Link against: smcm.lib
class CSmsEmailFields : public CBase;
Encapsulates the address and subject fields for Email sent over SMS.
- Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
- Encapsulates the address and subject fields for Email sent over SMS
Defined in CSmsEmailFields
, Addresses()
, HasAddress()
, Length()
, NewL()
, NewL()
, RemoveAddress()
, Reset()
, SetSubjectL()
, Subject()
, ~CSmsEmailFields()
Inherited from CBase
operator new()
static IMPORT_C CSmsEmailFields *NewL();
Factory constructor.
static IMPORT_C CSmsEmailFields *NewL(const CSmsEmailFields &aEmailFields);
Factory copy constructor.
IMPORT_C TInt Length() const;
The number of characters in the email fields.
Calculates the number of characters that will be pre-pended to an SMS message when SMS is set for interworking with email. The address and subject fields are only valid if the their length is greater than zero.
The address field is a comma separated list of addresses.
It assumes that a subject will be added with the following format.
No validation of the contents of the fields is performed.
IMPORT_C TBool HasAddress() const;
Indicates whether the address field contains at least one address
IMPORT_C void AddAddressL(const TDesC &aAddress);
Adds the address to the list of addresses.
The address to be added must have a non-zero length. A zero-length address will not be added to the address list.
IMPORT_C void RemoveAddress(TInt aIndex);
Removes the specified address.
IMPORT_C const MDesC16Array &Addresses() const;
The array of email addresses.
IMPORT_C void SetSubjectL(const TDesC &aSubject);
Sets the email subject field.
Copies the contents of subject as the email subject field. If the copy is unsuccessful the current contents is left unchanged.
IMPORT_C const TDesC &Subject() const;
The subject field.