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Location: rtp.h

Class RRtpSession

class RRtpSession;


A handle to an RTP session.

This is the interface to the socket-level RTP service, and provides additional facilities such as header parsing, re-ordering out-of-order packets, demultiplexing multiple sources etc.

The class abstracts all RTP information going to/from a RTP socket, and its corresponding RTCP data.

Each RTP endpoint on a device needs its own RTP session.

Multiple hosts streaming to a port on this device correspond to different RRtpReceiveSource objects associated with the session.

The class behaviour assumes that an active scheduler has already been created and started; the class does not function correctly if not.


Defined in RRtpSession:
Close(), ERtcpPacketCNAME, ERtcpPacketEMAIL, ERtcpPacketLOC, ERtcpPacketNAME, ERtcpPacketNOTE, ERtcpPacketPHONE, ERtcpPacketPRIV, ERtcpPacketTOOL, IsOpen(), MaxRXSize(), NewReceiveSourceL(), NewReceiveSourceLC(), OpenL(), OpenL(), OpenL(), RRtpSession(), RegisterEventCallbackL(), RegisterEventCallbackL(), SetMaxRXSize(), TRtpSendPacketType, operator!=(), operator==()

See also

Construction and destruction


inline RRtpSession();


Default constructor


Member functions


inline TBool IsOpen() const;


Tests whether the RTP session represented by this handle is open.

Return value


ETrue, if the session is open, false otherwise.


IMPORT_C void OpenL(RSocketServ &aServer, TSockAddr &aLocalAddr, TSockAddr &aRemoteAddr, TInt aMaxRXSize, RConnection &aConnection, TInt aPriority=EPriorityNormal, const TDesC8 &aCNAME=KNullDesC8);


Opens the RTP session and initialises it.

No events will be generated until after control returns to the active scheduler. After successfully opening the session, the client has the opportunity to initialise the object by adding the event callbacks, that it requires.


RSocketServ &aServer

An already opened socket server session

TSockAddr &aLocalAddr

The socket address to bind to at this end.

TSockAddr &aRemoteAddr

The remote socket address.

TInt aMaxRXSize

The maximum expected size of a received packet. Note that this includes the packet header (as it is profile dependent).

RConnection &aConnection

A started RConnection for the interface to open this session on.

TInt aPriority

The priority to be used for internal active objects.

const TDesC8 &aCNAME

The CNAME (Canonical End-Point Identifier).

See also:


IMPORT_C void OpenL(RSocketServ &aServer, TSockAddr &aLocalAddr, TSockAddr &aRemoteAddr, TInt aMaxRXSize, TInt aPriority=EPriorityNormal, const TDesC8 &aCNAME=KNullDesC8);


Opens the RTP session and initialises it.

No events will be generated until after control returns to the active scheduler. After successfully opening the session, the client has the opportunity to initialise the object by adding the event callbacks, that it requires.


RSocketServ &aServer

An already opened socket server session

TSockAddr &aLocalAddr

The socket address to bind to at this end.

TSockAddr &aRemoteAddr

The remote socket address.

TInt aMaxRXSize

The maximum expected size of a received packet. Note that this includes the packet header (as it is profile dependent).

TInt aPriority

The priority to be used for internal active objects.

const TDesC8 &aCNAME

The CNAME (Canonical End-Point Identifier). RTCP is used only if CNAME is provided

See also:


IMPORT_C void OpenL(RSocket &aSocket, TInt aMaxRXSize, TInt aPriority=EPriorityNormal);


Opens the session and initialises it without RTCP.

No events will be generated until after control returns to the active scheduler. After successfully opening the session, the client has the opportunity to initialise the object by adding the event callbacks, that it requires.


RSocket &aSocket

An already connected socket.

TInt aMaxRXSize

The maximum expected size of a received packet. Note that this includes the packet header (as it is profile dependent).

TInt aPriority

The priority to be used for internal active objects.

See also:


IMPORT_C void Close();


Closes the session.

All RRtpSendSource and RRtpReceiveSource objects associated with this session are closed.

See also:


IMPORT_C void SetMaxRXSize(TInt aMaxRXSize);


Sets the expected maximum size of a received packet.

This does not affect the packet that is being downloaded or is being waited for, so it is entirely possible that the first packet received after correctly setting the receive packet size will still overflow.


