Version: 3.0.2
wxMenu Class Reference

#include <wx/menu.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for wxMenu:

Detailed Description

A menu is a popup (or pull down) list of items, one of which may be selected before the menu goes away (clicking elsewhere dismisses the menu).

Menus may be used to construct either menu bars or popup menus.

A menu item has an integer ID associated with it which can be used to identify the selection, or to change the menu item in some way. A menu item with a special identifier wxID_SEPARATOR is a separator item and doesn't have an associated command but just makes a separator line appear in the menu.

Please note that wxID_ABOUT and wxID_EXIT are predefined by wxWidgets and have a special meaning since entries using these IDs will be taken out of the normal menus under OS X and will be inserted into the system menu (following the appropriate OS X interface guideline).

Menu items may be either normal items, check items or radio items. Normal items don't have any special properties while the check items have a boolean flag associated to them and they show a checkmark in the menu when the flag is set. wxWidgets automatically toggles the flag value when the item is clicked and its value may be retrieved using either wxMenu::IsChecked method of wxMenu or wxMenuBar itself or by using wxEvent::IsChecked when you get the menu notification for the item in question.

The radio items are similar to the check items except that all the other items in the same radio group are unchecked when a radio item is checked. The radio group is formed by a contiguous range of radio items, i.e. it starts at the first item of this kind and ends with the first item of a different kind (or the end of the menu). Notice that because the radio groups are defined in terms of the item positions inserting or removing the items in the menu containing the radio items risks to not work correctly.

Allocation strategy

All menus must be created on the heap because all menus attached to a menubar or to another menu will be deleted by their parent when it is deleted. The only exception to this rule are the popup menus (i.e. menus used with wxWindow::PopupMenu()) as wxWidgets does not destroy them to allow reusing the same menu more than once. But the exception applies only to the menus themselves and not to any submenus of popup menus which are still destroyed by wxWidgets as usual and so must be heap-allocated.

As the frame menubar is deleted by the frame itself, it means that normally all menus used are deleted automatically.

Event handling

If the menu is part of a menubar, then wxMenuBar event processing is used.

With a popup menu (see wxWindow::PopupMenu), there is a variety of ways to handle a menu selection event (wxEVT_MENU):

  • Provide EVT_MENU handlers in the window which pops up the menu, or in an ancestor of that window (the simplest method);
  • Derive a new class from wxMenu and define event table entries using the EVT_MENU macro;
  • Set a new event handler for wxMenu, through wxEvtHandler::SetNextHandler, specifying an object whose class has EVT_MENU entries;

Note that instead of static EVT_MENU macros you can also use dynamic connection; see Dynamic Event Handling.

Library:  wxCore
Category:  Menus
See Also
wxMenuBar, wxWindow::PopupMenu, Events and Event Handling, wxFileHistory (most recently used files menu)

