recording process has been broken down into the following sections.


MMF can automatically detect the file format and codec of most audio clips with the exception of raw audio. When opening a raw audio file, the codec and audio settings must be specified; this is reflected in the range of open statements available in CMdaAudioRecorderUtility.

The following open statements are provided:



Following the opening of the file, descriptor or URL to play or record audio data, configuration adjustments can be made using the methods described below.

There are five categories of configuration methods that can be used to retrieve and set configuration parameters when playing back or recording audio data. These categories are:


Plug-in control

You can govern the relationship with a video plug-in in various ways:


Meta data control

Some audio formats enable the use of meta data, enabling the creator or player of an audio clip to retrieve or set information that is held within the clip itself. This meta data is usually used to store information such as copyright information, creator, creation date and so on.

CMdaAudioRecorderUtility provides a set of meta data methods that enable you to:



There are three categories of control methods that can be used to record and playback audio data. These categories are:


See also