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Location: VideoRecorder.h
Link against: mediaclientvideo.lib

Class CVideoRecorderUtility

class CVideoRecorderUtility : public CBase, public MMMFClientUtility;


Records video data.

The class offers a simple interface to record and set meta data and control information for a video clip and save the result to a file, descriptor or URL.

Note: Some video formats also allow the storing of audio data. To accommodate this, this class contains audio functions that can manipulate such data.

While this class is abstract, NewL() constructs, initialises and returns pointers to instances of concrete classes derived from this abstract class. This concrete class is part of the MMF implementation and is private.



Defined in CVideoRecorderUtility:
AddMetaDataEntryL(), AudioBitRateL(), AudioEnabledL(), AudioTypeL(), Close(), ControllerImplementationInformationL(), CustomCommandAsync(), CustomCommandAsync(), CustomCommandSync(), CustomCommandSync(), DurationL(), GainL(), GetPriorityL(), GetSupportedAudioTypesL(), GetSupportedVideoTypesL(), GetVideoFrameSizeL(), MaxGainL(), MetaDataEntryL(), NewL(), NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL(), OpenDesL(), OpenFileL(), OpenFileL(), OpenUrlL(), PauseL(), Prepare(), Record(), RecordTimeAvailable(), RemoveMetaDataEntryL(), ReplaceMetaDataEntryL(), SetAudioBitRateL(), SetAudioEnabledL(), SetAudioTypeL(), SetGainL(), SetMaxClipSizeL(), SetPriorityL(), SetVideoBitRateL(), SetVideoFrameRateL(), SetVideoFrameSizeL(), SetVideoTypeL(), Stop(), VideoBitRateL(), VideoFormatMimeType(), VideoFrameRateL()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

Construction and destruction


Capability: MultimediaDD A process requesting or using this method that has MultimediaDD capability will always have precedence over a process that does not have MultimediaDD.

static IMPORT_C CVideoRecorderUtility *NewL(MVideoRecorderUtilityObserver &aObserver, TInt aPriority=EMdaPriorityNormal, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref=EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality);


Constructs and initialises a new instance of the video recorder utility.

The function leaves if the video recorder utility object cannot be created.


MVideoRecorderUtilityObserver &aObserver

An object to receive video recorder notifications.

TInt aPriority

This client's relative priority. This is a value between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax and represents a relative priority. A higher value indicates a more important request.

TMdaPriorityPreference aPref

Time vs Quality priority preferences, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference

Return value

CVideoRecorderUtility *

A pointer to the new video recorder utility object.


Member functions


IMPORT_C void OpenFileL(const TDesC &aFileName, TInt aCameraHandle, TUid aControllerUid, TUid aVideoFormat, const TDesC8 &aVideoType=KNullDesC8, TFourCC aAudioType=KMMFFourCCCodeNULL);


Opens a file that can be used to store a recorded video clip.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


const TDesC &aFileName

A full path name of the file to save the video clip to.

TInt aCameraHandle

A handle to the camera to use for recording.

TUid aControllerUid

The UID of the controller to use for recording.

TUid aVideoFormat

The UID of the video format to record to.

const TDesC8 &aVideoType

The descriptor containing the video MIME type.

TFourCC aAudioType

A four character code representing the encoding to be used for audio data.


IMPORT_C void OpenFileL(const RFile &aFile, TInt aCameraHandle, TUid aControllerUid, TUid aVideoFormat, const TDesC8 &aVideoType=KNullDesC8, TFourCC aAudioType=KMMFFourCCCodeNULL);


Opens a file that can be used to store a recorded video clip.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


const RFile &aFile

File handle of file to use for video clip

TInt aCameraHandle

A handle to the camera to use for recording.

TUid aControllerUid

The UID of the controller to use for recording.

TUid aVideoFormat

The UID of the video format to record to.

const TDesC8 &aVideoType

The descriptor containing the video MIME type.

TFourCC aAudioType

A four character code representing the encoding to be used for audio data.


