Package wx :: Package lib :: Package mixins :: Module treemixin
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Module wx.lib.mixins.treemixin

This module provides three mixin classes that can be used with tree controls:

All mixin classes work with wx.TreeCtrl, wx.gizmos.TreeListCtrl, and wx.lib.customtree.CustomTreeCtrl. They can be used together or separately.

The VirtualTree and DragAndDrop mixins force the wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT style.

Author: Frank Niessink <> License: wxWidgets license Version: 0.8 Date: 13 March 2007

ExpansionState is based on code and ideas from Karsten Hilbert. Andrea Gavana provided help with the CustomTreeCtrl integration.

DragAndDrop This is a mixin class that can be used to easily implement dragging and dropping of tree items.
ExpansionState This is a mixin class that can be used to save and restore the expansion state (i.e.
TreeAPIHarmonizer This class attempts to hide the differences in API between the different tree controls that are part of wxPython.
TreeHelper This class provides methods that are not part of the API of any tree control, but are convenient to have available.
VirtualTree This is a mixin class that can be used to allow for virtual tree controls.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:07:25 2007