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Location: VideoPlayer.h
Link against: mediaclientvideo.lib

Class CVideoPlayerUtility

class CVideoPlayerUtility : public CBase, public MMMFClientUtility;


Plays sampled video data.

The class offers a simple interface to open, play and obtain information from sampled video data. The video data can be provided using files, descriptors or URLs.

Note: Some video formats also allow the storing of audio data. To accommodate this, this class contains audio functions that can manipulate such data.

While this class is abstract, NewL() constructs, initialises and returns pointers to instances of concrete classes derived from this abstract class. This concrete class is part of the MMF implementation and is private.



Defined in CVideoPlayerUtility:
AudioBitRateL(), AudioEnabledL(), AudioTypeL(), Balance(), CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(), Close(), ControllerImplementationInformationL(), CustomCommandAsync(), CustomCommandAsync(), CustomCommandSync(), CustomCommandSync(), DurationL(), GetCropRegionL(), GetDRMCustomCommand(), GetFrameL(), GetFrameL(), GetScaleFactorL(), GetVideoLoadingProgressL(), MaxVolume(), MetaDataEntryL(), NewL(), NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL(), OpenDesL(), OpenFileL(), OpenFileL(), OpenFileL(), OpenUrlL(), PauseL(), Play(), Play(), PositionL(), Prepare(), PriorityL(), RefreshFrameL(), RegisterAudioResourceNotification(), RegisterForVideoLoadingNotification(), RotationL(), SetBalanceL(), SetCropRegionL(), SetDisplayWindowL(), SetInitScreenNumber(), SetPositionL(), SetPriorityL(), SetRotationL(), SetScaleFactorL(), SetVideoFrameRateL(), SetVolumeL(), StartDirectScreenAccessL(), Stop(), StopDirectScreenAccessL(), VideoBitRateL(), VideoFormatMimeType(), VideoFrameRateL(), VideoFrameSizeL(), Volume(), WillResumePlay()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

Construction and destruction


Capability: MultimediaDD A process requesting or using this method that has MultimediaDD capability will always have precedence over a process that does not have MultimediaDD.

static IMPORT_C CVideoPlayerUtility *NewL(MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver &aObserver, TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref, RWsSession &aWs, CWsScreenDevice &aScreenDevice, RWindowBase &aWindow, const TRect &aScreenRect, const TRect &aClipRect);


Constructs and initialises a new instance of the video player utility.

This function leaves if the video player utility object cannot be created.


MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver &aObserver

A client class to receive notifications from the video player.

TInt aPriority

This client's relative priority. This is a value between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax and represents a relative priority. A higher value indicates a more important request.

TMdaPriorityPreference aPref

The required behaviour if a higher priority client takes over the sound output device. One of the values defined by TMdaPriorityPreference.

RWsSession &aWs

The window server session id.

CWsScreenDevice &aScreenDevice

The software device screen.

RWindowBase &aWindow

The display window.

const TRect &aScreenRect

The dimensions of the display window.

const TRect &aClipRect

The area of the video clip to display in the window.

Return value

CVideoPlayerUtility *

A pointer to the new video player utility object.


Member functions


IMPORT_C void OpenFileL(const TDesC &aFileName, TUid aControllerUid=TUid::Null());


Opens a video clip from a file.

This function opens a video clip from a file using an optionally specified plugin. If no controller plugin is specified, this function searches through a list of all available plugins and attempts to use each one until successful or the end of the list is reached.

Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.

This function leaves if errors are encountered opening the specified video clip file, or in initialising a specified/unspecified controller plugin.

This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures will however be reported through the MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver interface.


const TDesC &aFileName

The full path name of the file containing the video data.

TUid aControllerUid

If specified, it will force the video player to use the controller with the given UID.


IMPORT_C void OpenFileL(const RFile &aFileName, TUid aControllerUid=TUid::Null());


Opens a video clip from a file.

