The timesheet module defines some routes for user applications:
- GET /<database_name>/timesheet/employees: return the list of the user employees as dictionary with the keys: id and name.
- GET /<database_name>/timesheet/employee/<int:employee>/works: return the list of works available for the employee. The works are dictionary with keys: id, name, start and end. The dates are in the format %Y-%m-%d.
- GET /<database_name>/timesheet/employee/<int:employee>/lines/<date>: return the list of timesheet lines for the employee at the date (%Y-%m-%d’). The lines are dictionary with keys: `id, work,, duration and description. The duration is in seconds.
- POST /<database_name>/timesheet/line: Create a line using the data as dictionary of value. The date must be in the format %Y-%m-%d and the duration in seconds.
- PUT /<database_name>/timesheet/line/<int:line>: Update the line using the data like for the POST.
- DELETE /<database_name>/timesheet/line/<int:line>: Delete the line