Package wx :: Package lib
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Package wx.lib

  • analogclock: AnalogClock - an analog clock.
  • anchors: LayoutAnchors is a class that implements Delphi's Anchors using wx.LayoutConstraints.
  • art
  • buttonpanel: With ButtonPanel class you have a panel with gradient coloring on it and with the possibility to place some buttons on it.
  • buttons: This module implements various forms of generic buttons, meaning that they are not built on native controls but are self-drawn.
  • calendar
  • CDate
  • ClickableHtmlWindow: sorry no documentation...
  • colourchooser: PyColourChooser Copyright (C) 2002 Michael Gilfix <>
  • colourdb: Load addition color names/values into the wx colour database.
  • colourselect: Provides a ColourSelect button that, when clicked, will display a colour selection dialog.
  • combotreebox: ComboTreeBox provides a ComboBox that pops up a tree instead of a list.
  • customtreectrl: Description =========== CustomTreeCtrl is a class that mimics the behaviour of wx.TreeCtrl, with almost the same base functionalities plus some more enhancements.
  • delayedresult: This module supports the thread-safe, asynchronous transmission of data ('delayed results') from a worker (non-GUI) thread to the main thread.
  • dialogs
  • docview
  • dragscroller
  • editor
  • evtmgr: A module that allows multiple handlers to respond to single wxWidgets events.
  • expando: This module contains the ExpandoTextCtrl which is a multi-line text control that will expand its height on the fly to be able to show all the lines of the content of the control.
  • fancytext: FancyText -- methods for rendering XML specified text
  • filebrowsebutton
  • flatnotebook: The FlatNotebook is a full implementation of the wx.Notebook, and designed to be a drop-in replacement for wx.Notebook.
  • floatbar: wish, but be warned that dealing with any consequences is entirly up to you.
  • floatcanvas: This is the floatcanvas package.
  • foldmenu
  • foldpanelbar: The FoldPanelBar is a control that contains multiple panels (of type FoldPanelItem) that can be expanded or collapsed.
  • gestures: This is a class to add Mouse Gestures to a program.
  • gridmovers
  • grids: In this module you will find PyGridSizer and PyFlexGridSizer.
  • hyperlink: HyperLinkCtrl is a control for wxPython that acts like a hyper link in a typical browser.
  • imagebrowser
  • imageutils
  • infoframe: Released under wxWindows license etc.
  • inspection
  • intctrl
  • langlistctrl: ListCtrl and functions to display languages and the flags of their countries
  • layoutf
  • masked: package providing "masked edit" controls, allowing characters within a data entry control to remain fixed, and providing fine-grain control over allowed user input.
  • mixins
  • multisash
  • mvctree: MVCTree is a control which handles hierarchical data.
  • newevent: Easy generation of new events classes and binder objects
  • ogl: The Object Graphics Library provides for simple drawing and manipulation of 2D objects.
  • plot: This is a simple light weight plotting module that can be used with Boa or easily integrated into your own wxPython application.
  • popupctl
  • printout
  • pubsub: This module provides a publish-subscribe component that allows listeners to subcribe to messages of a given topic.
  • pydocview
  • pyshell: PyShellWindow is a class that provides an Interactive Interpreter running inside a wxStyledTextCtrl, similar to the Python shell windows found in IDLE and PythonWin.
  • rcsizer: A pure-Python Sizer that lays out items in a grid similar to wx.FlexGridSizer but item position is not implicit but explicitly specified by row and col, and row/col spanning is supported.
  • rightalign: Some time ago, I asked about how to right-align wxTextCtrls.
  • scrolledpanel
  • sheet
  • shell: wxPython interactive shell Copyright (c) 1999 SIA "ANK" this module is free software.
  • splashscreen: A Splash Screen implemented in Python.
  • splitter: This module provides the MultiSplitterWindow class, which is very similar to the standard wx.SplitterWindow except it can be split more than once.
  • statbmp
  • stattext
  • throbber: A throbber displays an animated image that can be started, stopped, reversed, etc.
  • ticker: News-ticker style scrolling text control
  • ticker_xrc
  • vtk: VTK is now including a package for using VTK with wxPython, so this module is now officially nothing but ancient history.
  • wordwrap
  • wxPlotCanvas: This is a port of Konrad Hinsen's plotting module.
  • wxpTag: wxPython.lib.wxpTag

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:11:36 2007