IMPORT_C void OpenDesL(TDes8 &aDescriptor, TInt aCameraHandle, TUid aControllerUid, TUid aVideoFormat, const TDesC8 &aVideoType=KNullDesC8, TFourCC aAudioType=KMMFFourCCCodeNULL);


Specifies a descriptor that can be used to store a recorded video clip.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


TDes8 &aDescriptor

The descriptor used to store the recorded video clip.

TInt aCameraHandle

The handle of the camera to record from.

TUid aControllerUid

The UID of the controller to use for recording.

TUid aVideoFormat

The UID of the video format to record to.

const TDesC8 &aVideoType

The descriptor containing the video MIME type.

TFourCC aAudioType

A four character code representing the encoding to be used for audio data.


IMPORT_C void OpenUrlL(const TDesC &aUrl, TInt aIapId, TInt aCameraHandle, TUid aControllerUid, TUid aVideoFormat, const TDesC8 &aVideoType=KNullDesC8, TFourCC aAudioType=KMMFFourCCCodeNULL);


Specifies a URL that can be used to store a recorded video clip.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


const TDesC &aUrl

The URL used to store the recorded video clip.

TInt aIapId

The Id of the internet access point to use.

TInt aCameraHandle

The handle of the camera to record from.

TUid aControllerUid

The UID of the controller to use for recording.

TUid aVideoFormat

The UID of the video format to record to.

const TDesC8 &aVideoType

The descriptor containing the video MIME type.

TFourCC aAudioType

A four character code representing the encoding to be used for audio data.


IMPORT_C void Close();


Closes a video clip.


IMPORT_C void Prepare();


Prepares the recorder for recording.

This should be called before the first call to record. The client will receive a MvruoPrepareComplete when the prepare operation is complete.

See also:


IMPORT_C void Record();


Starts the recording of video data to the specified file, descriptor or URL.

If the video format also supports the use of an audio track, recording of the audio track can be enabled using SetAudioEnabledL().

The client will receive a MvruoRecordComplete on completion of recording, unless it explicitly ends recording with Stop. Prepare() should be called before the first call to Record().

This function must not be called until a MVideoRecorderUtilityObserver::MvruoPrepareComplete() has been received with an aError equal to KErrNone.


IMPORT_C TInt Stop();


Stops the recording of video data to the specified file, descriptor or URL.

If the video format supports audio tracks and audio is enabled, this function also stops the recording of the audio data.

Recording is stopped without sending the MvruoRecordComplete message to the client.

Return value


An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C void PauseL();


Pauses the recording of video data to the specified file, descriptor or URL.

If the video format supports audio tracks and audio is enabled, this function also pauses the recording of the audio data.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


Capability: MultimediaDD A process requesting or using this method that has MultimediaDD capability will always have precedence over a process that does not have MultimediaDD.

IMPORT_C void SetPriorityL(TInt aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference aPref);


Sets the recording priority. This is used to arbitrate between simultaneous accesses of the sound hardware.


TInt aPriority

A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax. EMdaPriorityMin means the client can be interrupted by any other client, EMdaPriorityNormal means the client can only be interrupted by a client with a higher priority or EMdaPriorityMax means the client cannot be interrupted by other clients.

TMdaPriorityPreference aPref

Time vs Quality priority preferences, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference


IMPORT_C void GetPriorityL(TInt &aPriority, TMdaPriorityPreference &aPref) const;


Gets the current recording priority. This is used to arbitrate between simultaneous accesses of the sound hardware.


TInt &aPriority

A priority between EMdaPriorityMin and EMdaPriorityMax. EMdaPriorityMin means the client can be interrupted by any other client, EMdaPriorityNormal means the client can only be interrupted by a client with a higher priority or EMdaPriorityMax means the client cannot be interrupted by other clients.

TMdaPriorityPreference &aPref

Time vs Quality priority preferences, enumerated in TMdaPriorityPreference


IMPORT_C void SetVideoFrameRateL(TReal32 aFrameRate);


Sets the video frame rate.


