Package wx :: Package lib :: Package colourchooser :: Module pycolourbox :: Class PyColourBox
[frames | no frames]

Type PyColourBox

object --+                
    Object --+            
    EvtHandler --+        
            Window --+    
                 Panel --+

A Colour Selection Box

The Colour selection box implements button like behavior but contains a solid-filled, coloured sub-box. Placing the colour in a sub-box allows for filling in the main panel's background for a high-lighting effect.

Method Summary
  __init__(self, parent, id, colour, size)
Creates a new colour box instance and initializes the colour content.
Returns a wxColour object indicating the box's current colour.
Returns a reference to the internal box object containing the color.
  SetColour(self, colour)
Accepts a wxColour object and sets the box's current color.
  SetColourTuple(self, colour)
Sets the box's current couple to the given tuple.
  SetHighlight(self, val)
Accepts a boolean 'val' toggling the box's highlighting.

Property Summary

Instance Method Details

__init__(self, parent, id, colour=(0, 0, 0), size=(25, 20))

Creates a new colour box instance and initializes the colour content.



Returns a wxColour object indicating the box's current colour.


Returns a reference to the internal box object containing the color. This function is useful for setting up event handlers for the box.

SetColour(self, colour)

Accepts a wxColour object and sets the box's current color.

SetColourTuple(self, colour)

Sets the box's current couple to the given tuple.

SetHighlight(self, val)

Accepts a boolean 'val' toggling the box's highlighting.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:07:39 2007