This function opens a video clip from a file using an optionally specified plugin. If no controller plugin is specified, this function searches through a list of all available plugins and attempts to use each one until successful or the end of the list is reached.

Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.

This function leaves if errors are encountered opening the specified video clip file, or in initialising a specified/unspecified controller plugin.

This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures will however be reported through the MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver interface.


const RFile &aFileName

An open handle to a file containing the video clip

TUid aControllerUid

If specified, it will force the video player to use the controller with the given UID.


IMPORT_C void OpenFileL(const TMMSource &aSource, TUid aControllerUid=TUid::Null());


Opens a video clip from a file.

This function opens a video clip from a file using an optionally specified plugin. If no controller plugin is specified, this function searches through a list of all available plugins and attempts to use each one until successful or the end of the list is reached.

Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.

This function leaves if errors are encountered opening the specified video clip file, or in initialising a specified/unspecified controller plugin.

This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures will however be reported through the MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver interface.


const TMMSource &aSource

A filename or an open handle to a file containing the video clip

TUid aControllerUid

If specified, it will force the video player to use the controller with the given UID.


IMPORT_C void OpenDesL(const TDesC8 &aDescriptor, TUid aControllerUid=TUid::Null());


Opens a video clip contained in a descriptor.

This function opens a video clip contained as binary data in a descriptor using an optionally specified plugin. If no controller plugin is specified, this function searches through a list of all available plugins and attempts to use each one until successful or the end of the list is reached.

Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.

This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures will however be reported through the interface.


const TDesC8 &aDescriptor

The descriptor containing the video clip

TUid aControllerUid

If specified, it will force the video player to use the controller with the given UID.


IMPORT_C void OpenUrlL(const TDesC &aUrl, TInt aIapId=KUseDefaultIap, const TDesC8 &aMimeType=KNullDesC8, TUid aControllerUid=TUid::Null());


Opens a video clip from a URL.

This function opens a video clip stored at a specified URL and identified by a MIME type. In addition a plugin can be specified if necessary. If no controller plugin is specified, this function searches through a list of all available plugins and attempts to use each one until successful or the end of the list is reached.

Once the opening of the video clip is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoOpenComplete() is called.

This function can leave with one of the specified error codes. Most open failures will however be reported through the MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver interface.


const TDesC &aUrl

The URL of the video clip to open.

TInt aIapId

The Id of the internet access point to use

const TDesC8 &aMimeType

The MIME type associated with this video clip. This is used to determine the format of the video clip.

TUid aControllerUid

If specified, it will force the video player to use the controller with the given Uid.


IMPORT_C void Prepare();


Prepares the video clip to be accessed.

A call to this method tells the loaded controller plugin to finalise its configuration and to prepare to start reading the video clip. It is not possible to play the video clip or query any of its properties (e.g. duration, meta data etc.) until this method has signalled its completion (successful or otherwise) via the callback MvpuoPrepareComplete.


IMPORT_C void Close();


Closes the video clip.


IMPORT_C void Play();


Begins playback of the initialised video sample at the current volume and priority levels.

When playing of the video sample is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoPlayComplete() is called.


IMPORT_C void Play(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &aStartPoint, const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &aEndPoint);


Begins playback of the initialised video sample at the specified start and end points.

When playing of the video sample is complete, successfully or otherwise, the callback function MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoPlayComplete() is called.


const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &aStartPoint

The point at which to start playback.

const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &aEndPoint

The point at which to terminate playback.


IMPORT_C TInt Stop();


Stops playback of the video sample as soon as is possible.

If the video sample is playing, playback is stopped as soon as possible and the callback function MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoPlayComplete() is called.

If playback is already complete, this function has no effect. In addition, under these circumstances the callback function MVideoPlayerUtilityObserver::MvpuoPlayComplete() is not called either.

The position is reset to the beginning of the file.

Return value


An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C void PauseL();


Video playback is paused. The current position is maintained and playback can be resumed by calling Play.


