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Location: VRECUR.H
Link against: vcal.lib

Class CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos

class CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos : public CVersitRecurrence;


Defines a list of days when a 'monthly by position' recurrence is to be repeated.

Used by a repeating event (a vCalendar event or to-do) to define when it is to occur.

The days on which the event occurs are identified by their relative position within the month, for example the second Monday or the last Friday.

A pointer to this object may be owned by a CParserPropertyValueRecurrence object

Note: The CMonthPosition class, defined within this class, is used to define the positions of days within the month.



Defined in CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos:
CMonthPosition, CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos(), ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL(), iMonthPositions, ~CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

Inherited from CVersitRecurrence:
EDaily, EMonthlyByDay, EMonthlyByPos, EWeekly, EYearlyByDay, EYearlyByMonth, TType, iDuration, iEndDate, iInterval, iRepeatType

Construction and destruction


IMPORT_C CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos(TInt aInterval, TInt aDuration, TVersitDateTime *aEndDate, CArrayPtrFlat< CMonthPosition > *aMonthPositions);


Constructs the CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos object.

Sets the interval, the duration, optionally, an end date for the repeat and a pointer to an array of 'month positions', which specify when the event occurs. Also sets the repeat type to EMonthlyByPos.

If a duration and an end date are both specified, the end date takes precedence.


TInt aInterval

The number of months between repeats.

TInt aDuration

The duration, in months, for which the event should recur. A value of zero indicates the repeat should continue forever.

TVersitDateTime *aEndDate

Pointer to the end date for the repeat event. The object takes ownership of this pointer.

CArrayPtrFlat< CMonthPosition > *aMonthPositions

Pointer to an array of the positions of days within the month. The object takes ownership of this pointer.


IMPORT_C ~CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos();


Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.


Member functions


virtual IMPORT_C void ExternalizeOccurrenceListsL(RWriteStream &aStream) const;


Writes the days of the month on which the event occurs to the output stream, aStream.

If an event occurs on Monday and Tuesday of the first week and the second to last week of a month, the string written to aStream would be "1+ MO TU 2- MO TU ", with the plus sign indicating that the week is counted from the start of the month and the minus sign indicating that the week is counted from the end of the month.


RWriteStream &aStream

The stream to which the occurrence list is to be written.


Member classes

Class CMonthPosition

class CMonthPosition : public CBase;


Defines a week within the month, using the numeric occurrence of the week (between 1 and 5 inclusive) counting from either the start or end of the month, and defines an array of days within this week.



Defined in CVersitRecurrenceMonthlyByPos::CMonthPosition:
EWeeksFromEndOfMonth, EWeeksFromStartOfMonth, TSign, iArrayOfWeekDays, iSign, iWeekNo, ~CMonthPosition()

Inherited from CBase:
Delete(), Extension_(), operator new()

Construction and destruction


IMPORT_C ~CMonthPosition();


Frees all resources owned by the object, prior to its destruction.

Member enumerations

Enum TSign



Flags that define whether the week number is counted from the start or end of the month.


Indicates that the iWeekNo member specifies a number counting forwards from the start of the month.


Indicates that the iWeekNo member specifies a number counting backwards from the end of the month.

Member data


TSign iSign;


Indicates whether the week number iWeekNo is counted from the start or the end of the month. A plus sign denotes from the start of the month and a minus sign denotes from the end.


TInt iWeekNo;


A week number within the month, between 1 and 5 inclusive.


CWeekDayArray * iArrayOfWeekDays;


Pointer to an array of week days.


Member data


CArrayPtrFlat< CMonthPosition > * iMonthPositions;


Array of 'month positions' which define the days on which the event occurs.