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Location: SMSCLNT.H
Link against: smcm.lib

Class CSmsClientMtm

class CSmsClientMtm : public CBaseMtm;


The SMS client MTM interface.

Most of the functions in this class are implementations of the virtual functions defined by the base class CBaseMtm.

An object of this class can be obtained from the Client MTM registry. The message server provides the necessary information required by the registry to provide the SMS client MTM.

All client MTM objects have a current context. This is an entry in the message store that will be manipulated by certain APIs supplied by the MTM. If the current context is not set then certain APIs will panic.

The CBaseMtm::HasContext API can be used to check that the current context has been set. It can be set using either the CBaseMtm::SwitchCurrenEntryL API or the CBaseMtm::SetCurrentEntryL API.



Defined in CSmsClientMtm:
AddAddresseeL(), AddAddresseeL(), AddAddresseeL(), AddAddresseeL(), BioTypeChangedL(), BioTypeChangedL(), ContextEntrySwitched(), ContextEntrySwitched(), CreateMessageL(), CreateMessageL(), Find(), Find(), ForwardL(), ForwardL(), InvokeAsyncFunctionL(), InvokeAsyncFunctionL(), InvokeSyncFunctionL(), LoadMessageL(), LoadMessageL(), NewL(), QueryCapability(), QueryCapability(), ReadSimParamsL(), ReadSimParamsL(), RemoveAddressee(), RemoveAddressee(), ReplyL(), ReplyL(), RestoreServiceAndSettingsL(), RestoreServiceAndSettingsL(), SaveMessageL(), SaveMessageL(), ServiceId(), ServiceId(), ServiceSettings(), ServiceSettings(), ServiceSettings(), ServiceSettings(), SmsHeader(), SmsHeader(), SmsHeader(), SmsHeader(), ValidateMessage(), ValidateMessage(), WriteSimParamsL(), WriteSimParamsL(), ~CSmsClientMtm(), ~CSmsClientMtm()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

Inherited from CBaseMtm:
AddAttachmentL(), AddEntryAsAttachmentL(), AddLinkedAttachmentL(), AddresseeList(), Body(), CancelAttachmentOperation(), ChangeDefaultServiceL(), CreateAttachmentL(), DefaultServiceL(), Entry(), Filler1(), Filler2(), GetInterface(), HandleEntryEventL(), HasContext(), RemoveDefaultServiceL(), RestoreBodyL(), Session(), SetCurrentEntryL(), SetSubjectL(), StoreBodyL(), SubjectL(), SwitchCurrentEntryL(), Type(), iAddresseeList, iCharFormatLayer, iMsvEntry, iParaFormatLayer

Inherited from MMsvEntryObserver:
EMsvChildrenChanged, EMsvChildrenInvalid, EMsvChildrenMissing, EMsvContextInvalid, EMsvDeletedChildren, EMsvEntryChanged, EMsvEntryDeleted, EMsvEntryMoved, EMsvNewChildren, TMsvEntryEvent

Construction and destruction


virtual ~CSmsClientMtm();




static IMPORT_C CSmsClientMtm *NewL(CRegisteredMtmDll &aRegisteredMtmDll, CMsvSession &aSession);



CRegisteredMtmDll &aRegisteredMtmDll

CMsvSession &aSession

Return value

CSmsClientMtm *


virtual ~CSmsClientMtm();



Member functions


inline CSmsHeader &SmsHeader();


Gets the message header for a message context.

The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is not set, or is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen a panic will occur.

The message header object is the SMS MTM encapsulation of an SMS message. The contents of the message header has been extracted from the current context.

Return value

CSmsHeader &

The (non-const) message header object.

Panic codes


1 The current context has not been set (debug only).


2 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).

See also:


inline const CSmsHeader &SmsHeader() const;


Gets the (const) message header for a message context.

The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is not set, or is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen a panic will occur.