Capability: MultimediaDD A process requesting or using this method that has MultimediaDD capability will always have precedence over a process that does not have MultimediaDD.

IMPORT_C void SetPriorityL(TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref);


Sets the playback priority.

This is used to arbitrate between multiple objects simultaneously trying to accesses the sound hardware.


TInt aPriority

The priority level to apply, EMdaPriorityMin client can be interrupted by any other client, EMdaPriorityNormal client can only be interrupted by a client with a higher priority or EMdaPriorityMax client cannot be interrupted by other clients.

TMdaPriorityPreference aPref

The time and quality preferences to apply, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference.


IMPORT_C void PriorityL(TInt &aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference &aPref) const;


Get the current playback priority. This is used to arbitrate between simultaneous accesses of the sound hardware.


TInt &aPriority

On return, contains the priority level, EMdaPriorityMin client can be interrupted by any other client, EMdaPriorityNormal client can only be interrupted by a client with a higher priority or EMdaPriorityMax client cannot be interrupted by other clients.

TMdaPriorityPreference &aPref

On return, contains the time and quality preferences, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference.


IMPORT_C void SetDisplayWindowL(RWsSession &aWs, CWsScreenDevice &aScreenDevice, RWindowBase &aWindow, const TRect &aWindowRect, const TRect &aClipRect);


Sets the display window. This is used to provide the video controller with an area of the display to render the current video frame.


RWsSession &aWs

The window server session ID.

CWsScreenDevice &aScreenDevice

The software device screen.

RWindowBase &aWindow

The window to display.

const TRect &aWindowRect

The dimensions of the display window.

const TRect &aClipRect

The area of the video clip to display in the window.


IMPORT_C void RegisterForVideoLoadingNotification(MVideoLoadingObserver &aCallback);


Register to receive notifications of video clip loading/rebuffering.

When a video clip is being streamed in, it may require rebuffering from time to time. This function "switches on" callbacks that report the status of the rebuffering.

The two callbacks that can be sent are MVideoLoadingObserver::MvloLoadingStarted() and MVideoLoadingObserver::MvloLoadingComplete().


MVideoLoadingObserver &aCallback

The object to receive video loading notifications.


IMPORT_C void GetVideoLoadingProgressL(TInt &aPercentageComplete);


Gets the progress of video clip loading/rebuffering.


TInt &aPercentageComplete

The percentage of loading/rebuffering complete. The parameter is zero if loading has not begun and 100 if loading has already completed.


IMPORT_C void GetFrameL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode);


Gets the current frame. The current frame is requested, and will be sent to the client asynchrynously via the MvpuoFrameReady callback.


TDisplayMode aDisplayMode

The display mode for the retrieved frame.


IMPORT_C void GetFrameL(TDisplayMode aDisplayMode, ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent);


Gets the current frame. The current frame is requested, and will be sent to the client asynchrynously via the MvpuoFrameReady callback.


TDisplayMode aDisplayMode

The display mode for the retrieved frame.

ContentAccess::TIntent aIntent

The DRM Intent to pass to the controller.


IMPORT_C void RefreshFrameL();


Requests the video controller to redraw the current frame.


IMPORT_C TReal32 VideoFrameRateL() const;


Returns the video frame rate in frames/second.

Return value


The video frame rate (frames/second).


IMPORT_C void SetVideoFrameRateL(TReal32 aFramesPerSecond);


Sets the video frame rate.


TReal32 aFramesPerSecond

The number of frames per second to request.


IMPORT_C void VideoFrameSizeL(TSize &aSize) const;


Gets the video frame size.


TSize &aSize

The video frame size


IMPORT_C const TDesC8 &VideoFormatMimeType() const;


Returns the video format's MIME type.

Return value

const TDesC8 &

The video clip's MIME type.


IMPORT_C TInt VideoBitRateL() const;


Returns the video bit rate.

Return value


The video bit rate in bits/second.


