Package wx :: Package lib :: Module gestures :: Class MouseGestures
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Class MouseGestures

Method Summary
  __init__(self, parent, Auto, MouseButton)
  AddGesture(self, gesture, action, *args)
Registers a gesture, and an associated function, with any arguments needed.
  DoAction(self, gesture)
If the gesture is in the array of registered gestures, run the associated function.
Stops recording the points to create the mouse gesture from, and creates the mouse gesture, returns the result as a string.
  GetDirection(self, point1, point2)
Gets the direction between two points.
Returns whether or not Gesture Recording has started.
  OnMotion(self, event)
  OnMouseEvent(self, event)
  RemoveGesture(self, gesture)
Removes a gesture, and its associated action
  SetAuto(self, auto)
Warning: Once auto is set, it stays set, unless you manually use UnBind
  SetGesturePen(self, colour, width)
Sets the colour and width of the line drawn to visually represent each gesture
  SetGesturesVisible(self, vis)
Sets whether a line is drawn to visually represent each gesture
  SetModifiers(self, modifiers)
Takes an array of wx Key constants (Control, Shift, and/or Alt).
  SetMouseButton(self, mousebutton)
Takes the wx constant for the target mousebutton
  SetWobbleTolerance(self, wobbletolerance)
Sets just how much wobble this class can take!
Starts recording the points to create the mouse gesture from

Method Details

AddGesture(self, gesture, action, *args)

Registers a gesture, and an associated function, with any arguments needed.

DoAction(self, gesture)

If the gesture is in the array of registered gestures, run the associated function.


Stops recording the points to create the mouse gesture from, and creates the mouse gesture, returns the result as a string.

GetDirection(self, point1, point2)

Gets the direction between two points.


Returns whether or not Gesture Recording has started.

OnMotion(self, event)

Internal. Used if Start() has been run

OnMouseEvent(self, event)

Internal. Used in Auto Mode.

RemoveGesture(self, gesture)

Removes a gesture, and its associated action

SetAuto(self, auto)

Warning: Once auto is set, it stays set, unless you manually use UnBind

SetGesturePen(self, colour, width)

Sets the colour and width of the line drawn to visually represent each gesture

SetGesturesVisible(self, vis)

Sets whether a line is drawn to visually represent each gesture

SetModifiers(self, modifiers=[])

Takes an array of wx Key constants (Control, Shift, and/or Alt). Leave empty to unset all modifiers.

SetMouseButton(self, mousebutton)

Takes the wx constant for the target mousebutton

SetWobbleTolerance(self, wobbletolerance)

Sets just how much wobble this class can take!


Starts recording the points to create the mouse gesture from

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:11:58 2007