Package wx :: Package lib :: Package analogclock :: Module analogclock :: Class AnalogClockWindow
[frames | no frames]

Type AnalogClockWindow

object --+                    
    Object --+                
    EvtHandler --+            
            Window --+        
              PyWindow --+    
               AnalogClock --+

A simple derived class that provides some backwards compatibility with the old analogclock module.

Method Summary
  SetClockStyle(self, style)
Set the clock style, according to the options below.
  SetHandColours(self, h, m, s)
  SetHandWeights(self, h, m, s)
  SetMinutesOffset(self, o)
  SetShadowColour(self, s)
  SetTickColours(self, h, m)
  SetTickFontss(self, h, m)
  SetTickShapes(self, tsh, tsm)
  SetTickSizes(self, h, m)
  SetTickStyles(self, h, m)
  SetWatchPenBrush(self, p, b)

Property Summary

Instance Method Details

SetClockStyle(self, style)

Set the clock style, according to the options below.

SHOW_QUARTERS_TICKS Show marks for hours 3, 6, 9, 12
SHOW_HOURS_TICKS Show marks for all hours
SHOW_MINUTES_TICKS Show marks for minutes
SHOW_HOURS_HAND Show hours hand
SHOW_MINUTES_HAND Show minutes hand
SHOW_SECONDS_HAND Show seconds hand
SHOW_SHADOWS Show hands and marks shadows
ROTATE_TICKS Align tick marks to watch
OVERLAP_TICKS Draw tick marks for minutes even when they match the hours marks.
wx.lib.analogclock.analogclock.AnalogClock.SetClockStyle (inherited documentation)

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:11:41 2007