TInt aMaxRXSize

The new expected maximum size.

Panic codes


3 if the session has not been opened and initialised. Note that this panic is raised in debug mode only.


IMPORT_C TInt MaxRXSize();


Gets the current expected maximum size of a received packet.

Return value


The current expected maximum receive size.

Panic codes


3 if the session has not been opened and initialised. Note that this panic is raised in debug mode only.


IMPORT_C RRtpReceiveSource NewReceiveSourceL();


Creates a new receive stream, and returns the receive stream handle.

This function should only be called in response to an ERtpNewSource event.

Return value


The receive stream handle.

Panic codes


3 if the session has not been opened and initialised. Note that this panic is raised in debug mode only.

See also:


IMPORT_C RRtpReceiveSource NewReceiveSourceLC();


Creates a new receive stream, puts a pointer to the receive stream object onto the cleanup stack, and returns the receive stream handle.

This function should only be called in response to an ERtpNewSource event.

Note that the function does not put a pointer to the RRtpReceiveSource object onto the cleanup stack as you might normally expect, but puts a pointer to the receive stream object for which the returned RRtpReceiveSource is the handle.

Note also that the API does not give you access to the receive stream object for which the returned RRtpReceiveSource is the handle.

Return value


The receive stream handle.

Panic codes


3 if the session has not been opened and initialised. Note that this panic is raised in debug mode only.

See also:


inline void RegisterEventCallbackL(TRtpEventType aType, void(*aCallback)(T *, const TRtpEvent &), T *aPtr, TRtpOneShotness aOneShot, TInt aParameter);


Registers a callback for the specified event.

Some compilers may not support templated member functions. A static version of this function is available that offers the same behaviour: RegisterEventCallbackL(RRtpSession,TRtpEventType,void (*aCallback)(T*, const TRtpEvent&),T*,TRtpOneShotness,TInt)


TRtpEventType aType

The type of event.

void(*)(T *, const TRtpEvent &) aCallback

The callback function. The function is templated, and is prototyped to take a pointer to an object of the template type and a const reference to a TRtpEvent. The function returns void.

T *aPtr

A pointer that is passed to the callback function when that function is called.

TRtpOneShotness aOneShot

Indicates whether the callback function is only called once, or can be called more than once.

TInt aParameter

A parameter to be passed to the registration function. The meaning of this depends entirely on the event type. The parameter is optional - the other overload of this function is available for registrations that don't need to pass a parameter.


inline void RegisterEventCallbackL(TRtpEventType aType, void(*aCallback)(T *, const TRtpEvent &), T *aPtr, TRtpOneShotness aOneShot=ERtpNotOneShot);


Registers a callback for the specified event.

Some compilers may not support templated member functions. A static version of this function is available that offers the same behaviour: RegisterEventCallbackL(RRtpSession,TRtpEventType,void (*aCallback)(T*, const TRtpEvent&),T*,TRtpOneShotness)


TRtpEventType aType

The type of event.

void(*)(T *, const TRtpEvent &) aCallback

The callback function. The function is templated, and is prototyped to take a pointer to an object of the template type and a const reference to a TRtpEvent. The function returns void.

T *aPtr

A pointer that is passed to the callback function when that function is called.

TRtpOneShotness aOneShot

Indicates whether the callback function is only called once, or can be called more than once. If not specified, the default is to allow the callback function to be called more than once.


inline TBool operator==(RRtpSession aThat) const;


Tests whether this session handle represents the same session as the one represented by the specified handle.


RRtpSession aThat

The handle of the session to be compared.

Return value


ETrue, if the represented sessions are the same, false otherwise.


inline TBool operator!=(RRtpSession aThat) const;


Tests whether this session handle represents a different session to the one represented by the specified handle.


RRtpSession aThat

The handle of the session to be compared.

Return value


ETrue, if the represented sessions are different, false otherwise.


Member enumerations

Enum TRtpSendPacketType



A set of bit values passed as a parameter to RRtpSession::SendRTCPPacketL() to specify the SDES (Source Description) items that are to be sent with the packet. One or more of these may be set.


Canonical End-Point Identifier SDES Item.


User Name SDES Item.


Electronic Mail Address SDES Item.


Phone Number SDES Item.


Geographic User Location SDES Item.


Application or Tool Name SDES Item


Notice/Status SDES Item


Private Extensions SDES Item