The message header object is the SMS MTM encapsulation of an SMS message. The contents of the message header has been extracted from the current context.

Return value

const CSmsHeader &

The (const) message header object.

Panic codes


1 The current context has not been set (debug only).


2 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).

See also:


inline CSmsSettings &ServiceSettings();


Gets the current SMS service settings.

The current context must be set. If the current context is not set then a panic will occur.

The SMS service settings must have been set or a panic will occur. The CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL API can restore the SMS service settings. This also sets the SMS service ID.

Return value

CSmsSettings &

The current (non-const) SMS service settings.

Panic codes


1 The current context has not been set (debug only).


11 The SMS Service settings have not been set (debug only).


inline const CSmsSettings &ServiceSettings() const;


Gets the current (const) SMS service settings.

The current context must be set. If the current context is not set then a panic will occur.

The SMS service settings must have been set or a panic will occur. The CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL API can restore the SMS service settings. This also sets the SMS service ID.

Return value

const CSmsSettings &

The current (const) SMS service settings.

Panic codes


1 The current context has not been set (debug only).


11 The SMS Service settings have not been set (debug only).


inline TInt ServiceId() const;


Gets the ID of the current SMS service.

If there is no current SMS service, the ID will be a value of 0. The CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL API can set the SMS service IS. This also restores the SMS service settings.

Return value


The ID for the current SMS service


inline CSmsHeader &SmsHeader();


Return value

CSmsHeader &


inline const CSmsHeader &SmsHeader() const;


Return value

const CSmsHeader &


IMPORT_C void RestoreServiceAndSettingsL();


Restores the SMS service ID and SMS service settings.

The SMS service ID is obtained. The service settings for the obtained ID are restored from the message server. The SMS service ID can be obtained using the CSmsClientMtm::ServiceId API and the SMS settings are accessed via the two CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings API overloads.

This API should be used before using any of the other APIs that required the SMS service ID and SMS service settings to be set.


inline CSmsSettings &ServiceSettings();


Return value

CSmsSettings &


IMPORT_C CSmsSimParamOperation *ReadSimParamsL(TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus);


Reads SMS parameters from the SIM.

It starts a new CSmsSimParamOperation, which uses the SMS Server MTM to read the SMS parameters from the SIM.

If the phone is unable to supply the SMS parameters from the SIM, then the progress information of the CSmsSimParamOperation operation will contain an error.


TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus

The request status to be completed when the read operation has completed.

Return value

CSmsSimParamOperation *

A SIM parameter reader operation. The read SIM parameters are stored in CSmsSimParamOperation::iSimParams.


inline const CSmsSettings &ServiceSettings() const;


Return value

const CSmsSettings &


IMPORT_C CSmsSimParamOperation *WriteSimParamsL(const CMobilePhoneSmspList &aList, TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus);


Writes SMS parameters to the SIM.

It starts a new CSmsSimParamOperation, which uses the SMS Server to write the specified SIM parameters to the SIM.

If the phone is unable to write the SMS parameters to the SIM, then the progress information of the CSmsSimParamOperation operation will contain an error.


const CMobilePhoneSmspList &aList

The SIM parameters to be written.

TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus

The request status to be completed when the write operation has completed.

Return value

CSmsSimParamOperation *

A SIM parameter writer operation.


inline TInt ServiceId() const;


Return value



IMPORT_C void RestoreServiceAndSettingsL();



IMPORT_C CSmsSimParamOperation *ReadSimParamsL(TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus);



TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus

Return value

CSmsSimParamOperation *


virtual void SaveMessageL();


Commits cached changes to the current message context to the message store.

The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvServiceEntryValue, KUidMsvFolderEntryValue or KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is not set, or is set to an entry with a type that is not supported by this function then a panic will occur.

Both the SMS service ID and SMS service settings must have been set or a panic will occur. The CSmsClientMtm::RestoreServiceAndSettingsL API can restore both of these items.