TReal32 aFrameRate

The video frame rate, in frames/second.


IMPORT_C TReal32 VideoFrameRateL() const;


Returns the video frame rate.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.

Return value


The frame rate in frames/second.


IMPORT_C void SetVideoFrameSizeL(const TSize &aSize);


Sets the video frame size in pixels.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


const TSize &aSize

The video frame size, in pixels


IMPORT_C void GetVideoFrameSizeL(TSize &aSize) const;


Gets the video frame size.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


TSize &aSize

The video frame size, in pixels.


IMPORT_C void SetVideoBitRateL(TInt aBitRate);


Sets the video bit rate.


TInt aBitRate

The video bit rate in bits/second. This can be called with the parameter KMMFVariableVideoBitRate which specifies a variable bit rate.


IMPORT_C TInt VideoBitRateL();


Returns the video bit rate.

Return value


The video bit rate in bits/second or KMMFVariableVideoBitRate.


IMPORT_C void SetAudioBitRateL(TInt aBitRate);


Sets the audio bit rate.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


TInt aBitRate

The video bit rate in bits/second.


IMPORT_C TInt AudioBitRateL() const;


Gets the audio bit rate.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.

Return value


The audio bit rate in bits/second.


IMPORT_C void SetAudioEnabledL(TBool aEnabled);


Sets whether the current clip has an audio stream.


TBool aEnabled

A boolean indicating if the audio stream is enabled. ETrue to enable audio, EFalse to disable it.


IMPORT_C TBool AudioEnabledL() const;


Returns the status of audio support for the video clip currently being recorded.

Return value


A boolean indicating if an audio stream is present. ETrue if it is, otherwise EFalse.


IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds DurationL() const;


Returns the length of the video clip.

Return value


The length of the video clip in microseconds.


IMPORT_C void SetMaxClipSizeL(TInt aClipSizeInBytes);


Sets the maximum recording size for a video clip in bytes.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


TInt aClipSizeInBytes

The maximum file size of a video clip. This can be called with the parameter KMMFNoMaxClipSize which signifies no maximum clip size.


IMPORT_C void SetGainL(TInt aGain);


Sets the audio recording gain.

If you want to disable audio, rather than setting the recording gain to 0, use SetAudioEnabledL().

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes


TInt aGain

The recording gain, between 0 and MaxGain().


IMPORT_C TInt GainL() const;


Returns the current recording gain.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.

Return value


The current recording gain, between 0 and MaxGain().


IMPORT_C TInt MaxGainL() const;


Returns the maximum possible setting for the recording gain.

Return value


An integer value specifying the maximum recording gain.


IMPORT_C TInt NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL() const;


Returns the number of meta data entries associated with this video clip.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.

Return value


The number of meta data entries


IMPORT_C CMMFMetaDataEntry *MetaDataEntryL(TInt aIndex) const;


Returns a meta data entry from the current clip.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


TInt aIndex

The index of the entry to retrieve. The index is between 0 and NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL()-1.

Return value

CMMFMetaDataEntry *

The meta data entry requested.

Leave codes


If the index is out of range, or with one of the other system-wide error codes.


IMPORT_C void AddMetaDataEntryL(const CMMFMetaDataEntry &aNewEntry);


Adds a new meta data entry to the video clip.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


const CMMFMetaDataEntry &aNewEntry

The meta data entry to add.


IMPORT_C void RemoveMetaDataEntryL(TInt aIndex);


Removes a meta data entry.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


TInt aIndex

The index of the meta data entry to remove.


IMPORT_C void ReplaceMetaDataEntryL(TInt aIndex, const CMMFMetaDataEntry &aNewEntry);


Replaces a meta data entry.

The meta data entry specified by aIndex is replaced by the new data specified in aNewEntry. The index must be a value between 0 and NumberOfMetaDataEntriesL()-1.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


TInt aIndex

The index of the meta data entry to replace.

const CMMFMetaDataEntry &aNewEntry

The meta data entry to replace the specified entry.