Public Member Functions

 wxMenu ()
 Constructs a wxMenu object.
 wxMenu (long style)
 Constructs a wxMenu object.
 wxMenu (const wxString &title, long style=0)
 Constructs a wxMenu object with a title.
virtual ~wxMenu ()
 Destructor, destroying the menu.
wxMenuItemAppend (int id, const wxString &item=wxEmptyString, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString, wxItemKind kind=wxITEM_NORMAL)
 Adds a menu item.
wxMenuItemAppend (int id, const wxString &item, wxMenu *subMenu, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString)
 Adds a submenu.
wxMenuItemAppend (wxMenuItem *menuItem)
 Adds a menu item object.
wxMenuItemAppendCheckItem (int id, const wxString &item, const wxString &help=wxEmptyString)
 Adds a checkable item to the end of the menu.
wxMenuItemAppendRadioItem (int id, const wxString &item, const wxString &help=wxEmptyString)
 Adds a radio item to the end of the menu.
wxMenuItemAppendSeparator ()
 Adds a separator to the end of the menu.
wxMenuItemAppendSubMenu (wxMenu *submenu, const wxString &text, const wxString &help=wxEmptyString)
 Adds the given submenu to this menu.
virtual void Break ()
 Inserts a break in a menu, causing the next appended item to appear in a new column.
void Check (int id, bool check)
 Checks or unchecks the menu item.
bool Delete (int id)
 Deletes the menu item from the menu.
bool Delete (wxMenuItem *item)
 Deletes the menu item from the menu.
bool Destroy (int id)
 Deletes the menu item from the menu.
bool Destroy (wxMenuItem *item)
 Deletes the menu item from the menu.
void Enable (int id, bool enable)
 Enables or disables (greys out) a menu item.
wxMenuItemFindChildItem (int id, size_t *pos=NULL) const
 Finds the menu item object associated with the given menu item identifier and, optionally, the position of the item in the menu.
virtual int FindItem (const wxString &itemString) const
 Finds the menu id for a menu item string.
wxMenuItemFindItem (int id, wxMenu **menu=NULL) const
 Finds the menu item object associated with the given menu item identifier and, optionally, the (sub)menu it belongs to.
wxMenuItemFindItemByPosition (size_t position) const
 Returns the wxMenuItem given a position in the menu.
virtual wxString GetHelpString (int id) const
 Returns the help string associated with a menu item.
wxString GetLabel (int id) const
 Returns a menu item label.
wxString GetLabelText (int id) const
 Returns a menu item label, without any of the original mnemonics and accelerators.
size_t GetMenuItemCount () const
 Returns the number of items in the menu.
const wxStringGetTitle () const
 Returns the title of the menu.
wxMenuItemInsert (size_t pos, wxMenuItem *menuItem)
 Inserts the given item before the position pos.
wxMenuItemInsert (size_t pos, int id, const wxString &item=wxEmptyString, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString, wxItemKind kind=wxITEM_NORMAL)
 Inserts the given item before the position pos.
wxMenuItemInsert (size_t pos, int id, const wxString &text, wxMenu *submenu, const wxString &help=wxEmptyString)
 Inserts the given submenu before the position pos.
wxMenuItemInsertCheckItem (size_t pos, int id, const wxString &item, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString)
 Inserts a checkable item at the given position.
wxMenuItemInsertRadioItem (size_t pos, int id, const wxString &item, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString)
 Inserts a radio item at the given position.
wxMenuItemInsertSeparator (size_t pos)
 Inserts a separator at the given position.
bool IsChecked (int id) const
 Determines whether a menu item is checked.
bool IsEnabled (int id) const
 Determines whether a menu item is enabled.
wxMenuItemPrepend (wxMenuItem *item)
 Inserts the given item at position 0, i.e. before all the other existing items.
wxMenuItemPrepend (int id, const wxString &item=wxEmptyString, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString, wxItemKind kind=wxITEM_NORMAL)
 Inserts the given item at position 0, i.e. before all the other existing items.
wxMenuItemPrepend (int id, const wxString &text, wxMenu *submenu, const wxString &help=wxEmptyString)
 Inserts the given submenu at position 0.
wxMenuItemPrependCheckItem (int id, const wxString &item, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString)
