Link against: sipcodec.lib
class CSIPHeaderBase : public CBase;
Class provides a generic interface for all the SIP headers.
- Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
- Class provides a generic interface for all the SIP headers
Defined in CSIPHeaderBase
, ExternalizeL()
, ExternalizeSupported()
, Name()
, PushLC()
, ToTextL()
, ToTextLC()
, ToTextValueL()
, ToTextValueLC()
, ~CSIPHeaderBase()
Inherited from CBase
operator new()
virtual IMPORT_C ~CSIPHeaderBase();
Destructor, deletes the resources of CSIPHeaderBase.
virtual IMPORT_C CSIPHeaderBase *CloneL() const=0;
Creates a deep-copy of this CSIPHeaderBase object. The function has to be implemented in each of the sub-classes.
virtual IMPORT_C RStringF Name() const=0;
Gets the full name of the header The function is implemented in each of the sub-classes.
IMPORT_C HBufC8 *ToTextL() const;
Encodes the header (name and value) into its textual representation.
IMPORT_C HBufC8 *ToTextLC() const;
Encodes the header (name and value) into its textual representation and pushes it to the CleanupStack
virtual IMPORT_C HBufC8 *ToTextValueL() const=0;
Encodes the header's value into its textual representation.
IMPORT_C HBufC8 *ToTextValueLC() const;
Encodes the header's value into its textual representation and pushes it to the CleanupStack
IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aWriteStream, TBool aAddName=ETrue) const;
Writes the object to a RWriteStream
virtual IMPORT_C TBool ExternalizeSupported() const;
Checks, if the header supports serialization. In practice all the headers part of the API support it.
static IMPORT_C void PushLC(RPointerArray< CSIPHeaderBase > *aArray);
Can be used when a RPointerArray<CSIPHeaderBase>
needs to be pushed to the CleanupStack
for ResetAndDestroy.