Panic codes


1 The current context has not been set (debug only).


4 The type of the current context is not supported.


11 The SMS Service settings have not been set (debug only).


12 The ID for SMS Service has not been set (debug only).


IMPORT_C CSmsSimParamOperation *WriteSimParamsL(const CMobilePhoneSmspList &aList, TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus);



const CMobilePhoneSmspList &aList

TRequestStatus &aObserverRequestStatus

Return value

CSmsSimParamOperation *


virtual void LoadMessageL();


Loads the cache with the message data for the current context.

The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvServiceEntryValue, KUidMsvFolderEntryValue or KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is not set, or is set to an entry with a type that is not supported by this function then a panic will occur.

If the current context is of type KUidMsvServiceEntryValue then the SMS service settings are restore from the context. The SMS service settings can be accessed using the overloaded CSmsClientMtm::ServiceSettings APIs .

If the current context is of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue then the SMS message object is restore from the context. This can be accessed using the overloaded CSmsClientMtm::SmsHeader APIs.

If the current context is of type KUidMsvFolderEntryValue then this function does nothing.

Panic codes


1 The current context has not been set (debug only).


4 The entry type of the current context was not recognised.


virtual TMsvPartList ValidateMessage(TMsvPartList aPartList);


Validates the current message context.

The addresses for the message are checked to be well-formed SMS addresses.

The current context must be set. If the current context is not set then a panic will occur.


TMsvPartList aPartList

Indicates the message parts for which the validation has been requested.

Return value


If valid KErrNone is returned. If invalid, the invalid parts of the message are identified. The return error value is the bitmask of the TMsvPartList IDs for each invalid part

Panic codes


1 The current context has not been set (debug only).


6 The addressee list and recipient list do not match (debug only).


virtual TMsvPartList Find(const TDesC &aTextToFind, TMsvPartList aPartList);


Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.


const TDesC &aTextToFind

The plain-text version of the text to be found.

TMsvPartList aPartList

Indicates the message parts which should be searched.

Return value


If the text was not found, or searching is unsupported, 0. If the text was found, a bitmask of the TMsvPartList IDs for each part in which the text was present.


virtual CMsvOperation *ReplyL(TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus);


Creates a new SMS message as a reply to the current message context.

The SMS in the current context must be of type SMS-DELIVER, indicating a mobile terminated message.

The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is not set, or is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen a panic will occur.

The new SMS message has the recipient set to the sender of the message in the current context. It has a type SMS-SUBMIT, indicating a mobile originated meesage. If the SMS service settings CSmsSettings::ReplyQuoted is true then the reply message will contain the body of the original message, including any EMS elements.


TMsvId aDestination

The message entry (folder) under which to create the new message.

TMsvPartList aPartList


TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus

The request status to be completed when the operation has finished.

Return value

CMsvOperation *

An operation object. If the relpy email is successful created, the operation will complete with KErrNone. The operation's progress information is a TPckg<TMsvId>, containing the TMsvId of the new SMS message. If the reply message fails to be created, the operation completes with the relevant error code.

Leave codes


The current context does not have a PDU type of SMS-DELIVER.

Panic codes


1 The current context has not been set (debug only).


2 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).


virtual void SaveMessageL();


Commits cached changes to the storage controlled by the Message Server.

It can only be called on message contexts. It should be called in the following circumstances:

1. to preserve changes when the context is changed, or when the Client-side MTM object is deleted

2. to enable other parts of the Messaging to access the updated entry, as required, for example, before sending a message


An implementation must update the store and index entry relating to the message context. Typically, the message store should be opened for editing with CMsvEntry::EditStoreL(). It should be updated as follows:

1. body text: call StoreBodyL() to update the store's body text stream

2. address list: update the appropriate MTM-specific area of the store from the data in iAddresseeList

3. subject: if supported, update the appropriate MTM-specific area of the store from the private cache set by SetSubjectL()

Changes can then be committed to the store with CMsvStore::CommitL().