IMPORT_C TFourCC AudioTypeL() const;


Returns the audio type. This represents the encoding of audio data within the current format.

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.

Return value


A Four Character Code representing the AudioType.


IMPORT_C void SetVideoTypeL(const TDesC8 &aType);


Sets the codec to use for the video component of the video clip.

This represents the encoding of the video data within the current format. To retrieve a list of available video codecs, use GetSupportedVideoTypesL().

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


const TDesC8 &aType

The descriptor containing the video MIME type.


IMPORT_C void SetAudioTypeL(TFourCC aType);


Sets the audio type. This represents the encoding of the audio data within the current format.

To retrieve a list of available audio codecs, use GetSupportedAudioTypesL().

If an error occurs, this function leaves with one of the system wide error codes.


TFourCC aType

The Four Character Code representing the Audio Type.


IMPORT_C void GetSupportedVideoTypesL(CDesC8Array &aVideoTypes) const;


Gets a list of the video types that are supported for recording to.


CDesC8Array &aVideoTypes

An array of Four Character Codes representing the video types supported.


IMPORT_C void GetSupportedAudioTypesL(RArray< TFourCC > &aAudioTypes) const;


Gets a list of the audio types that are supported for recording to.


RArray< TFourCC > &aAudioTypes

An array of Four Character Codes representing the audio types supported.


IMPORT_C TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds RecordTimeAvailable() const;


Returns the (possibly estimated) record time left in the clip.

Return value


The record time available, in microseconds.


IMPORT_C const TDesC8 &VideoFormatMimeType() const;


Returns the video format's MIME type.

Return value

const TDesC8 &

The video clip's MIME type.


IMPORT_C const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation &ControllerImplementationInformationL();


Returns the controller implementation information associated with the current controller.

Return value

const CMMFControllerImplementationInformation &

The controller implementation structure associated with the controller.


IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8 &aDataTo1, const TDesC8 &aDataTo2, TDes8 &aDataFrom);


Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.


const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination

The destination of the message, consisting of the UID of the interface of this message.

TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo1

A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo2

A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

TDes8 &aDataFrom

A reference to an area of memory to which the controller framework will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.

Return value


The result of the request. Exact range of values is dependent on the interface.


IMPORT_C TInt CustomCommandSync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8 &aDataTo1, const TDesC8 &aDataTo2);


Sends a synchronous custom command to the controller.


const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination

The destination of the message, consisting of the UID of the interface of this message.

TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo1

A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo2

A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

Return value


The result of the request. The exact range of values is dependent on the interface.


IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8 &aDataTo1, const TDesC8 &aDataTo2, TDes8 &aDataFrom, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Sends an asynchronous custom command to the controller.

Note: This method will return immediately. The RunL of the active object owning the aStatus parameter will be called when the command is completed by the controller framework.


const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination

The destination of the message, consisting of the UID of the interface of this message.

TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo1

A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo2

A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

TDes8 &aDataFrom

A reference to an area of memory to which the controller framework will write any data to be passed back to the client. Can't be KNullDesC8.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the result of the request on completion. The exact range of result values is dependent on the interface.


IMPORT_C void CustomCommandAsync(const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination, TInt aFunction, const TDesC8 &aDataTo1, const TDesC8 &aDataTo2, TRequestStatus &aStatus);


Sends an asynchronous custom command to the controller.

Note: This method will return immediately. The RunL of the active object owning the aStatus parameter will be called when the command is completed by the controller framework.


const TMMFMessageDestinationPckg &aDestination

The destination of the message, consisting of the UID of the interface of this message.

TInt aFunction

The function number to indicate which function is to be called on the interface defined in the aDestination parameter.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo1

A reference to the first chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

const TDesC8 &aDataTo2

A reference to the second chunk of data to be copied to the controller framework. The exact contents of the data are dependent on the interface being called. Can be KNullDesC8.

TRequestStatus &aStatus

The TRequestStatus of an active object. This will contain the result of the request on completion. The exact range of result values are dependent on the interface.