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Location: VRECUR.H
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Class CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay

class CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay : public CVersitRecurrence;


Defines a list of days when a 'monthly by day' recurrence is to repeat.

Used by a repeating event (a vCalendar event or to-do) to define when it is to occur.

The days on which the event occurs are identified by a number, counting either from the start or the end of the month.

A pointer to this object may be owned by a CParserPropertyValueRecurrence object.



Defined in CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay:
CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay(), ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL(), iArrayOfOccurrencesInDaysFromEndOfMonth, iArrayOfOccurrencesInDaysFromStartOfMonth, iLastDay, ~CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

Inherited from CVersitRecurrence:
EDaily, EMonthlyByDay, EMonthlyByPos, EWeekly, EYearlyByDay, EYearlyByMonth, TType, iDuration, iEndDate, iInterval, iRepeatType

Construction and destruction


IMPORT_C CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay(TInt aInterval, TInt aDuration, TVersitDateTime *aEndDate, CArrayFix< TInt > *aArrayOfOccurrencesInDaysFromStartOfMonth,CArrayFix< TInt > *aArrayOfOccurrencesInDaysFromEndOfMonth, TBool aLastDay);


Constructs the CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay object.

Sets the repeat type to CVersitRecurrence::EMonthlyByDay. Note: if a duration and an end date are both specified, the end date takes precedence.


TInt aInterval

The number of months between repeats.

TInt aDuration

The duration, in months, for which the event should recur. A value of zero indicates the repeat should continue forever.

TVersitDateTime *aEndDate

Optional pointer to the end date for the repeat event. The object takes ownership of this pointer.

CArrayFix< TInt > *aArrayOfOccurrencesInDaysFromStartOfMonth

CArrayFix< TInt > *aArrayOfOccurrencesInDaysFromEndOfMonth

Optional pointer to an array of numbers, each of which can have a value between 1 and 31 inclusive, which identify the days, counting from the end of the month, on which the repeat event occurs. (The last day of the month is represented by 1). The object takes ownership of this pointer.

TBool aLastDay

Optional - ETrue if the event occurs on the last day of the month. This day can then be represented in the output stream using the LD recurrence value. EFalse if not.


IMPORT_C ~CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByDay();


Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.


Member functions


virtual IMPORT_C void ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL(RWriteStream &aStream) const;


Writes the days of the month on which the event occurs to the output stream, aStream.

For days counted from the beginning of the month, the string written to aStream might be "1+ 2+ 16+ 17+ ", with the plus sign indicating that the day is counted from the start of the month.

For days counted from the end of the month, the string written to aStream might be "1- 3- 4- LD ", with "LD" signifying that the event occurs on the last day of the month.


RWriteStream &aStream

The stream to which the occurrence list is to be written.


Member data


CArrayFix< TInt > * iArrayOfOccurrencesInDaysFromStartOfMonth;


Array of days, counting from the start of the month, on which the event occurs.


CArrayFix< TInt > * iArrayOfOccurrencesInDaysFromEndOfMonth;


Array of days, counting from the end of the month, on which the event occurs.


TBool iLastDay;


Identifies whether the event occurs on the last day of the month.