 Inserts a checkable item at position 0.
wxMenuItemPrependRadioItem (int id, const wxString &item, const wxString &helpString=wxEmptyString)
 Inserts a radio item at position 0.
wxMenuItemPrependSeparator ()
 Inserts a separator at position 0.
wxMenuItemRemove (int id)
 Removes the menu item from the menu but doesn't delete the associated C++ object.
wxMenuItemRemove (wxMenuItem *item)
 Removes the menu item from the menu but doesn't delete the associated C++ object.
virtual void SetHelpString (int id, const wxString &helpString)
 Sets an item's help string.
void SetLabel (int id, const wxString &label)
 Sets the label of a menu item.
virtual void SetTitle (const wxString &title)
 Sets the title of the menu.
void UpdateUI (wxEvtHandler *source=NULL)
 Sends events to source (or owning window if NULL) to update the menu UI.
void SetInvokingWindow (wxWindow *win)
wxWindowGetInvokingWindow () const
wxWindowGetWindow () const
long GetStyle () const
void SetParent (wxMenu *parent)
wxMenuGetParent () const
virtual void Attach (wxMenuBar *menubar)
virtual void Detach ()
bool IsAttached () const
wxMenuItemList & GetMenuItems ()
 Returns the list of items in the menu.
const wxMenuItemList & GetMenuItems () const
 Returns the list of items in the menu.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
 wxEvtHandler ()
virtual ~wxEvtHandler ()
virtual void QueueEvent (wxEvent *event)
 Queue event for a later processing.
virtual void AddPendingEvent (const wxEvent &event)
 Post an event to be processed later.
template<typename T , typename T1 , ... >
void CallAfter (void(T::*method)(T1,...), T1 x1,...)
 Asynchronously call the given method.
template<typename T >
void CallAfter (const T &functor)
 Asynchronously call the given functor.
virtual bool ProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
 Processes an event, searching event tables and calling zero or more suitable event handler function(s).
bool ProcessEventLocally (wxEvent &event)
 Try to process the event in this handler and all those chained to it.
bool SafelyProcessEvent (wxEvent &event)
 Processes an event by calling ProcessEvent() and handles any exceptions that occur in the process.
void ProcessPendingEvents ()
 Processes the pending events previously queued using QueueEvent() or AddPendingEvent(); you must call this function only if you are sure there are pending events for this handler, otherwise a wxCHECK will fail.
void DeletePendingEvents ()
 Deletes all events queued on this event handler using QueueEvent() or AddPendingEvent().
virtual bool SearchEventTable (wxEventTable &table, wxEvent &event)
 Searches the event table, executing an event handler function if an appropriate one is found.
void Connect (int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 Connects the given function dynamically with the event handler, id and event type.
void Connect (int id, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 See the Connect(int, int, wxEventType, wxObjectEventFunction, wxObject*, wxEvtHandler*) overload for more info.
void Connect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 See the Connect(int, int, wxEventType, wxObjectEventFunction, wxObject*, wxEvtHandler*) overload for more info.
bool Disconnect (wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 Disconnects the given function dynamically from the event handler, using the specified parameters as search criteria and returning true if a matching function has been found and removed.
bool Disconnect (int id=wxID_ANY, wxEventType eventType=wxEVT_NULL, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 See the Disconnect(wxEventType, wxObjectEventFunction, wxObject*, wxEvtHandler*) overload for more info.
bool Disconnect (int id, int lastId, wxEventType eventType, wxObjectEventFunction function=NULL, wxObject *userData=NULL, wxEvtHandler *eventSink=NULL)
 See the Disconnect(wxEventType, wxObjectEventFunction, wxObject*, wxEvtHandler*) overload for more info.
template<typename EventTag , typename Functor >
void Bind (const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
 Binds the given function, functor or method dynamically with the event.
