Package wx :: Package lib :: Module flatnotebook :: Class TabNavigatorWindow
[frames | no frames]

Type TabNavigatorWindow

object --+                    
    Object --+                
    EvtHandler --+            
            Window --+        
        TopLevelWindow --+    
                    Dialog --+

This class is used to create a modal dialog that enables "Smart Tabbing", similar to what you would get by hitting Alt+Tab on Windows.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, parent)
Default class constructor.
Closes the TabNavigatorWindow dialog, setting selection in FlatNotebook.
  OnItemSelected(self, event)
Handles the wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK event for the wx.ListBox inside TabNavigatorWindow.
  OnKeyUp(self, event)
Handles the wx.EVT_KEY_UP for the TabNavigatorWindow.
  OnNavigationKey(self, event)
Handles the wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY for the TabNavigatorWindow.
  OnPanelEraseBg(self, event)
Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for TabNavigatorWindow top panel.
  OnPanelPaint(self, event)
Handles the wx.EVT_PAINT event for TabNavigatorWindow top panel.
  PopulateListControl(self, book)
Populates the TabNavigatorWindow listbox with a list of tabs.

Property Summary

Class Variable Summary

Instance Method Details

__init__(self, parent=None)

Default class constructor. Used internally.


Closes the TabNavigatorWindow dialog, setting selection in FlatNotebook.

OnItemSelected(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK event for the wx.ListBox inside TabNavigatorWindow.

OnKeyUp(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_KEY_UP for the TabNavigatorWindow.

OnNavigationKey(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_NAVIGATION_KEY for the TabNavigatorWindow.

OnPanelEraseBg(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND event for TabNavigatorWindow top panel.

OnPanelPaint(self, event)

Handles the wx.EVT_PAINT event for TabNavigatorWindow top panel.

PopulateListControl(self, book)

Populates the TabNavigatorWindow listbox with a list of tabs.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:13:53 2007