Package wx :: Package lib :: Module plot :: Class PolyMarker
[frames | no frames]

Class PolyMarker

PolyPoints --+

Class to define marker type and style - All methods except __init__ are private.

Method Summary
  __init__(self, points, **attr)
Creates PolyMarker object...
  draw(self, dc, printerScale, coord)
  getSymExtent(self, printerScale)
Width and Height of Marker

Method Details

__init__(self, points, **attr)

Creates PolyMarker object
points - sequence (array, tuple or list) of (x,y) points
**attr - key word attributes
        'colour'= 'black',          - wx.Pen Colour any wx.NamedColour
        'width'= 1,                 - Pen width
        'size'= 2,                  - Marker size
        'fillcolour'= same as colour,      - wx.Brush Colour any wx.NamedColour
        'fillstyle'= wx.SOLID,      - wx.Brush fill style (use wx.TRANSPARENT for no fill)
        'marker'= 'circle'          - Marker shape
        'legend'= ''                - Marker Legend to display
    Marker Shapes:
        - 'circle'
        - 'dot'
        - 'square'
        - 'triangle'
        - 'triangle_down'
        - 'cross'
        - 'plus'

getSymExtent(self, printerScale)

Width and Height of Marker

Generated by Epydoc 2.1.20050511.rpd on Thu Mar 22 12:12:13 2007