Package wx :: Package lib :: Package floatcanvas :: Module FloatCanvas :: Class PointsObjectMixin
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Class PointsObjectMixin

Known Subclasses:
Line, PointSet, Polygon

This is a mixin class that provides some methods suitable for use with objects that have a set of (x,y) coordinate pairs.

Method Summary
  SetPoints(self, Points, copy)
Sets the coordinates of the points of the object to Points (NX2 array).

Method Details

SetPoints(self, Points, copy=True)

Sets the coordinates of the points of the object to Points (NX2 array).

By default, a copy is made, if copy is set to False, a reference is used, iff Points is a NumPy array of Floats. This allows you to change some or all of the points without making any copies.

For example:

Points = Object.Points Points += (5,10) # shifts the points 5 in the x dir, and 10 in the y dir. Object.SetPoints(Points, False) # Sets the points to the same array as it was

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