Package wx :: Package lib :: Package floatcanvas :: Module FloatCanvas :: Class Arrow
[frames | no frames]

Class Arrow

   DrawObject --+
LineOnlyMixin --+
XYObjectMixin --+

Arrow(XY, # coords of origin of arrow (x,y)
      Length, # length of arrow in pixels
      theta, # angle of arrow in degrees: zero is straight up
             # angle is to the right
      LineColor = "Black",
      LineStyle = "Solid",
      LineWidth    = 1, 
      ArrowHeadSize = 4,
      ArrowHeadAngle = 45,
      InForeground = False):

It will draw an arrow , starting at the point, (X,Y) pointing in
direction, theta.

Method Summary
  __init__(self, XY, Length, Direction, LineColor, LineStyle, LineWidth, ArrowHeadSize, ArrowHeadAngle, InForeground)
  SetDirection(self, Direction)
  SetLength(self, Length)
  SetLengthDirection(self, Length, Direction)

Class Variable Summary

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