template<typename EventTag , typename Class , typename EventArg , typename EventHandler >
void Bind (const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
 See the Bind<>(const EventTag&, Functor, int, int, wxObject*) overload for more info.
template<typename EventTag , typename Functor >
bool Unbind (const EventTag &eventType, Functor functor, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
 Unbinds the given function, functor or method dynamically from the event handler, using the specified parameters as search criteria and returning true if a matching function has been found and removed.
template<typename EventTag , typename Class , typename EventArg , typename EventHandler >
bool Unbind (const EventTag &eventType, void(Class::*method)(EventArg &), EventHandler *handler, int id=wxID_ANY, int lastId=wxID_ANY, wxObject *userData=NULL)
 See the Unbind<>(const EventTag&, Functor, int, int, wxObject*) overload for more info.
void * GetClientData () const
 Returns user-supplied client data.
wxClientDataGetClientObject () const
 Returns a pointer to the user-supplied client data object.
void SetClientData (void *data)
 Sets user-supplied client data.
void SetClientObject (wxClientData *data)
 Set the client data object.
bool GetEvtHandlerEnabled () const
 Returns true if the event handler is enabled, false otherwise.
wxEvtHandlerGetNextHandler () const
 Returns the pointer to the next handler in the chain.
wxEvtHandlerGetPreviousHandler () const
 Returns the pointer to the previous handler in the chain.
void SetEvtHandlerEnabled (bool enabled)
 Enables or disables the event handler.
virtual void SetNextHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
 Sets the pointer to the next handler.
virtual void SetPreviousHandler (wxEvtHandler *handler)
 Sets the pointer to the previous handler.
void Unlink ()
 Unlinks this event handler from the chain it's part of (if any); then links the "previous" event handler to the "next" one (so that the chain won't be interrupted).
bool IsUnlinked () const
 Returns true if the next and the previous handler pointers of this event handler instance are NULL.
- Public Member Functions inherited from wxObject
 wxObject ()
 Default ctor; initializes to NULL the internal reference data.
 wxObject (const wxObject &other)
 Copy ctor.
virtual ~wxObject ()
virtual wxClassInfoGetClassInfo () const
 This virtual function is redefined for every class that requires run-time type information, when using the wxDECLARE_CLASS macro (or similar).
wxObjectRefDataGetRefData () const
 Returns the wxObject::m_refData pointer, i.e. the data referenced by this object.
bool IsKindOf (const wxClassInfo *info) const
 Determines whether this class is a subclass of (or the same class as) the given class.
bool IsSameAs (const wxObject &obj) const
 Returns true if this object has the same data pointer as obj.
void Ref (const wxObject &clone)
 Makes this object refer to the data in clone.
void SetRefData (wxObjectRefData *data)
 Sets the wxObject::m_refData pointer.
void UnRef ()
 Decrements the reference count in the associated data, and if it is zero, deletes the data.
void UnShare ()
 This is the same of AllocExclusive() but this method is public.
void operator delete (void *buf)
 The delete operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier WXDEBUG is defined.
void * operator new (size_t size, const wxString &filename=NULL, int lineNum=0)
 The new operator is defined for debugging versions of the library only, when the identifier WXDEBUG is defined.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
static void AddFilter (wxEventFilter *filter)
 Add an event filter whose FilterEvent() method will be called for each and every event processed by wxWidgets.
static void RemoveFilter (wxEventFilter *filter)
 Remove a filter previously installed with AddFilter().
- Protected Member Functions inherited from wxEvtHandler
virtual bool TryBefore (wxEvent &event)
 Method called by ProcessEvent() before examining this object event tables.
virtual bool TryAfter (wxEvent &event)
 Method called by ProcessEvent() as last resort.
- Protected Attributes inherited from wxObject
 Pointer to an object which is the object's reference-counted data.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

