Package wx :: Package lib :: Module plot :: Class PlotGraphics
[frames | no frames]

Class PlotGraphics

Container to hold PolyXXX objects and graph labels - All methods except __init__ are private.

Method Summary
  __init__(self, objects, title, xLabel, yLabel)
Creates PlotGraphics object objects - list of PolyXXX objects to make graph title - title shown at top of graph xLabel - label shown on x-axis yLabel - label shown on y-axis
  __getitem__(self, item)
  draw(self, dc)
Returns list of legend names
  getSymExtent(self, printerScale)
Get max width and height of lines and markers symbols for legend
  getTitle(self, title)
Get the title at the top of graph
Get x axis label string
Get y axis label string
  scaleAndShift(self, scale, shift)
  setLogScale(self, logscale)
  setPrinterScale(self, scale)
Thickens up lines and markers only for printing
  setTitle(self, title)
Set the title at the top of graph
  setXLabel(self, xLabel)
Set the X axis label on the graph
  setYLabel(self, yLabel)
Set the Y axis label on the graph

Method Details

__init__(self, objects, title='', xLabel='', yLabel='')

Creates PlotGraphics object objects - list of PolyXXX objects to make graph title - title shown at top of graph xLabel - label shown on x-axis yLabel - label shown on y-axis


Returns list of legend names

getSymExtent(self, printerScale)

Get max width and height of lines and markers symbols for legend

getTitle(self, title='')

Get the title at the top of graph


Get x axis label string


Get y axis label string

setPrinterScale(self, scale)

Thickens up lines and markers only for printing

setTitle(self, title='')

Set the title at the top of graph

setXLabel(self, xLabel='')

Set the X axis label on the graph

setYLabel(self, yLabel='')

Set the Y axis label on the graph

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:08:31 2007