Package wx :: Package lib :: Package analogclock :: Module helpers
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Module wx.lib.analogclock.helpers

Box Gathers info about the clock face and tick sets.
Dyer Stores info about colours and borders of clock Elements.
Element Base class for face, hands and tick marks.
ElementWithDyer Base class for clock face and hands.
Face Holds info about the clock face.
Hand Holds info about a clock hand.
HandSet Manages the set of hands.
TickBinary Holds info about a tick mark.
TickCircle Holds info about a tick mark.
TickDecimal Holds info about a tick mark.
TickHex Holds info about a tick mark.
TickNone Holds info about a tick mark.
TickPoly Holds info about a tick mark.
TickRoman Holds info about a tick mark.
TickSet Manages a set of tick marks.
TickSquare Holds info about a tick mark.

Variable Summary
dict allTickStyles = {64: <class wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.T...

Variable Details


{1: <class wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.TickNone at 0xb786bc2c>,
 2: <class wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.TickSquare at 0xb786badc>,
 4: <class wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.TickCircle at 0xb786bb0c>,
 8: <class wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.TickPoly at 0xb786bb3c>,
 16: <class wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.TickDecimal at 0xb786bb6c>,
 32: <class wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.TickRoman at 0xb786bb9c>,
 64: <class wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.TickBinary at 0xb786bbcc>,
 128: <class wx.lib.analogclock.helpers.TickHex at 0xb786bbfc>}        

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:12:07 2007