IMPORT_C TInt AudioBitRateL() const;


Returns the audio bit rate in bits/second.

Return value


The audio bit rate (bits/second).


IMPORT_C TFourCC AudioTypeL() const;


Returns the codec used for the audio component of the video clip.

Return value


The four character code representing the audio codec.


IMPORT_C TBool AudioEnabledL() const;


Returns whether the current clip has an audio stream.

Return value


Boolean indication the presence of an audio stream. ETrue if an audio track is present, otherwise EFalse.


IMPORT_C void SetPositionL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &aPosition);


Sets the position within the video clip from where to start playback.


const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &aPosition

Position from start of clip in microseconds.


IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds PositionL() const;


Returns the current playback position.

Return value


The current position from the start of the clip in microseconds.


IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DurationL() const;


Returns the duration of video clip in mircoseconds.

Return value


The duration of clip in microseconds.


IMPORT_C void SetVolumeL(TInt aVolume);


Sets the playback volume for the audio track of the video clip.

The volume can be changed before or during playback and is effective immediately. The volume can be set to any value between zero (mute) and the maximum permissible volume (determined using MaxVolume()).

To determine if the current video clip contains an audio track, use AudioEnabledL().


TInt aVolume

The volume, between 0 and MaxVolume().


IMPORT_C TInt Volume() const;


Returns the current playback volume for the audio track of the video clip.

Return value


A value between 0 (mute) and the maximum volume returned by MaxVolume().


IMPORT_C TInt MaxVolume() const;


Returns an integer representing the maximum volume that the audio track can support.

This is the maximum value that can be passed to SetVolumeL(). This value is platform independent, but is always greater than or equal to one.

Return value


The naximum playback volume.


IMPORT_C void SetBalanceL(TInt aBalance);


Sets the current playback balance for the audio track of the video clip.

The balance can be any value between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and KMMFBalanceMaxRight, the default value being KMMFBalanceCenter.


TInt aBalance

The balance value to set.


IMPORT_C TInt Balance() const;


Returns the current balance setting for the audio track of the video clip.

Return value


A balance value between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and KMMFBalanceMaxRight.


IMPORT_C void SetRotationL(TVideoRotation aRotation);


Rotates the video image on the screen.


TVideoRotation aRotation

The desired rotation to apply in 90 degree increments.


IMPORT_C TVideoRotation RotationL() const;


Query the rotation that is currently applied to the video image.

Return value


The applied rotation


IMPORT_C void SetScaleFactorL(TReal32 aWidthPercentage, TReal32 aHeightPercentage, TBool aAntiAliasFiltering);


Scales the video image to a specified percentage of its original size.


TReal32 aWidthPercentage

The percentage (100 = original size) to be used to scale the width of the video image

TReal32 aHeightPercentage

The percentage (100 = original size) to be used to scale the height of the video image. If this is not equal to aWidthPercentage then the image may be distorted.

TBool aAntiAliasFiltering

A boolean specifying if anti-aliasing should be used. True if anti-aliasing filtering should be used. If the plugin does not support this kind of processing, this value will be ignored.


IMPORT_C void GetScaleFactorL(TReal32 &aWidthPercentage, TReal32 &aHeightPercentage, TBool &aAntiAliasFiltering) const;


Gets the scale factor currently applied to the video image.


TReal32 &aWidthPercentage

On function return, contains the current scaling percentage applied to the width of the video image (100 = original size).

TReal32 &aHeightPercentage

On function return, contains the current scaling percentage applied to the height of the of the video image (100 = original size).

TBool &aAntiAliasFiltering

The boolean specifying if anit-aliasing is being used.


IMPORT_C void SetCropRegionL(const TRect &aCropRegion);


Selects a region of the video image to be displayed.


const TRect &aCropRegion

The dimensions of the crop region, relative to the video image.


IMPORT_C void GetCropRegionL(TRect &aCropRegion) const;


Gets the crop region currently applied to the image.


