Package wx :: Package lib :: Package ogl :: Class PolygonShape
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Type PolygonShape

     object --+        
ShapeEvtHandler --+    
              Shape --+

A PolygonShape's shape is defined by a number of points passed to the object's constructor. It can be used to create new shapes such as diamonds and triangles.

Method Summary
  AddPolygonPoint(self, pos)
Add a control point after the given point.
  AttachmentIsValid(self, attachment)
TRUE if attachment is a valid attachment point.
Recalculates the centre of the polygon, and readjusts the point offsets accordingly.
  Create(self, the_points)
Takes a list of wx.RealPoints or tuples; each point is an offset from the centre.
  DeletePolygonPoint(self, pos)
Delete the given control point.
  GetAttachmentPosition(self, attachment, nth, no_arcs, line)
Get the position at which the given attachment point should be drawn.
Get the minimum bounding box for the shape, that defines the area available for drawing the contents (such as text).
Get the number of attachment points for this shape.
  GetPerimeterPoint(self, x1, y1, x2, y2)
Get the point at which the line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) hits the shape.
Return the internal list of polygon vertices.
  HitTest(self, x, y)
Given a point on a canvas, returns TRUE if the point was on the shape, and returns the nearest attachment point and distance from the given point and target.
Make a list of control points (draggable handles) appropriate to the shape.
  OnDraw(self, dc)
  OnDrawOutline(self, dc, x, y, w, h)
  OnSizingBeginDragLeft(self, pt, x, y, keys, attachment)
  OnSizingDragLeft(self, pt, draw, x, y, keys, attachment)
  OnSizingEndDragLeft(self, pt, x, y, keys, attachment)
Reset the positions of the control points (for instance when the shape's shape has changed).
  Rotate(self, x, y, theta)
Rotate about the given axis by the given amount in radians.
  SetOriginalHeight(self, h)
  SetOriginalWidth(self, w)
  SetSize(self, new_width, new_height, recursive)
If we've changed the shape, must make the original points match the working points with this function.

Class Variable Summary

Method Details

AddPolygonPoint(self, pos)

Add a control point after the given point.

AttachmentIsValid(self, attachment)

TRUE if attachment is a valid attachment point.

wx.lib.ogl.Shape.AttachmentIsValid (inherited documentation)


Recalculates the centre of the polygon, and readjusts the point offsets accordingly. Necessary since the centre of the polygon is expected to be the real centre of the bounding box.

Create(self, the_points=None)

Takes a list of wx.RealPoints or tuples; each point is an offset from the centre.

DeletePolygonPoint(self, pos)

Delete the given control point.

GetAttachmentPosition(self, attachment, nth=0, no_arcs=1, line=None)

Get the position at which the given attachment point should be drawn.

If attachment isn't found among the attachment points of the shape, returns None.

wx.lib.ogl.Shape.GetAttachmentPosition (inherited documentation)


Get the minimum bounding box for the shape, that defines the area available for drawing the contents (such as text).

Must be overridden.

wx.lib.ogl.Shape.GetBoundingBoxMin (inherited documentation)


Get the number of attachment points for this shape.

wx.lib.ogl.Shape.GetNumberOfAttachments (inherited documentation)

GetPerimeterPoint(self, x1, y1, x2, y2)

Get the point at which the line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) hits the shape. Returns False if the line doesn't hit the perimeter.

wx.lib.ogl.Shape.GetPerimeterPoint (inherited documentation)


Return the internal list of polygon vertices.

HitTest(self, x, y)

Given a point on a canvas, returns TRUE if the point was on the shape, and returns the nearest attachment point and distance from the given point and target.

wx.lib.ogl.Shape.HitTest (inherited documentation)


Make a list of control points (draggable handles) appropriate to the shape.

wx.lib.ogl.Shape.MakeControlPoints (inherited documentation)


Reset the positions of the control points (for instance when the shape's shape has changed).

wx.lib.ogl.Shape.ResetControlPoints (inherited documentation)

Rotate(self, x, y, theta)

Rotate about the given axis by the given amount in radians.

wx.lib.ogl.Shape.Rotate (inherited documentation)


If we've changed the shape, must make the original points match the working points with this function.

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:07:54 2007