The index entry should also be updated to reflect changes. Possible fields that may need updating include: Description (for subject changes); Details and Multiple Recipients (for recipient changes); and Size. Index entry changes are committed using CMsvEntry::ChangeL().

The function should panic for non-message contexts.


virtual CMsvOperation *ForwardL(TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus);


Creates a SMS forwarded message from the current message context.

The SMS in the current context must be of type SMS-DELIVER, a mobile terminated message, or SMS-SUBMIT, a mobile originated message.

The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is not set, or is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen a panic will occur.

The new SMS message will have type SMS-SUBMIT, a mobile originated message. The recipient is left blank. The contents that are copied to the new message include the message body, iBioType and description. Also, any EMS components are also copied.


TMsvId aDestination

The message entry (folder) under which to create the new message.

TMsvPartList aPartList


TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus

The request status to be completed when the operation has finished.

Return value

CMsvOperation *

An operation object. If the forward email is successful created, the operation will complete with KErrNone. The operation's progress information is a TPckg<TMsvId>, containing the TMsvId of the new SMS message. If the forward message fails to be created, the operation completes with the relevant error code.

Leave codes


The current context has a PDU type that is neither SMS-SUBMIT nor SMS-DELIVER.

Panic codes


1 The current context has not been set (debug only).


2 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).


virtual void LoadMessageL();


Loads the cache with the message data for the current context.

It can only be called on message contexts.

It is typically used after the context has been set with SetCurrentEntryL() or SwitchCurrentEntryL(). CBaseMtm functions to manipulate the entry can only be called after this function has been called.


An implementation must restore the store and index entry relating to the message context. Typically, the message store should be opened for reading with CMsvEntry::ReadStoreL(). It should be then be read to set the following:

1. body text: call RestoreBodyL() to update the cached body text

2. address list: read the appropriate MTM-specific area of the store to update iAddresseeList

3. subject: if supported, read the appropriate MTM-specific area of the store and update the cache with SetSubjectL()

The function should panic for non-message contexts.


virtual void AddAddresseeL(const TDesC &aRealAddress);


Adds an addressee to the current context.

The current context must be an SMS messge of type SMS-SUBMIT, indicating a mobile originated message. The address is added to the recipient list for the message.

For SMS an address is a telephone number. There is no validation done on the input argument aRealAddress to ensure that it is a valid telephone number.

The TSmsUtilities::GetDetails API can be used prior to this API to find the if a unique alias exists in the contacts database for this particular telephone number.

The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen a panic will occur.

The SMS MTM maintains an addressee list that matches the recipient list in the SMS message header object. If the two list cannot be maintained together then this function will leave and both lists are unchanged.


const TDesC &aRealAddress

A string representing the address to be added to the recipient list for the current context.

Leave codes


The current contxt PDU type is not SMS-SUBMIT.

Panic codes


2 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).


6 The addressee list and recipient list do not match (debug only).


virtual TMsvPartList ValidateMessage(TMsvPartList aPartList);


Validates the current message context.

The precise validation performed is specific to the MTM, but, typically, checks that the specified message parts are well-formed.


Implementation of this function is highly protocol-specific. A minimum step is to check that the current context is a message.


TMsvPartList aPartList

Indicates the message parts for which validation is requested

Return value


If valid, KErrNone If invalid, identifies the invalid part(s). The error value is the bitmask of the TMsvPartList IDs for each invalid part


virtual void AddAddresseeL(const TDesC &aRealAddress, const TDesC &aAlias);


Adds an addressee with an alias to the current context.

The SMS message in the current context must be of type SMS-SUBMIT, indicating a mobile originated message. The address is added to the recipient list for the message.

For SMS an address is a telephone number. There is no validation done on the input argument aRealAddress to ensure that it is a valid telephone number.

The TSmsUtilities::GetDetails API can be used prior to this API to find the if a unique alias exists in the contacts database for this particular telephone number.