wxMenu::wxMenu ( )

Constructs a wxMenu object.

wxMenu::wxMenu ( long  style)

Constructs a wxMenu object.

styleIf set to wxMENU_TEAROFF, the menu will be detachable (wxGTK only).
wxMenu::wxMenu ( const wxString title,
long  style = 0 

Constructs a wxMenu object with a title.

titleTitle at the top of the menu (not always supported).
styleIf set to wxMENU_TEAROFF, the menu will be detachable (wxGTK only).
virtual wxMenu::~wxMenu ( )

Destructor, destroying the menu.

Under Motif, a popup menu must have a valid parent (the window it was last popped up on) when being destroyed. Therefore, make sure you delete or re-use the popup menu before destroying the parent window. Re-use in this context means popping up the menu on a different window from last time, which causes an implicit destruction and recreation of internal data structures.

Member Function Documentation

wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Append ( int  id,
const wxString item = wxEmptyString,
const wxString helpString = wxEmptyString,
wxItemKind  kind = wxITEM_NORMAL 

Adds a menu item.

idThe menu command identifier.
itemThe string to appear on the menu item. See wxMenuItem::SetItemLabel() for more details.
helpStringAn optional help string associated with the item. By default, the handler for the wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT event displays this string in the status line.


m_pFileMenu->Append(ID_NEW_FILE, "&New file\tCTRL+N", "Creates a new XYZ document");

or even better for stock menu items (see wxMenuItem::wxMenuItem):

m_pFileMenu->Append(wxID_NEW, "", "Creates a new XYZ document");
This command can be used after the menu has been shown, as well as on initial creation of a menu or menubar.
See Also
AppendSeparator(), AppendCheckItem(), AppendRadioItem(), AppendSubMenu(), Insert(), SetLabel(), GetHelpString(), SetHelpString(), wxMenuItem
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Append ( int  id,
const wxString item,
wxMenu subMenu,
const wxString helpString = wxEmptyString 

Adds a submenu.

This function is deprecated, use AppendSubMenu() instead.
idThe menu command identifier.
itemThe string to appear on the menu item.
subMenuPull-right submenu.
helpStringAn optional help string associated with the item. By default, the handler for the wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT event displays this string in the status line.
See Also
AppendSeparator(), AppendCheckItem(), AppendRadioItem(), AppendSubMenu(), Insert(), SetLabel(), GetHelpString(), SetHelpString(), wxMenuItem
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Append ( wxMenuItem menuItem)

Adds a menu item object.

This is the most generic variant of Append() method because it may be used for both items (including separators) and submenus and because you can also specify various extra properties of a menu item this way, such as bitmaps and fonts.

menuItemA menuitem object. It will be owned by the wxMenu object after this function is called, so do not delete it yourself.
See the remarks for the other Append() overloads.
See Also
AppendSeparator(), AppendCheckItem(), AppendRadioItem(), AppendSubMenu(), Insert(), SetLabel(), GetHelpString(), SetHelpString(), wxMenuItem
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::AppendCheckItem ( int  id,
const wxString item,
const wxString help = wxEmptyString 

Adds a checkable item to the end of the menu.

See Also
Append(), InsertCheckItem()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::AppendRadioItem ( int  id,
const wxString item,
const wxString help = wxEmptyString 

Adds a radio item to the end of the menu.

All consequent radio items form a group and when an item in the group is checked, all the others are automatically unchecked.

Radio items are not supported under wxMotif.
See Also
Append(), InsertRadioItem()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::AppendSeparator ( )

Adds a separator to the end of the menu.

See Also
Append(), InsertSeparator()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::AppendSubMenu ( wxMenu submenu,
const wxString text,
const wxString help = wxEmptyString 

Adds the given submenu to this menu.

text is the text shown in the menu for it and help is the help string shown in the status bar when the submenu item is selected.

See Also
Insert(), Prepend()
virtual void wxMenu::Attach ( wxMenuBar menubar)
virtual void wxMenu::Break ( )

Inserts a break in a menu, causing the next appended item to appear in a new column.

void wxMenu::Check ( int  id,
bool  check 

Checks or unchecks the menu item.

idThe menu item identifier.
checkIf true, the item will be checked, otherwise it will be unchecked.
See Also
bool wxMenu::Delete ( int  id)

Deletes the menu item from the menu.

If the item is a submenu, it will not be deleted. Use Destroy() if you want to delete a submenu.

idId of the menu item to be deleted.
See Also
FindItem(), Destroy(), Remove()
bool wxMenu::Delete ( wxMenuItem item)

Deletes the menu item from the menu.

If the item is a submenu, it will not be deleted. Use Destroy() if you want to delete a submenu.

itemMenu item to be deleted.
See Also
FindItem(), Destroy(), Remove()
bool wxMenu::Destroy ( int  id)

Deletes the menu item from the menu.

