
A wizard describes a series of steps defined as trytond.wizard.State. The wizard stores data in ir.session.wizard between states.

The basics:


This example defines a wizard which export translations

from trytond.wizard import Wizard, StateView, StateTransition, Button
from trytond.pool import Pool

class TranslationExport(Wizard):
    "Export translation"
    __name__ = "ir.translation.export"

    start = StateView('ir.translation.export.start',
        'ir.translation_export_start_view_form', [
            Button('Cancel', 'end', 'tryton-cancel'),
            Button('Export', 'export', 'tryton-ok', default=True),
    export = StateTransition()
    result = StateView('ir.translation.export.result',
        'ir.translation_export_result_view_form', [
            Button('Close', 'end', 'tryton-close'),

    def transition_export(self):
        pool = Pool()
        translation_obj = pool.get('ir.translation')
        file_data = translation_obj.translation_export(
            self.start.language.code, self.start.module.name)
        self.result.file = buffer(file_data)
        return 'result'

    def default_result(self, fields):
        return {
            'file': self.result.file,

Pool.register(TranslationExport, type_='wizard')

The class must be registered in the Pool.