The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen a panic will occur.

The SMS MTM maintains an addressee list that matches the recipient list in the SMS message header object. If the two list cannot be maintained together then this function will leave and both lists are unchanged.


const TDesC &aRealAddress

A string representing the address to be added to the recipient list for the current message.

const TDesC &aAlias

The alias information for the address.

Leave codes


The current contxt PDU type is not SMS-SUBMIT.

Panic codes


2 The current context was not of type KUidMsvMessageEntry (debug only).


6 The addressee list and recipient list do not match (debug only).


virtual TMsvPartList Find(const TDesC &aTextToFind, TMsvPartList aPartList);


Searches the specified message part(s) for the plain-text version of the text to be found.

If the specified part list indicates a part that is not supported, or is not present in the current message, the function behaves as if the specified part exists but does not contain the required text.


The parts of the entry for which searching is allowed is implementation specific. If no searching is supported, always return 0.


const TDesC &aTextToFind

The plain-text version of the text to be found.

TMsvPartList aPartList

Indicates the message parts which should be searched.

Return value


If the text was not found, or searching is unsupported, 0. If the text was found, a bitmask of the TMsvPartList IDs for each part in which the text was present.


virtual void RemoveAddressee(TInt aIndex);


Removes a recipient from the current address list.

The recipient to be removed is specified by its index in the list of recipients. This function can only be used when the current context is a mobile-originated message (is a SMS-SUBMIT type message).

The index must be valid or a panic will occur. A valid index is not negative and does not exceed the upper bounds of the list.

The current context must be set to a message entry with type KUidMsvMessageEntryValue. If the current context is set to an entry not of type KUidMsvMessageEntryValuethen a panic will occur.

The SMS MTM maintains an addressee list that matches the recipient list in the SMS message header object. The address is removed from both lists.


TInt aIndex

The index of recipient to be removed.

Panic codes


0 The current contxt PDU type is not SMS-SUBMIT (debug only).


2 The current context was not a mesasge type context (debug only).


5 The specified index exceeds the recipient list range (debug only).


6 The addressee list and recipient list do not match (debug only).


virtual CMsvOperation *ReplyL(TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus);


Creates a reply message to the current message context.

Some MTMs may support inclusion of elements, specified by aPartlist, from the original message in the reply. The parent for the new entry is specified in aDestination.

The returned CMsvOperation object completes when creating the reply is complete. On completion, the context is set to the reply message.


A typical implementation for this function would include the following steps:

1. create a new message in the specified destination by calling CMsvEntry::CreateL()

2. set the entry index values as appropriate

3. set the properties of the message as required. The normal minimum is to set the address to the sender of the original message. An implementation may also follow the options specified in aPartlist to set other properties, for example, to include the original message text.

4. set the context to the reply

5. return a CMsvOperation-derived object to provide asynchronous control and monitoring of the operation

If message replies are not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

The implementation of this function may be similar to that of ForwardL(), allowing opportunities for code sharing.


TMsvId aDestination

The entry to which to assign the reply

TMsvPartList aPartList

TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus

The request status to be completed when the operation has finished

Return value

CMsvOperation *

If successful, this is an asynchronously completing reply operation. If failed, this is a completed operation, with status set to the relevant error code.

Leave codes


The Client-side MTM does not support reply operations


leave codes Dependent on implementation


virtual TInt QueryCapability(TUid aCapability, TInt &aResponse);


Queries if the MTM supports the capability specified by the supplied UID.


TUid aCapability

The UID of capability to be queried.

TInt &aResponse

An output argument for the response value. The format of the response varies according to the capability.

Return value


A value of KErrNone if the specified capability is recognised and a response is returned. KErrNotSupported indicates that the capability is not recognised.


virtual CMsvOperation *ForwardL(TMsvId aDestination, TMsvPartList aPartList, TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus);


Creates a forwarded message from the current message context.