If the item is a submenu, it will be deleted. Use Remove() if you want to keep the submenu (for example, to reuse it later).

idId of the menu item to be deleted.
See Also
FindItem(), Delete(), Remove()
bool wxMenu::Destroy ( wxMenuItem item)

Deletes the menu item from the menu.

If the item is a submenu, it will be deleted. Use Remove() if you want to keep the submenu (for example, to reuse it later).

itemMenu item to be deleted.
See Also
FindItem(), Delete(), Remove()
virtual void wxMenu::Detach ( )
void wxMenu::Enable ( int  id,
bool  enable 

Enables or disables (greys out) a menu item.

idThe menu item identifier.
enabletrue to enable the menu item, false to disable it.
See Also
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::FindChildItem ( int  id,
size_t *  pos = NULL 
) const

Finds the menu item object associated with the given menu item identifier and, optionally, the position of the item in the menu.

Unlike FindItem(), this function doesn't recurse but only looks at the direct children of this menu.

idThe identifier of the menu item to find.
posIf the pointer is not NULL, it is filled with the item's position if it was found or (size_t)wxNOT_FOUND otherwise.
Menu item object or NULL if not found.
virtual int wxMenu::FindItem ( const wxString itemString) const

Finds the menu id for a menu item string.

itemStringMenu item string to find.
Menu item identifier, or wxNOT_FOUND if none is found.
Any special menu codes are stripped out of source and target strings before matching.
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::FindItem ( int  id,
wxMenu **  menu = NULL 
) const

Finds the menu item object associated with the given menu item identifier and, optionally, the (sub)menu it belongs to.

idMenu item identifier.
menuIf the pointer is not NULL, it will be filled with the item's parent menu (if the item was found)
Menu item object or NULL if none is found.
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::FindItemByPosition ( size_t  position) const

Returns the wxMenuItem given a position in the menu.

virtual wxString wxMenu::GetHelpString ( int  id) const

Returns the help string associated with a menu item.

idThe menu item identifier.
The help string, or the empty string if there is no help string or the item was not found.
See Also
SetHelpString(), Append()
wxWindow* wxMenu::GetInvokingWindow ( ) const
wxString wxMenu::GetLabel ( int  id) const

Returns a menu item label.

idThe menu item identifier.
The item label, or the empty string if the item was not found.
See Also
GetLabelText(), SetLabel()
wxString wxMenu::GetLabelText ( int  id) const

Returns a menu item label, without any of the original mnemonics and accelerators.

idThe menu item identifier.
The item label, or the empty string if the item was not found.
See Also
GetLabel(), SetLabel()
size_t wxMenu::GetMenuItemCount ( ) const

Returns the number of items in the menu.

wxMenuItemList& wxMenu::GetMenuItems ( )

Returns the list of items in the menu.

wxMenuItemList is a pseudo-template list class containing wxMenuItem pointers, see wxList.

const wxMenuItemList& wxMenu::GetMenuItems ( ) const

Returns the list of items in the menu.

wxMenuItemList is a pseudo-template list class containing wxMenuItem pointers, see wxList.

wxMenu* wxMenu::GetParent ( ) const
long wxMenu::GetStyle ( ) const
const wxString& wxMenu::GetTitle ( ) const

Returns the title of the menu.

See Also
wxWindow* wxMenu::GetWindow ( ) const
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Insert ( size_t  pos,
wxMenuItem menuItem 

Inserts the given item before the position pos.

Inserting the item at position GetMenuItemCount() is the same as appending it.

See Also
Append(), Prepend()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Insert ( size_t  pos,
int  id,
const wxString item = wxEmptyString,
const wxString helpString = wxEmptyString,
wxItemKind  kind = wxITEM_NORMAL 

Inserts the given item before the position pos.

Inserting the item at position GetMenuItemCount() is the same as appending it.