TRect &aCropRegion

The dimensions of the crop region, relative to the video image. If no crop region has been applied, the full dimensions of the video image will be returned.


IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() const;


Returns the number of meta data entries associated with this clip.

Return value


The number of meta data entries.


IMPORT_C CMMFMetaDataEntry *MetaDataEntryL(TInt aIndex) const;


Returns a meta data entry from the clip.


TInt aIndex

The index of the meta data entry to retrieve.

Return value

CMMFMetaDataEntry *

The metadata entry requested.


IMPORT_C const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation &ControllerImplementationInformationL();


Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller.

Return value

const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation &

The controller implementation structure associated with the controller.


IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8 &aDataTo1, const TDesC8 &aDataTo2, TDes8 &aDataFrom);


Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.


const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination

The destination of the message, consisting of the UID of the interface of this message.

TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo1

A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo2

A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

TDes8 &aDataFrom

A reference to an area of memory to which the controller framework will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.

Return value


The result of the request. The exact range of values is dependent on the interface.


IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8 &aDataTo1, const TDesC8 &aDataTo2);


Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.


const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination

The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of the interface of this message.

TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo1

A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo2

A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

Return value


The result of the request. The exact range of values is dependent on the interface.


IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8 &aDataTo1, const TDesC8 &aDataTo2, TDes8 &aDataFrom, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Sends an asynchronous custom command to the controller.

Note: This method will return immediately. The RunL of the active object owning the aStatus parameter will be called when the command is completed by the controller framework.


const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination

The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of the interface of this message.

TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo1

A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo2

A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

TDes8 &aDataFrom

A reference to an area of memory to which the controller framework will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the result of the request on completion. The exact range of result values is dependent on the interface.


IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8 &aDataTo1, const TDesC8 &aDataTo2, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Send a asynchronous custom command to the controller.

Note: This method will return immediately. The RunL of the active object owning the aStatus parameter will be called when the command is completed by the controller framework.


const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination

The destination of the message, consisting of the uid of the interface of this message.

TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo1

A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo2

A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the result of the request on completion. The exact range of result values is dependent on the interface.


IMPORT_C MMMFDRMCustomCommand *GetDRMCustomCommand();


Gets a controller's DRM custom command implementation.

Return value

MMMFDRMCustomCommand *

A pointer to a controller's DRM custom command implementation, or NULL if the controller does not support it.


IMPORT_C void StopDirectScreenAccessL();


Enables a client application to stop the video player from using direct screen access (DSA).

This function leaves if errors are encountered when trying to stop DSA.


IMPORT_C void StartDirectScreenAccessL();


Enables a client application to start the video player using direct screen access (DSA).

This function leaves if errors are encountered when trying to start DSA.


IMPORT_C TInt RegisterAudioResourceNotification(MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback &aCallback, TUid aNotificationEventUid, const TDesC8 &aNotificationRegistrationData=KNullDesC8);


Registers for notification, when audio resource is available.


MMMFAudioResourceNotificationCallback &aCallback

Observer interface for audio resource notification event

TUid aNotificationEventUid

The Event for which the client registers.

const TDesC8 &aNotificationRegistrationData

Data specific to notification registration.This has been reserved for future use and its value should be NULL.

Return value


An error code indicating if the registration is successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C TInt CancelRegisterAudioResourceNotification(TUid aNotificationEventId);


Cancels the registration for audio resource notification.


TUid aNotificationEventId

The Event to be cancellled.

Return value


An error code indicating if the cancellation is successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C TInt WillResumePlay();


Waits for the client to resume the play even after the default timer expires. Unless the client completes the play no other client gets notification.

Return value


An error code indicating if the function call is successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C TInt SetInitScreenNumber(TInt aScreenNumber);


Sets the initial screen to be used for the video display.


TInt aScreenNumber

The screen number of the device.

Return value


KErrNotSupported if the secondary screen display is not supported in Multimedia Framework. KErrNone on success.