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class CParserProperty : public CBase;
A vCard or vCalendar property.
A property consists of a name, an optional value and one or more optional parameters.
The name, value and parameters are initialised on construction.
properties have the general form:
Property Name (; Property Parameter Name(=Property Parameter Value)* : Property Value)
where items in brackets are optional and * indicates that the item may be repeated.
Here, TEL is the property name; HOME, ENCODING and CHARSET are property parameter names; QUOTED-PRINTABLE and US-ASCII are property parameter values. The component following the colon is the property value.
Properties also have a name UID, which set during internalisation of a property and used only during internalisation. It is
set by SetNameUid()
and is used to allow number comparisons during internalisation. This provides a faster alternative to string comparisons
when checking a property to see if it is a significant one (e.g. a begin or binary property). This is the only use of the
name UID: it is not used during externalisation of a property.
Note that grouped properties are supported by the derived class, CParserGroupedProperty
. The vCalender parser does not have property groups, and so stores all properties using this base class, whereas the vCard
parser stores all properties using CParserGroupedProperty
- Base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap
- A vCard or vCalendar property
Defined in CParserProperty
, CParserProperty()
, CParserProperty()
, ConstructSelfL()
, DeleteParam()
, ExternalizeL()
, LoadBinaryValuesFromFilesL()
, Name()
, NameUid()
, NewL()
, Param()
, ParamArray()
, Reserved()
, SaveBinaryValuesToFilesL()
, SetNameL()
, SetNameUid()
, SetParamArray()
, SetValue()
, SupportsInterface()
, Uid()
, Value()
, iArrayOfParams
, iPropertyName
, iPropertyNameUid
, iPropertyValue
, ~CParserProperty()
Inherited from CBase
operator new()
static IMPORT_C CParserProperty *NewL(CParserPropertyValue &aPropertyValue, const TDesC8 &aName, CArrayPtr< CParserParam >
Allocates and constructs a new vCalendar or vCard property with the property value, property name and array of property parameters specified.
Takes ownership of aPropertyValue and aArrayOfParams.
IMPORT_C CParserProperty(CArrayPtr< CParserParam > *aArrayOfParams);
C++ constructor which sets the array of property parameters only.
The property takes ownership of the array of parameters.
IMPORT_C ~CParserProperty();
Frees all resources owned by the property, prior to its destruction.
protected: IMPORT_C CParserProperty(CParserPropertyValue &aPropertyValue, CArrayPtr< CParserParam > *aArrayOfParams);
virtual IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream, CVersitParser *aVersitParser=0);
Externalises a property.
The property has the general format:
Checks the property value, and Versit's default encoding and character set, to decide what encoding, if any, and character set should be applied to the property value.
If the encoding is not the default, (no encoding), then a parameter (with the name KVersitTokenENCODING) is added to the property to specify the encoding used. Similarly, if the character set used is not the default, (Ascii), then a parameter (with the name KVersitTokenCHARSET) is added to the property to specify the character set used.
A parser parameter needs to be supplied when calling this function: if NULL is passed then a panic is raised.
The name is externalised by this function directly. The parameters (if there are any) are externalised using CParserParam::ExternalizeL()
. The value (if there is one) is externalised using the ExternalizeL()
function of the appropriate property value class.
Using the encoding format and character set selected for the property value, the function forms a Versit
specific UID (Versit::TEncodingAndCharset
). When the property value is externalised, this UID is passed to the property value class' ExternalizeL()
function, so that it knows which character set and encoding format to use.
Also passed to the ExternalizeL()
function of the property value class are the output stream and the 'output length'. The output stream is the same as is passed
to this function. The 'output length' refers to the amount of data that has been output to the current line in the stream.
This is kept track of while the property name and parameters are externalised, and then passed to the ExternalizeL()
function of the property value class to make sure the line length does not exceed the maximum length allowed.
As well as inserting the semi-colon and colon between the name and parameter(s) and parameter(s) and value, a CRLF is written at the end.
IMPORT_C CParserParam *Param(const TDesC8 &aParamName) const;
Gets a pointer to the property parameter with the specified name.
If the property has more than one parameter with the same name, the function returns the one nearest the start of the array, but there should never be more than one of each possible parameter.
IMPORT_C void AddParamL(CParserParam *aParam);
Adds a property parameter to the property.
Any existing parameter with the same name is replaced. The parameter is appended to the property's parameter array. If no property parameter array has been allocated, the function will first allocate one.
IMPORT_C void DeleteParam(TDesC8 &aParamName);
Deletes the specified property parameter from the property's array of parameters, if it exists in the array.
If the property has more than one parameter with the same name, the function deletes the one nearest the start of the array, but there should never be more than one of each possible parameter.
IMPORT_C void SetNameL(const TDesC8 &aName);
Sets the property name.
If a name has already been set, this function will replace it.
This function allocates and constructs a new heap descriptor and initialises it using the content of aName, so can leave if insufficient memory is available.
virtual IMPORT_C TBool SupportsInterface(const TUid &) const;
Tests whether the property value supports the specified interface.
This implementation returns EFalse.
IMPORT_C TPtrC8 Name() const;
Gets the property name.
If no name has been set, the function returns an empty descriptor.
inline void SetValue(CParserPropertyValue *aPropertyValue);
Sets the property value.
The property takes ownership of the property value.
inline CParserPropertyValue *Value() const;
Gets a pointer to the property value.
Ownership of the property value is not transferred by this function.
inline TUid Uid() const;
Gets the UID of the property value.
inline void SetNameUid(TUid aUid);
Sets a property name UID.
This function is called by CVersitParser::AddProperty() when internalising, and will not normally be used directly.
inline TUid NameUid() const;
Gets the property name UID.
inline void SetParamArray(CArrayPtr< CParserParam > *aArrayOfParams);
Sets the array of property parameters.
The property takes ownership of aArrayOfParams
IMPORT_C TBool LoadBinaryValuesFromFilesL(RFs &aFileSession);
If the property value is a URI, this function loads the file represented by the URI and sets the binary data it contains to be the property value, instead of the URI.
If the property value is not a URI, the function just returns EFalse.
The function also operates on any agents in a vCard that contain URI property values.
The function uses the file server session supplied, which is needed to open the files. It leaves if there is a problem opening any of the files.
This function is used by CVersitParser::LoadBinaryValuesFromFilesL()
IMPORT_C TBool SaveBinaryValuesToFilesL(TInt aSizeThreshold, const TDesC &aPath, RFs &aFileSession);
If the property value is binary and is larger than the specified threshold, this function saves the binary data to a file and sets the property value to be a URI representing the file rather than the binary data iself.
If the property value is not binary, or if it is binary, but is smaller than the threshold, the function just returns EFalse.
The file is created in the folder identified by aPath, and is assigned a unique filename that consists of the property name and some random numbers.
The new URI property value is prefixed with file:// and contains the path and filename of the file created.
The function uses the file server session supplied, which is needed to create the files. It leaves if there is a problem creating any of the files.
This function is used by CVersitParser::SaveBinaryValuesToFilesL()
protected: static IMPORT_C void ConstructSelfL(CParserProperty &aSelf, const TDesC8 &aName);
IMPORT_C CArrayPtr< CParserParam > *ParamArray() const;
Returns a pointer to the array of property parameters.
protected: CArrayPtr< CParserParam > * iArrayOfParams;