See Also
Append(), Prepend()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Insert ( size_t  pos,
int  id,
const wxString text,
wxMenu submenu,
const wxString help = wxEmptyString 

Inserts the given submenu before the position pos.

text is the text shown in the menu for it and help is the help string shown in the status bar when the submenu item is selected.

See Also
AppendSubMenu(), Prepend()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::InsertCheckItem ( size_t  pos,
int  id,
const wxString item,
const wxString helpString = wxEmptyString 

Inserts a checkable item at the given position.

See Also
Insert(), AppendCheckItem()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::InsertRadioItem ( size_t  pos,
int  id,
const wxString item,
const wxString helpString = wxEmptyString 

Inserts a radio item at the given position.

See Also
Insert(), AppendRadioItem()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::InsertSeparator ( size_t  pos)

Inserts a separator at the given position.

See Also
Insert(), AppendSeparator()
bool wxMenu::IsAttached ( ) const
bool wxMenu::IsChecked ( int  id) const

Determines whether a menu item is checked.

idThe menu item identifier.
true if the menu item is checked, false otherwise.
See Also
bool wxMenu::IsEnabled ( int  id) const

Determines whether a menu item is enabled.

idThe menu item identifier.
true if the menu item is enabled, false otherwise.
See Also
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Prepend ( wxMenuItem item)

Inserts the given item at position 0, i.e. before all the other existing items.

See Also
Append(), Insert()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Prepend ( int  id,
const wxString item = wxEmptyString,
const wxString helpString = wxEmptyString,
wxItemKind  kind = wxITEM_NORMAL 

Inserts the given item at position 0, i.e. before all the other existing items.

See Also
Append(), Insert()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Prepend ( int  id,
const wxString text,
wxMenu submenu,
const wxString help = wxEmptyString 

Inserts the given submenu at position 0.

See Also
AppendSubMenu(), Insert()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::PrependCheckItem ( int  id,
const wxString item,
const wxString helpString = wxEmptyString 

Inserts a checkable item at position 0.

See Also
Prepend(), AppendCheckItem()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::PrependRadioItem ( int  id,
const wxString item,
const wxString helpString = wxEmptyString 

Inserts a radio item at position 0.

See Also
Prepend(), AppendRadioItem()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::PrependSeparator ( )

Inserts a separator at position 0.

See Also
Prepend(), AppendSeparator()
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Remove ( int  id)

Removes the menu item from the menu but doesn't delete the associated C++ object.

This allows you to reuse the same item later by adding it back to the menu (especially useful with submenus).

idThe identifier of the menu item to remove.
A pointer to the item which was detached from the menu.
wxMenuItem* wxMenu::Remove ( wxMenuItem item)

Removes the menu item from the menu but doesn't delete the associated C++ object.

This allows you to reuse the same item later by adding it back to the menu (especially useful with submenus).

itemThe menu item to remove.
A pointer to the item which was detached from the menu.
virtual void wxMenu::SetHelpString ( int  id,
const wxString helpString 

Sets an item's help string.

idThe menu item identifier.
helpStringThe help string to set.
See Also
void wxMenu::SetInvokingWindow ( wxWindow win)
void wxMenu::SetLabel ( int  id,
const wxString label 

Sets the label of a menu item.

idThe menu item identifier.
labelThe menu item label to set.
See Also
Append(), GetLabel()
void wxMenu::SetParent ( wxMenu parent)
virtual void wxMenu::SetTitle ( const wxString title)

Sets the title of the menu.

titleThe title to set.
Notice that you can only call this method directly for the popup menus, to change the title of a menu that is part of a menu bar you need to use wxMenuBar::SetLabelTop().
See Also
void wxMenu::UpdateUI ( wxEvtHandler source = NULL)

Sends events to source (or owning window if NULL) to update the menu UI.

This is called just before the menu is popped up with wxWindow::PopupMenu, but the application may call it at other times if required.