Some MTMs may support inclusion of elements, specified by aPartlist, from the original message in the forwarded message. The parent for the new entry is specified in aDestination. The returned CMsvOperation object completes when editing the forwarded message is complete. On completion, the context is set to the forwarded message.


A typical implementation for this function would include the following steps:

1. create a new message in the specified destination by calling CMsvEntry::CreateL()

2. set the entry index values as appropriate

3. set message content as required. The normal minimum is to include the text of the original message. An implementation may also follow the options specified in aPartlist to include other properties of the original message.

4. set the context to the reply

5. return a CMsvOperation-derived object to provide asynchronous control and monitoring of the operation

If forwarded messages are not supported, implementations should leave with KErrNotSupported.

The implementation of this function may be similar to that of ReplyL(), allowing opportunities for code sharing.


TMsvId aDestination

The entry to which to assign the forwarded message

TMsvPartList aPartList

Defines the parts that are to be copied from the original message into the forwarded message

TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus

The request status to be completed when the operation has finished

Return value

CMsvOperation *

If successful, this is an asynchronously completing forward message operation. If failed, this is a completed operation, with status set to the relevant error code.

Leave codes


The Client-side MTM does not support creation of forwarded messages


leave codes Dependent on implementation


virtual void AddAddresseeL(const TDesC &aRealAddress);


Adds an addressee for the current context.

Addresses are not validated by checking their format by this function. Usually that is performed by calling Validate().


Implementations should append the address to the object's address cache in the protected iAddresseeList data member. Some implementations may also wish to store addresses in an internal data structure appropriate for the protocol, for example, a class holding message header information.


const TDesC &aRealAddress

String representing an address to be added to the list for the current message

Leave codes


The message already has the maximum number of addressees


leave codes Dependent on implementation


virtual CMsvOperation *InvokeAsyncFunctionL(TInt aFunctionId, const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection, TDes8 &aParameter, TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus);


Invokes asynchronous SMS-specific operations.

The specified operation is performed by the SMS server MTM.

If the requested command is not supported then a panic will occur. The list of supported commands is given by TSmsMtmCommand.

The current context must be set. If the current context is not set then a panic will occur.


TInt aFunctionId

The ID of the operation to perform. The specific operations are defined by the TSmsMtmCommand enumeration.

const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

A selection of messages, the use of which is specific to the selected operation.

TDes8 &aParameter

A packaged object, the use of which is specific to the selected operation.

TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus

The request status to be notified when the operation completes.

Return value

CMsvOperation *

An object encapsulating the requested operation if the specified operation was successfully started. If the operation failed to be started an completing operation is returned with its status set to the relevant error code.

Panic codes


1 The message entry has not been set (debug only).


3 The specified operation is not supported in SMS.

See also:


virtual void AddAddresseeL(const TDesC &aRealAddress, const TDesC &aAlias);


Adds an addressee for the current context, and enables the client to specify an alias, which may be useful for some protocols. For example, for fax, if the address is the fax number, the alias could supply the recipient's name.

Addresses are not validated by checking their format by this function. Usually that is performed by calling Validate().


Implementations should append the address to the object's address cache in the protected iAddresseeList data member. Some implementations may also wish to store addresses in an internal data structure appropriate for the protocol, for example, a class holding message header information.


const TDesC &aRealAddress

String representing an address to be added to the list for the current message

const TDesC &aAlias

Alias information

Leave codes


The message already has the maximum number of addressees


leave codes Dependent on implementation


virtual void RemoveAddressee(TInt aIndex);


Removes an address from the current address list. The address is specified by a zero-based index into the address list. If the index is not known, applications can use AddresseeList() to retrieve the entire list to find the item.


Implementations should call iAddresseeList->Delete(aIndex) to remove the address from in the address list protected data member.


TInt aIndex

Index of address to be removed


virtual IMPORT_C void CreateMessageL(TMsvId aServiceId);


Creates a new outgoing SMS message entry as a child of the current context.

