Package wx :: Package lib :: Module delayedresult :: Class PreProcessChain
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Class PreProcessChain

Represent a 'delayed result pre-processing chain', a kind of Handler. Useful when lower-level objects need to apply a sequence of transformations to the delayed result before handing it over to a final handler. This allows the starter of the worker function to not know anything about the lower-level objects.

Method Summary
  __init__(self, handler, *args, **kwargs)
Wrap handler(result, *args, **kwargs) so that the result it receives has been transformed by us.
  __call__(self, delayedResult)
This makes us a Handler.
  addSub(self, callable, *args, **kwargs)
Add a sub-callable, ie a callable(result, *args, **kwargs) that returns a transformed result to the previously added sub-callable (or the handler given at construction, if this is the first call to addSub).
Clone the chain.
  cloneAddSub(self, callable, *args, **kwargs)
Convenience method that first clones self, then calls addSub() on that clone with given arguments.
How many pre-processors in the chain

Method Details

__init__(self, handler, *args, **kwargs)

Wrap handler(result, *args, **kwargs) so that the result it receives has been transformed by us.

__call__(self, delayedResult)
(Call operator)

This makes us a Handler. We just call handler(Traverser). The handler will think it is getting a delayed result, but in fact will be getting an instance of Traverser, which will take care of properly applying the chain of transformations to delayedResult.

addSub(self, callable, *args, **kwargs)

Add a sub-callable, ie a callable(result, *args, **kwargs) that returns a transformed result to the previously added sub-callable (or the handler given at construction, if this is the first call to addSub).


Clone the chain. Shallow only. Useful when several threads must be started but have different sub-callables.

cloneAddSub(self, callable, *args, **kwargs)

Convenience method that first clones self, then calls addSub() on that clone with given arguments.


How many pre-processors in the chain

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:07:16 2007