Used by CSendAs::CreateMessageL to create an outgoing SMS message.


TMsvId aServiceId

The ID of the service to own the entry (not used).


virtual TInt QueryCapability(TUid aCapability, TInt &aResponse);



TUid aCapability

TInt &aResponse

Return value



virtual IMPORT_C void BioTypeChangedL(TUid aBioTypeUid);


Informs the MTM that the context's BIO field is being changed.

The change is as a result of a call to CSendAs::SetBioTypeL(). This function is used by CSendAs::CreateMessageL to create a new outgoing SMS message


TUid aBioTypeUid

The new value for the BIO field.

Panic codes


10 The BIO field contains the wrong value (debug only).


virtual void InvokeSyncFunctionL(TInt aFunctionId, const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection, TDes8 &aParameter);


Invokes synchronous protocol-specific operations. For asynchronous operations, a similar function, InvokeAsyncFunctionL(), is available.

aSelection and aParameter allow data to be passed to the operation.


For functionality that requires message transport access, such as making a connection, the implementation should pass the request onto the corresponding Server-side MTM. This is done through calling CMsvSession::TransferCommandL(). Implementations may also provide protocol-specific functions themselves if this is useful.


TInt aFunctionId

ID of the requested operation

const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

Selection of message entries. This is used if the operation requires message entries to work on.

TDes8 &aParameter

Buffer containing input and output parameters. The format of this is specific to the operation.

Leave codes


aFunctionId is not a recognised operation ID


leave codes Dependent on implementation


virtual CMsvOperation *InvokeAsyncFunctionL(TInt aFunctionId, const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection, TDes8 &aParameter, TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus);


Invokes asynchronous protocol-specific operations. For synchronous operations, a similar function, InvokeSyncFunctionL(), is available.

aSelection and aParameter allow data to be passed to the operation. The TRequestStatus and CMsvOperation objects are used as normal to control and monitor the operation.


For functionality that requires message transport access, such as making a connection, the implementation should pass the request onto the corresponding Server-side MTM. This is done through calling CMsvSession::TransferCommandL(). Implementations may also provide protocol-specific functions themselves if this is useful.

InvokeAsyncFunctionL() should return a CMsvOperation-derived object to provide asynchronous control and monitoring of the operation. If CMsvSession::TransferCommandL() is called, this should be the CMsvOperation object returned by that function.


TInt aFunctionId

ID of the requested operation

const CMsvEntrySelection &aSelection

Selection of message entries. This is used if the operation requires message entries to work on.

TDes8 &aParameter

Buffer containing input and output parameters. The format of this is specific to the operation.

TRequestStatus &aCompletionStatus

The request status to be completed when the operation has finished

Return value

CMsvOperation *

If successful, this is an asynchronously completing operation. If failed, this is a completed operation, with status set to the relevant error code.

Leave codes


aFunctionId is not a recognised operation ID


leave codes Dependent on implementation


virtual IMPORT_C void CreateMessageL(TMsvId aServiceId);



TMsvId aServiceId


virtual IMPORT_C void BioTypeChangedL(TUid aBioTypeUid);



TUid aBioTypeUid


private: virtual void ContextEntrySwitched();


Resets the current SMS message.

The recipient list in the SMS message header object is emptied. As the SMS MTM maintains an addressee list that matches the recipient list in the SMS message header object, this addressee list is also emptied.


private: virtual void ContextEntrySwitched();


Called by the base class functions SwitchCurrentEntryL() and SetCurrentEntryL() when the context is changed to another entry.

Client applications do not use this function. It is relevant only to implementers of derived classes.


An implementation should clear:

1. address data stored in iAddresseeList

2. any caches of MTM-specific entry data relating to a previous context. For example, if the implementation has a private buffer storing a message subject, for access through Subject(), this buffer should be cleared.